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(Shawn taylor is seen strolling out of the hotel block in the early hours of the morning with a sinister smile on his face. He then walks to the parking lot and gets into his car and speeds off. Taylor is then seen parking in another parking lot and walking into a cafe. He gets himself a slice of apple pie and a cup of coffee. He walks over to a table and starts to eat. Suddenly his cell phone rings so he answers it.)

Shawn Taylor- Hello?...... Oh hi babes...... Yeah I thought that you needed some rest and thats why I left............... No of course not, what makes you think that I dont like you?.............. Oh, nah its just Hurricane being an idiot............ Yes I do hate him.......... I know its just everything seems to be building up against me. I mean first if it isn't enough Hurricane has to burn my belt and bring back bad memorys, then when I'm finally making that jackass suffer his brand new buddy has to come along and cost me the match....... Yes Kurt Angle, the "Olympic Gold Medalist" that is yet another bufoon that can't hack getting his ass kicked once by me is enough so he has to come back for more....................... Yeah well whatever Hurricanes "surprise" he has prepared for me it wont exactualy be interesting will it, I mean afterall Hurricane and Interesting dont fit together................. Oh and if that isn't enough I now have to face off against War Machine for the no.1contndership for the NWA title...................... Of course I'll win, and I'll do it just for you............ yeah ok love you too....... Bye!

(Taylor puts his cell phone down and takes a sip from his cup of coffee. After Taylor is finished eating his slice of apple pie, drinking his coffee and reading the paper he stands up and walks towards the exit when a worker looks up at him.)

Worker- Hey............ arn't you the famous Shawn Taylor?

Shawn Taylor- Yeah thats me, and before you ask no I dont care about what Hurricanes surprise is. Not only that but notice how Hurricane can't beat me one on one so he has to get his freind Kurt Angle to help him out. But most of all I was expecting for him to at least hire someone with desency to do his dirty work but it seems that he can't. I mean even that idiot citizen Storm or whatever the hell his name is has probably got more sense and decentsy than Angle and thats a major insult. But most of all now, not even do I have more problems with the Hurricane being a raving baboon like he always has done and will be but now War Machine is on the scene. I mean I've heard what he's been saying that I'm going to be in a fight for my life and all that but it cleary shows how little he actually knows about me. I mean yeah its gonna be a struggle to beat him but hell, my lifes been a struggle. I mean, after im through with kicking this guys ass I will be no.1 contender for the NWA title and I'm not letting a chance like this go down easily. Afterall War Machine has been in this fed longer than me, hell he's probably won more matchs and gold than me, but has he been through as much hell as me? Has he gone through mental suffering throughout his entire life? This match I'm having with him, it wont be easy but hell, it'll be like a walk in the park for me.

Worker- Well good luck Shawn, havn't you ever tried to find your paren.......

Shawn Taylor- SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Worker- Sorry, I suppose thats a touchy subject with you eh?

Shawn Taylor- Too damn right. I'm tired, I need to go back to that lovely bird Molly, who may I say to you is good in bed. Well Hurricane didn't make much use of her because he was so interested in Kurt Angle and Citizen Storm so the poor chick needs something to get her happy, and thats me. Now if you'll excuse me I've got to go to the gym.

(Taylor push's past the worker and walks down some stairs as the camera fades out.)