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»Back and Badder Than Ever!!«
»¦ Lita ¦«
» Lita-zistable «
Used: LITA
Mentioned: Lita
Record: W-L-D:0-0-0
¤» Disclaimer«¤ Sorry its short and un original I have a huge schdule and dont have time to make a big debut when i dont have much info to do.
The crowd one by one standing to their feet as a familiar tune they have been dieing to hear for 16 months begins as Lita walks out center stage slightly out of shape from when she left the public eye April 3rd 2002.

»Back from a 16 month Injury Leave«

She slides into the ring and waves to the fans as she receives her microphone.

She stands there nervous yet overjoyed at the same time.

She smiles and begins to speak to the crowd about her long waited return.

Lita: IT JUST FEELS RIGHT... It feels right to be back, to be home to the WWE!

Crowd Cheers almost as if at a prep rally. Just as Lita goes to speak again the fans start to chant "Lita Lita Lita". She blushes and speaks over them, the fans slowly beginning to quiet down and listen.

Lita:I have spent hours, nights, days, blood, sweat, and tears dreaming and preparing for the day when I might one day return and join my place amongst the community... I AM BACK and I am gonna be BADDER THAN EVER!

Lita She drops the microphone and heads back to the back of the locker room area. Stopping at the top and turns around smiling and watching her fans as they all chant her name again. She waves in the area and continues to walks back through the curtain.

»Back and Badder then ever!«
The Comeback Queen: Lita

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