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Amy's World!!!

Hey all you strange people who took time to come and visit my wacky site. Glad you could join the party. A little bit about my self: I am a Marshall Univesity Student studying Family and Child Development(Daycare for all the slow people out there.) I am 23 and loving it, and am a 5th year senior, praying that I can actually leave this place. Nothing against West Virginia, but I miss my family in NJ. Yes, I am from the great state(I keep trying to convence myself that it is great) New Jersey.

Favorite Things!

I love to watch movies when I am not busy and talking to my friends online. I am also a big wrestling fan. With my favorite wrestlers being: Stone Cold, Hurricane, Mr. X(independant league), Jota Esa The Geek(independant league), Shawn Micheals, and RVD. I also roleplay for a few leagues. Shout outs go to XwwA and AwF. In XwwA, I am The Queen Bitch Beulah and in AwF, I am the Legendary Goddess Sable. Also in a few generated leagues like: BAD, SCWF, and LOC

Journal: Go check out what goes on in my head. I warn you it is quite scary.(Recently updated-March 7)(Extra Extra, read all about me!)


Just a few photos of me or of my favorite wrestlers. I will try to update it when I get a chance.(School sucks, sorry) By the way, please ask permission to use the wrestling pics.(I just added some news pictures.-Feb 18) My email is at the bottom of the page!(click for pics page)


A few of my favorite Links. Check them out if you have a chance.


Former World Wrestling Fed, was the first fed I ever watched or attended a live event


More Extreme than ECW. XMCW comes out of Nitro, WV and host such wrestlers as Mr. X, Jota Esa The Geek, The Phenom, The Furious Foundation, and Mr. Attitude!

The Geeks official website!

Check out Jota Esa thoughts on why it is cool to be a geek in XMCW!

The Hurricane

Home of the Hurricane.

Contact Info!!

AIM= AngeHv7

Thanks for visiting my site. I will try to update every so often. Have a nice night!