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NameRoleplay NumberCareer HistoryPeople Ment.
Amy1NWAMcKinzie Adair
*The Dark One*

*Note* This Layout was made by Ashley Piccone.
*If you would like a copy please ask me first just dont take it.*
Career History
Sister of McKinzie Adair
Nwa Bombshell

*Amy Adair*

*Role Play 1*

The scene opens up as we see Amy walking in the hallway by the Womens Locker room. As Amy gets to the Locker room door. She starts to think to herself.

Amy- Wonder how much of a bitch my sister is going to be today? I really cant wait till I go in here and put her in her place, it sure is gonna be great to see the look on her face when I come busting through that door. Hmmmmmmm, you know I really think this is going to be great im goign to beat my whore of a sister, and then I will run her out of this business forever.

Amy then walks a little closer to the Womens Locker room door and listens to just what exactly her sister is doing. After she finds out that McKinzie is on her cell phone as per usual she then waits till she hangs the phone up and counts to three as she then busts through the door.

As Amy walks in through the door McKinzie gets a confused look on her face and says

McKinzie- What are you doing here.. don't you have some kind of freak thing to be doing? Like killing a dog or something?

Amy- Oh sister sister you really are funny. But you see the reason i came here was to give you a little piece of my mind. So im going to suggest that you listen and listen well.

Amy then walks up a little closer to McKinzie and then pushes her up against a wall and begins to say.

Amy- You know McKinzie you really dont have a clue do you? You really sdont understand what its liek to be me. You see i wasnt a rich little bitch like you were. Daddy didnt give me everything I wanted, I learned to work for the things I wanted. And do you know what I want really really bad McKinzie? Huh do you? Thats to see your pretty little face bleed. Well you know there is one other thing that I want.. but im sure I can get him later. So tell me McKinzie how is that hot little man of yours doing? You know I could really see my self with Mike. Dont you think so? I mean come on her cant really be that much into the stupid blonde thing.

As McKinzie is just looking at Amy shaking her head she doenst say anything. Amy knowing that her talking about Omega bothers McKinzie so she keeps it up.

Amy- You know McKinzie after i do beat you maybe Mike will realize what type of women he really needs. DOnt you think so? I mean come on dont you think Amy Omega has a ring to it?

McKinzie then just shakes her head and says to her sister.....

McKinzie- I swaer to god you stay away from Mike.. Or..

Amy- or what McKinzie huh what are you gonna do to me beat me over the head with your Prada bag? Wait or better yet sick your little dog on me?

As McKinzie just stands there she just gives her sister a mean look while she listens to Amy say.

Amy- Oh McKinzie you know have you ever felt that you found the one person that you really like that you really get along with? Well picture that in your head right now...

Amy then waits for a few seconds and then says

Amy- Now picture that person in your head. Let me guess Mike right.. Now...think of him being ripped away from you jsut like that and you never getting to see him again.

Amy- Better becareful McKinzie cuz you never know what could happen. See ya at our match dear sister. Oh by the way tell Mike I said hello.

McKinzie then just stands there as Amy walks out the door. As Amy is walking out the door she thinks to her self..

Amy- Why didnt i think out this a bit ago... pulling Mike from McKinzie I have it made.

Amy then walks to her car and picks up her phone.

_Sene Ends_

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