[EWL] Triple H [EWL]




The Game

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.::[ Scene: Raw Is War Live!- 9:12 PM ]::.

---[[ The Scene opens up with a camera wandering its way down the EWL superstar/locker room hallway. The camera makes it way down the halls awhile longer but than stop directly in front of the door with the label "McMahon-Helmsley" on it. The cameras go inside of the McMahon-Helmsleys locker room. Triple H is pacing back and forth as his wife Stephanie tries to calm him down. He continues to pace agressively as Stephanie looks up into his eyes. ]]--

(<>)~'Top Bitch' Stephanie McMahon~(<>) Hunter, will you clam down please... its not that big of a deal I mean the nWo attacked you from behind on Raw. Youll get your revenge tonight babe just sit down and forget about it.

|::|-'The Game' Triple H-|::| Forget about it? you want me to forget about these punks that are running around loose thinking they own the place? Steve Austin thinks he owns the damn place now that hes "The Leader Of The nWo" Who the hell cares... I sure as hell dont and so what if I decide I want to give Austin a piece of my mind a few hours early and beat his ass now. He wants to attack me from behind on raw and than step in my way onto that EWL world title I dont think so Steph im going to teach him a lesson hell never forget. Im going to put him through pain he never thought imaginable, and ill love every second of itIf he thinks for just one damn minute that he can pull a fast one on me and get away from it, hes wrong... dead wrong. Him and his little band of followers cant compete with my motivation to become EWL's first ever world champion. Austins just going to have too live with the fact that he pissed me off days before he should have. Right now I should be enjoying myself and Austin should also be minding his own business that way come monday I dont totally beat his ass. But he decided to go the hard path, choose the wrong way, and thats piss me off within a matter of days that he steps in the ring with me thats a huge mistake and ill make him pay... personally, first hand for it. Hes damn right im the best in the business and hes damn right im the toughest son of a bitch to step into that ring. [Triple H stops pacing and Stares at the TV with Austins promo playing] Look at this... who the hell does he think he is? He honestly thinks he stands a rats ass of a chance in beating me? Honest to god he thinks he meets up with 'The Game'?! You have to be kidding me. 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin is nothing but a joke Steph. And it pisses me off that hes still on his own two feet and im going to put an end to that tonight. No more beer drinking, no more stupid fans chanting what, and no more Steve Austin. Just me going to no way out and becoming the NEW EWL World Heavyweight Champ. Because this match is everything, its to see who has the brass and who has the testicular fortitude to make it to the top, to go to No Way Out and give it your all and im just thta man. Steve Austin isnt the man for the job hes just a pathetic little bald redneck that needs 4 other guys to help him out. Im going to take out every agression, every emotion, and ever ounce of strength I have on this man and the last think he wants is to piss me off hours before he gets into the ring with me. Hes stupider than he looks and hes going to begin to regret it when he feels the pain that I bring upon him tonight. Ill spread the word that the EWL world title belongs to me and me only and any man that wants to make the choice to step into my way will be dealt with, one way... or another...

(<>)~'Top Bitch' Stephanie McMahon~(<>) Hunter, please sit down...

Triple H looks away from the TV with a dark glare and than looks into his wifes eyes. He sits down as Stephanie puts her hand in his, holding his hand.

(<>)~'Top Bitch' Stephanie McMahon~(<>) Now Hunter youve got to controll your anger. What would happen if you went and totally beat the hell out of Stone Cold right now?! Youd be suspended, or, or, youd be fired! we cant have that your days away from becoming EWL's world champion and the last thing you need to do is go and get yourself suspended. Dont waist your time on Steve hes nothing. What you need to focus on is No Way Out! Thats what you need the most, once you win that world title youll be unstoppable! no one will be able to beta you! and me and you will go on a vacation and will be on our way to wrestlemania and youll have that world title around your waist and no one will be able to beat you, Yeah!!! Thats what youve gotta do Hunter, dont worry about Stone Cold, dont worry about the nWo, just worry about the gold!!!

Triple H looks as if hes thinking to himself. He smirks and than stands up. Stephanie looks at him with a confused look as Triple H stands up, and leaves the room.

(<>)~'Top Bitch' Stephanie McMahon~(<>) Hunter, where are you going?!

The cameras leave a confused Stephanie McMahon inside of the locker room as they follow Triple H down the hallway. Triple H walks a bit down the hall, around a few turns and than hits open a door with the label of "The Rock" on it. The crowd cheers at the sight of this as The Rock is shown. His back faced to the doorway as the words "Just Bring It!" can be seen. Triple H barges into the room as The Rock turns around and is ready for any kind of offensive attack.

//:\\-"The Peoples Champ" The Rock-//:\\ What in The Blue hell are you doing here Triple H? Right here In The Rock's locker room! The Rock didnt invite you, theres no party, no meeting, so what are you... doing... in The Rock's... locker room?!

The Rock & Triple H

|::|-'The Game' Triple H-|::| Ill tell ya what im doin here Rock. You and me got our ass's kicked last monday on Raw. Last week we were jumped from behind from the nWo and im here because me and you... we can make a deal. Now I in no way... need your help... and im sure you dont want mine but when it comes down to it four against one just isnt fair. So Rock you interested?

//:\\-"The Peoples Champ" The Rock-//:\\ Triple H, you come barging in The Rock's room. Coming into The Rock's locker room like a wild animal, like some, Crazy Orangatang! and you want to know if The Rock... is down... with a deal? Well Triple H, The Game, The Cerebral Assassin!!! The Rock is listening...

--[[ Triple H smirks as The Rock raises his eyebrow and the cameras audio cuts off. Than the camera fades to black as the EWL leaves the fans wondering just what Rock and Triple H are tlaking about. ]]--