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   Words of Knowledge

Once again a federation finds itself in dire need of a hero--a savior, a newborn Jesus Christ. In a land where death seems inevitable, a hero embarks himself on a journey to rescue those in need of saving. In this case, it is an entire federation which positions itself atop this crumbling pedestal. There feeble cry for help has been answered, by the most unlikely source, myself.

Go ahead, laugh. I'm almost daring you--it wouldn't be the first time you know. There have been numerous occasions in the past where I've found myself in this position. The here, the new source of destruction, under-rated...over-rated...I don't care for your assumptions. Yes, I participated in the United Wrestling Federation. Looks like the over-rated meters are about to explode through the roof, don't you think?

Forget it, your inescapable remarks will fall on deaf ears. I've heard it before, and I certainly do not need to hear it again. Your arguments are weak, your federation weaker.

For once it appears as if the clouds shall part--allowing a new hero to step through the boundaries. For so long your kind has followed false leaders and prophets such as Abyss, Enigma, Shade...For too long you've allowed yourselves to be subject to their sick and twisted theories. Their era ends now...

...and so quietly, mine begins.



Looking out at the world below him, he stood upon the ledge of the building. Standing upon the roof, clearing his mind from all that has happened and focusing on the tasks that lay before him. He had told his personal camera crew  to meet him here. Their office was only a few blocks away, in the business area of New York City so it didn't take them long to show up. Not long at all as they set up the equipment to produce the best possible promo for him that they could. As usual, Ralph Jones, his personal camera man, had taken quite an interest in Konway's promos, knowing that he tended to say some pretty bizarre and breath taking things at times. But as the crew finished setting up, Ralph walked up to Konway, letting him know that they were ready. Konway nodded as he had waited patiently for them to show up as well as set everything up. The cameraman positioned himself as the "American Sensation" turned around, jumping down from the ledge, to the floor below and then sat upon the ledge of the building with one foot propped up. His right arm rested atop his right knee while he looked towards the camera. With Ralph Jones and the rest of the crew off to the side and out of the way the camera began recording. Konway saw the red light flashing and took it as his cue to begin speaking.

"I've waited a for nearly a year now for this moment...I come back to Destruction and I am told that I am fired? Well your plans blow up in your face all the time don't they Mr. Chaos? Even though Kon Artis and myself have never looked each other in the eye, even though we hate each other so badly we would kill each other...Kon Artis did give me that six months contract. Now Chaos, you can make these six months I have a living hell...or you can just leave me will not make a difference Chaos. It surely will not make a difference. I will do what I am here for and that is to go back to the top of the ladder of success. Now I know you are not willing to give me a title shot because you hate my guts so much. But tell you what, I don't want the title shot...I want to earn my way like I did the first time I arrived here..."

Krazy Konway pauses to catch his breath then he gets up and walks around. He turns to the camera and smiles as he begins to speak...

"Anger, rage, hate. Three words which would commonly be associated with each other. Many people may think that they are one thing, simply named differently. This is not the case however, as the three things can take on complete surpassing ideas. The very entity of anger is nothing more than stored up negative feelings, often thought of as aggressive. But if it's aggressiveness you're talking about, then it's rage. A step up from anger perhaps? Maybe, but rage takes on a whole new idea of action. Anger need not necessarily involve provoking someone or something, or even more than mere feelings. Rage contains sentiments of aggression and action. Hate. What is hate? When you feel hatred for someone, does that mean you want nothing more than for them to perish? What if you only happened to hate a certain aspect? Hate is based on many different levels, but often is the cause of developed anger or rage. When there is a particular level of hate, you know when the time is right. You realize exactly what the situation is. But the thing is, true hate is dealt with swiftly, and effectively. Hate is not hate, unless it has a message attached to it. Few people understand what true hatred is all about, nor have they ever felt it. But does this level of hate truly exist among us? Well, I'll leave that up to my next opponent to decide…"

He makes a quick pause then continues...

"You know Chris Lane a person can completely flip from one thing to another as soon as he becomes inspired. All it takes is a little inspiration and a person can move the mountains if he so desired. Inspiration is probably the best thing that any man can hope for. Aside from the material things that everyone wants inspiration is definitely the best. Inspiration can be the thing that drives you to go out and work harder than you ever have and go for those material things. It can be hard to comprehend just how much inspiration plays a role in everyone’s lives. The marketing genius who has not had a good idea in years can step out of his office and look at the clear blue sky and be inspired to do his best work in years. The movie executive that sees an old movie can become inspired to make the greatest film ever. Those are the good sides of inspiration, the sides that make you feel warm inside when you think about them. Then there are the bad things that can inspire a man. The man who watches as his family is murdered takes that and exacts a murderous revenge that makes things worse than before. Inspiration is a two way street in that effect, that is why one must always have the right directions."

He smiles to the camera then he continues to speak...

"That is why one must always take the right path or face getting himself into much more trouble than is needed. Finding your inspiration is something that you cannot just go out and find, inspiration finds you. Many people do not realize that so they go out trying to find a way to inspire themselves. The man who decides to take drugs so that he can become inspired to write a great novel or paint the most beautiful painting ever. Maybe it will inspire them a little but at what cost? Your life is how they pay for that inspiration because the ideas will stop one day and any kind of inspiration that you find yourself will eventually become useless. In wrestling people go looking for inspiration all the time. They look for it in the fans and they look for it in there friends inside the business. They do not realize that when they stop looking for it then it will truly come in its most pure form. When one day they stare down at there opponent and then look at the fans then true inspiration comes to you. Then you leap with your most devastating move and end up showing who you are to the entire world. Then it is glory, then you reach happiness in this business."


"Happiness is not having a major title and it is not being loved by everyone that sees you. True happiness in this business is knowing that every time you go out into the ring you are doing your best and you are making sure people are entertained. That is why I am still in this business, aside from my main cause of course. I have been inspired now and am now truly ready to reach the top of the world quickly, you on the other hand still need to look for your inspiration. It will come to you but it wont be in the form of what you want. Your inspiration will be in the form of me coming down on them like an avalanche of power and greatness. You will be very full of inspiration at Destruction this week when the Cage Match between us two comes, the guarantee is made."

Konway begins to laugh in front of the camera until the laugh stops and a frown comes to his face. He then grins and begins to speak.

"Time's counting down, Chris. The clock's ticking. There's only one more way to go. There's only one dream that matters, and that's because the dreamer is a professional. It's mine. And I will make it mine. This is my dream, and it's your reality. I've mastered my dream. The question now is...Are you a master of reality? Will you make my dream a nightmare in reality? Or will I make your reality one of those dreams that never come true? It all will come at its due time Chris all will start rolling up into a little ball and start making sense once the match goes underway. My...Chris Lane...I guess that Mr. Chaos has made you the chosen one. I guess he just put you in a tough dilemma. A major predicament that will only lead to the end of your career. Not only did he place you in a match against one of the toughest and most sadistic and determined superstar to ever roam the XWM but he made the match a Cage Match! He knows how intriguing and sick I get when it comes to a cage match...Chris Lane, fear this journey, for it will be your last, because your on a highway to hell!"

Krazy Konway gets on top of the ledge and begins to walk around on it, he then stops when he is in the corner of the ledge and turns to the camera...he grins and then begins to speak his mind.

"Now, lets leave Chris Lane alone for a while...lets talk about some other things which are more important than this rookie. Lets take my plans for the future for example...I plan in making this era, this new chapter of my career to be the best one ever. Knowing that there is a World Title or even an Undisputed Title waiting for me. There is a lot in store for the XWM and I can tell you now, that these 6 months I have, I will take the XWM to unprecedented heights that will make the ratings go up and will make the fans knock the roof off the arena...I am telling you ladies and gentlemen you have never seen someone so pumped up to be back as I am right now. Hell, I can name anything...and I mean anything that I did in the past but nothing can compare to what I have in store for all of you for these next 6 months..."

Krazy Konway makes a quick pause then continues to speak his words of knowledge...

"You know Chris, The mind can achieve such high levels of concentration that it can make anything possible. You can do anything you want with concentration, in that way it is a lot like inspiration. Only concentration takes over where inspiration ends. It allows you to follow through with everything that you have been inspired by. When you are concentrating another world can open up, you will finally see more than you thought you could. Most people who concentrate on something will never see that until they completely let go. When you let go of it all and then try to concentrate then you will see what I am speaking about. Maybe this is all just pointless dribble about something that nobody will understand. Concentrate though and then my words will begin to take part. Even when I am talking I can see the other world, my concentration is going all the time. When I look at this camera or when I look at my opponent standing across from me I am still concentrating. I concentrate on the match at hand, I also am concentrating on what I am really here for. You all know my real reasons for being here so I will not bore you all with hearing my reasons again. Just know that I am always concentrating on that even when it appears that I am not. Remember that appearances mean nothing when you cant see into the mind.


And so the story begins. A sad opening story I must say. If I were parents I wouldn't let my kids see it until they were old enough to understand pain and fear. Because it's all about that. The fear that Chris Lane truly has for me, and the pain that I'm going to cause on him is truly breathtaking. It's the beginning of my legacy here. The legacy that has a blemish on it because of the fact that Mr. Chaos was going to fire me. The slate has been wiped clean for the time being, and I must step up to the plate. I don't think I'll have too much trouble considering I must face the superstar that needs to go find a nine to five job as a shrink instead of this business. This place has too much strength, and he is not capable of doing much except failing. It's sad really it almost makes me feel bad for him. But not enough for me to have pity on him. He is the one who is stupid enough to think he can succeed on Friday, so now I must show him a lesson he will never forget. The first chapter of my legacy begins Friday at a show that, pain, agony, and blood will run wild...and that is DESTRUCTION!"

He pauses to catch his breath

"I am not sure you know this, peeps, but I have studied nearly every single fighting technique known. I can kill a man ten different ways with each of my fingers. I care not a jot if you are Chris Lane, nor do I care if you are the strongest and tallest person in the world. I have defeated the masters of the most prestigious federations in the East, West, South, North...hell the list goes on. The kind of warrior who would have you flat on your back in seconds. Come Friday, I will teach you the meaning of respect, and pain! I ask of you, to remember something of your historical studies. Lane, if you did study, recall, if you would, what happened to Napoleon Bonaparte, the brilliant fascist dictator of France during the early years of the nineteenth century. Delighted with his advances throughout Europe, Boney was over-confident, like you will probably be. Napoleon thought, foolishly, that he could overwhelm the forces of Tzar Nicholas of Russia in three months, therefore getting his French bum back home to Paris by Christmas. However, as we all know, he didn’t. He lost his army in Russia, weakening him enough so that The Duke of Wellington could massacre what remained at Waterloo, banishing Napoleon to Corsica where he spent the rest of his days peeling Spuds and having bad dysentery. Of course, you, if you lose Friday, you won’t have dysentery but I feel that this is an important lesson in the perils of over confidence. It blinds a man, making him impervious to danger, to risks. Worry from now till Friday, Chris, for you are about to be shocked. Ladies and Gentlemen, until this eve"


                              Scene begins to fade away