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>>Al Ambrose has been asked this week by SLAM! Magazine to write a column about his experiences thus far in the XHWF, about his past opponents as well as his upcoming opponent Eric Tione, and to top it off, his Intercontinental Title shot at the upcoming Pay-Per-View Stardom. There will be other miscellaneous comments made by Ambrose as well regarding other issues which he has snuck into the article... His article is documented below...<<

>>Guest Columnist: Al Ambrose
>>Position: XHWF Superstar
>>Date: Friday, July 11th 2003

Dear SLAM! Readers,

It's an honor to be writing a column in SLAM! Magazine after all these years of reading the articles myself as an outsider, its a great feeling to have this opportunity. First off for those of you who aren't quite sure of who I am, you should be tuning into Monday Mayhem, but if somehow that has slipped your agenda, let me inform you! I joined up in the XHWF just over a month ago in which I debuted against Matt Madness, an excellent talent in the XHWF. It was a tough debut match, however I was able to pull out the victory and that sealed my place on the XHWF roster. After beating Madness I then defeated Kash Money and earned an Intercontinental Title shot at Whiplash in which I lost to former XHWF Superstar and Hall Of Famer, a true legend in my eyes... Viper! It was an epic battle between myself, a legend in the making, and an already established legend in Viper. I gave him my best but in the end his experience proved to be much too overpowering and he used his knowledge of the ring to put me away by placing his feet up on the ropes. Something only an icon and a smart man would do, something I wish that I would have thought of myself. Two weeks later Mayhem resumed and I was booked against a man who now is my brother "Prime Time" The Vine, and he pretty much annihilated me. I certainly was not myself for that matchup and it really showed in the pounding I took. The Intercontinental Title shot which I had blown two weeks before was still on my mind throughout that entire match... It wasn't until after the match had finished and a newcome Joe Black hit me with some cheap blind sided attack that I realized that I need to put away a blown opportunity and focus on my future. Thats what I did, Joe Black certainly picked the wrong time to be making his debut, and the wrong person to be picking on.

This past week Mayhem was definitely the most exciting show as of yet for me. Not only was I able to completely obliterate my opponent Joe Black, who had attacked me a week earlier but it was also announced that I will be getting another Intercontinental Title shot in a 6-Pack match sponsored by Busch Light where I will take on 5 other XHWF Superstars in a battle to find the next Intercontinental Champion... Best of all is that Viper will be the referee and although we had a heated battle in the ring at Whiplash, I know that I have gained his respect and that is something much deeper than any words that could ever be said. It's just my fifth week here and I've already gained the respect of the legends around here... That leads into my next topic which is the debuting of The Brotherhood. Last week on Mayhem just after Chill defeated Vine and several of the Syndicate members stormed the ring, we had Vine's back as The Brotherhood came in and cleared the ring protecting him. Myself, Adkins, Slade, Lindsay, and Vine make up The Brotherhood, and we are looking to completely dominate and become the strongest stable ever to emerge in the XHWF. With the return of Timmis de eXtreme back to the XHWF, The Syndicate has re-emerged as a powerful stable and The Brotherhood and Syndicate will be meeting up this coming Monday on Mayhem basically for bragging rights. I however will not be a part of that match as I have a hardcore match right before the main event against Eric Tione.

Tione is an excellent talent and he's proved himself over a long time here in the XHWF and I can't wait to get into the ring with him because it will give me a good understandance of where I sit in the XHWF. So far my biggest win has come against Matt Madness but I lost my other two big matchups against Viper and Vine, so this is sorta my shot at redemption. Tione just came off a very impressive win againt Papercutt Shinoda last week and I'm sure his ego is flying high, but for his sake I hope it's not flying too high because one should never underestimate me. I think back at Whiplash Viper underestimated me and I sure gave him one hell of a match for that title. I think I took him and the rest of the world by surprise in how well I stood up to him... There goes me relicking in the past again (haha)... Anyways though back to current, with Tione you gotta be really careful about each and every move that you attempt because just like last week Shinoda thought he had him in his finisher but Tione was able to reverse it and instead landed the Gettin' Down! And practically just landed on Cutt for the pin. It was a great matchup and I respect each of those two individuals very much, but when me and Tione step into that ring I will put all the respect and everything aside and it just comes down to the better man coming out with the pinfall.

I'm very excited with where I'm headed in the XHWF and I guarantee that you all will continue to see great things coming from me in the future. I'm gonna leave you with saying that everyone should tune into Monday Mayhem and to check your local listings for times, and I would also like to do a plug for Stardom which is coming up in a couple weeks. It's gonna be a great Pay-Per-View and as I said before I will be in a 6-Pack match for the Intercontinental Title. I'm getting the chance to pick up where I left off in my match against Viper at Whiplash and hopefully this time Al Ambrose will be wearing gold around his waist when he walks up that ramp after the match... It's been an honor and a privelige to write this column for you all this week in SLAM! Magazine and I thank you all for reading.

Yours Truly,
"The Chosen One"
Al Ambrose

>>Scene opens up at a charity basketball game being played at Arco Arena in Sacramento just days before Monday Mayhem will take over the arena. The event is being sponsored by Freevibe and is being held to benefit children fighting cancer. The two teams each have 7 players, enough for two people to come off the bench and in those 6 players, one of the players is from the Sacramento Kings. Everyone else on the team is of celebrity status. Al Ambrose is on a team with Mike Bibby, Method Man, Paul Walker, Ludacris, Christina Milan, and Carmen Elektra. The opposing team consists of Chris Webber, P.Diddy, Justin Timberlake, Ashton Kutcher, Jessica Simpson, and Christina Aguilera.<<

>>18,000 plus fans pack into the arena and over $500,000 dollars is raised to help benefit children fighting cancer. The game goes smoothly but it is apparent that basketball is NOT Ambrose's game, however it's all for a good cause and Freevibe is the main sponsor and you know for damn sure they are going to have their #1 client in the game. Ambrose's team loses due to the fact that Chris Webber was just too damn dominating and Ambrose's team had nobody who could defend him. Webber was named the game's MVP and in this case the MVP is the player who must put up the biggest donation. Webber put up a very large donation and Ambrose was the highest donator among all other players. After the game, a Sacramento wrestling radio show announcer catches up with The Chosen One and has a few questions for him...<<

>>Radio Show Announcer: Al Ambrose can I please get a moment of time for my show in the morning?<<

>>Al Ambrose: Well this isn't exactly ideal time to be talking wrestling, but sure I've got a little bit of time and then I gotta run because I'm delivering the check to the local children's hospital along with a few other of today's game participants.<<

>>Interview begins...<<

>>Radio Show Announcer: I'm here with XHWF Superstar Al Ambrose, who has just participated in the first annual Freevibe Children's Cancer Classic. What's it like to be participating in a basketball game which is designated for such a good cause, but then on Monday nights you are an entirely different person, hitting people over the head with chairs and things of that nature.<<

>>Al Ambrose: Well just because I'm a professional wrestler doesn't mean I've got no heart. I should think you would know this being a wrestling show announcer who I'm sure has talked to several hundred wrestlers in the past. But anyways it's a great feeling to be able to take part in both kinds of events. Wrestling on Mayhem is great and its a thrill, however there is nothing better than saving a life and giving back to the community and I'm sure no matter who you talk to in the wrestling industry, they will say the same thing.<<

>>Radio Show Announcer: Yes I didn't mean to offend you by that comment I just wanted to get it out there for the listeners at home... Alright now unfortunately you weren't able to get a win and it showed that basketball isn't quite your game, however you did put up 8 points and got quite a few rebounds. Those rebounds must come from your toughness which you've obtained from in the ring.<<

>>Al Ambrose: Ha yah well obviously basketball isn't for me but it was a lot of fun and it was definitely somewhat of a physical game so I could at least contend in the physical part of the game. Chris Webber was just too much for us but I mean the guy is 6'10" and plays basketball professionally. Of course my team gets the small professional basketball player in Mike Bibby, but he's a very talented player as well and it was a lot of fun playing with him, but he's no Chris Webber.<<

>>Radio Show Announcer: Alright now this coming week you will step into the ring against Eric Tione... Can you give me a prediction as to what we're gonna see this Monday when you two square off?<<

>>Al Ambrose: Haha well hopefully you will be seeing me get a pin on Tione. I mean he's a great opponent and a tough competitor and I'll just be happy with a victory, no matter how I'm able to pull it off. Tione's been around for awhile and he's got the experience which I lack however I'm catchin up and I think that I've matured into an XHWF Superstar quite fast. As many people know although I'm somewhat new in the XHWF I'm no spring chicken anymore and I've been in the business for quite some time. The XHWF has delivered way more than I expected to me in such a short time but I'm lovin it and just to have the opportunity to square off against such a great opponent as Eric Tione is an honor. However once I'm in that ring with him, it's just me and him and I'm confident that I will be able to put him on his back and get the three count and walk back up that ramp victorious. It would be a great feeling to hear Pamela Paulshock announce that Al Ambrose has defeated Eric Tione.<<

>>Radio Show Announcer: Yah I'm sure it would be a better feeling that having it be the reversed way, and Tione getting the preferable announcement from Ms. Paulshock... Now that you're in a stable with the President of the federation, Mr.Mike Lindsay himself, do you feel that you are receiving a different attitude from the other members on the roster. Any resentment or bad blood?<<

>>Al Ambrose: I think pretty much that everyone is treating me about the same, however I think everyone knows not to mess with The Brotherhood. Well that is with the exception of Syndicate. Let me revise my statement. Everyone with an I.Q. over 50 knows not to mess with The Brotherhood. And well I don't think Syndicate has a combined IQ of 50 between the 4 or 5 of them. I think the greatest thing about The Brotherhood is that we all come together and for a class act of citizens. Well maybe minus Adkins but so he's the rebel of the group, can you blame or find fault with the Champion? It's good to have someone that can spark up a little bad assness, not saying that the other members can't do it as well. I kinda like to think of myself as the member who keeps the act looking clean. Gives us great P.R. which leads to a bigger pop.<<

>>Radio Show Announcer: Well that concludes my interview here with Al Ambrose as he is now off to deliver the charity check to the hospital. Make sure to check Al Ambrose and all the other XHWF Superstars every Monday night. That's it from here at Arco Arena, where Freevibe's First Annual Children's Cancer Classic.<<
