Graham: Well, well, well, as our first show back draws to a close I have a few things to get off of my chest.

(The crowd is already booing Graham)

Graham: It seems there is a weasel back around these parts and that weasel goes by the name of Ted Benet, most of you may know him from his title reigns in the WxW. Anyways, he wants to cost my boys here their Tag Titles so I have a little match that I have thought about.

(The crowd begins chanting “asshole”)

Graham: First of it will take place next week, but not as the main event because any match with Ted Benet in it is clearly not main event material.

(The same chants continue to get louder and louder)

Graham: Ted Benet since you screwed over my boys in that tag match, I have found it upon myself to assign a little handi-cap match! In one corner it will be the one and only, Ted Benet against….

(The crowd pauses waiting for the names of Ted’s opponents)

Graham: The Xtr…… New Age Outsiders!!!! Ted Benet will be going head to head against G-Pac and P.M. Steel next week!!! Oh and that isn’t it. Hardcore Harry is your special referee, Ric Blade will be your timekeeper and I, Robert Graham will be the special enforcer!!!


Josh: Oh my God, what an announcement!

(The crowd can’t believe it and are cheering)

Josh: Who will the Xtremist’s and Graham favor? Ted Benet or the New Age Outsiders!?!

JJ: I don’t know but you can’t miss next week, we have so many things planned and setup.

Josh: We will see you later folks, we hope you enjoyed the first Hostile Grounds!