(As the scene fades in, the camera is following an ACCW employee through the backstage area of Hostile Grounds. Decorated in official ACCW garb, the burly man sports a red moustache, a fading hair line, and ACCW’s most prized possession: The Global Heavyweight Championship belt. As the man weaves through groups of people idly standing by, he shows great delicacy not to allow anyone to bump or even come close to the shiny medallion. Rounding a corner, however, he has no choice but to allow one individual a closer look as Hardcore Hansel takes a firm grip upon the man’s shoulder and halts him in his tracks.)

Hardcore Hansel: Well, isn’t this quite coincidental? The ACCW Global Heavyweight title, on its way to be hand-delivered to Mr. Ed.

(A poisonous sneer slides across Hansel’s face as he glares at the reflective metal.)

Hardcore Hansel: Power is a funny thing; once you taste it, you never forget it. In this sport, the only true representation of power is whether or not you don this title around your waist. For the moment, my waist is bare, but only temporarily.

(Raising his stare from the belt to the official who is openly intimidated, Hansel tightens his grip upon the man’s trapezius muscle.)

Hardcore Hansel: When you drop this title off to Mr. Ed, I want you to deliver a message to him…a message from Hardcore Hansel. You tell him, boldly, that his reign as preordained champion will run aground shortly. You tell him that Hansel has this sadistic look in his eye and a menacing touch to his hand. You tell him that if you were him, you’d avoid me at all costs. Tell him, otherwise I’ll have to make an example out of you.

(The man nods his head in obedience as Hansel lightens his grasp from the man’s shoulder. The man attempts to side-step Hansel and continue with his task but the blonde-haired madman grabs his collar and slings him against a beige painted wall.)

(Grunting in both shock and pain, the man relinquishes his hold on the championship belt and it falls to the ground. Rearing back, Hansel delivers a swift kick to the man’s abdomen. As the air exit’s the poor sap’s diaphragm, Hansel bends down and gets intensely close to the suffering official.)

Hardcore Hansel: I think a message delivered from a wounded dog would be more affective.

(In a flash, Hansel unleashes several punches to the side of the man’s head. In one final blow, Hardcore Hansel stomps on the back of the official’s head, causing it to ricochet off the cool cement floor. Scooping up the title belt, Hansel runs his fingers across the reflective surface. In a taunting swoop, Hansel rubs the title under the official’s nose, smearing the once flawless metal with the blood of an innocent man.)

Hardcore Hansel: Mr. Ed, you don’t deserve an unblemished crown. Your time is limited, your steps are counted, and your impersonation as champion will soon be over! Hardcore Hansel is fervid for power and I will have it, one way or another. Step gingerly Ed for you know not when I will strike…

(Dropping the title upon the bloodied man’s back, Hardcore Hansel turns and strolls down the hallway. Once he is around the corner, the camera lowers its lens to the battered official, blood pooling around his face, and centers on the tainted title and slowly fades to black.)

will lightning start a fire?