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ACCW Purchased!


Atlantic Canadian Championship Wrestling’s turmoil may cease to be as the rights to the company has been purchased by Prince Edward Island Businessman Martin Hughes. A long time fan of wrestling Martin Hughes had set out to start his own promotion, but rather than start from scratch he saw the ACCW in dire need of a more sound business plan and launched a bid to buy the rights.


Martin Hughes secured the rights to Atlantic Canadian Championship Wrestling on January 14th 2004 and immediately shook up the ACCW down to it’s core, first by releasing a number of contracts, and cleared most of the staff out. Following the contract dumping Martin Hughes announced the ACCW’s commitment to providing a Regional base to Atlantic Canadian Championship Wrestling as a Promotion.


“I loved the ACCW from the first moment I saw Loaded broadcast on the Xtreme Television Network last year, when I saw an opportunity to procure it I jumped on that chance. Now I hope with a more Regionalized operation plan we can make the ACCW the best Canadian Promotion of all time.” – Martin Hughes


The ACCW has declared the Atlantic provinces as it’s territory of Operations, and will run shows throughout Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and parts of Eastern Quebec.


Randal Seiko hired as ACCW President!


After a year in exile from Atlantic Canadian Championship Wrestling, one half of the Original Co-Owners of the ACCW, Randal Seiko makes his triumphant return as Martin Hughes hired him as the new ACCW President.


Randal Seiko was dismissed after then Owner Marcus Bryant released him after differences in the direction of the Promotion, though Randal Seiko was cited as saying he had no ill feeling towards Marcus or the ACCW at the time.


“I’m just glad to be back and hope that I can restore the ACCW to it’s former glory. Every minute I was away, I missed the ACCW that much more and now that I’m back I’m hoping we can keep up a high quality product at a constant rate of work” – Randal Seiko.


ACCW Joins Ultimate Wrestling Promotions


In his first bold move as ACCW President Randal Seiko agreed to join the UWP Wrestling Alliance in hopes of attracting more attention to the ACCW.


“It’s beneficial for all those involved, and with a  working agreement to allow wrestlers from each promotions to compete in another territory will allow more recognition for each individual wrestlers who deserve it.” – Randal Seiko


The first UWP joint show is tentatively scheduled for February 20th, the ACCW is finalizing agreements with 5 ACCW wrestlers to become Representative Free Agents to compete on the UWP shows.


“I look forward to the competition to keep all our promotions fresh” – Martin Hughes


Ryan Dynamic Retires & Gets New Job


Trying to beat Michael Jordan in the number of retirements, Ryan Dynamic announced his retirement once again as he vacated the ACCW Heavyweight Championship after defeating Surreal in a career defining match.


Not long after Ryan Dynamic was hired on as new Color Commentator for ACCW’s Immortality show.


“He’s got history with the company, there’s no ACCW without Ryan Dynamic. If he couldn’t wrestle in the ring on TV, he may as well call the action from the side.” – Martin Hughes.


Ryan Dynamic joins Martin Hughes as the new commentating team, leaving Sir Hirst mutually leaving the company and Josh Ethans taking the role of sole interviewer in the ACCW.


Archangel Leaves ACCW


In shocking news Archangel was unable to wrestle in last weeks Immortality Show, citing personal reasons. It was agreed for Archangel and the ACCW to part for the time being.


A big lost to the ACCW, however the company will continue on and hope for a quick return by the former ACCW Global & World Champion.


Phil Botwin Injured; Leaves ACCW


This past weekend on ACCW Immortality, during the Television Championship match Phil Botwin was injured during a botched spot, and finished the match with what to be a tear in his right knee. Preliminary test revealed some structural damage, but further tests are being taken at this time.


More bad news for Phil Botwin fans continued as Mr. Botwin asked for his release from the company just prior to the first Immortality show of the New Year.