AACWE Monday Night Meltdown Results are posted every Monday!!



Raven vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Jim Ross - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 275 pounds, a member of Corporation accompanied by Batista, Hollywood Hulk Hogan!!!

[Hollywood Hulk Hogan comes to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Raven!!! (crowd boos **)

[Raven walks to the ring. Shane McMahon is the referee for this contest. Hollywood Hulk Hogan drops Raven with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Hollywood Hulk Hogan gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Raven. (ding, ding, ding) Raven gets hit with a back heel kick. Raven climbs to his feet. Raven trys for a scissor kick but Hollywood Hulk Hogan avoids it. Running neckbreaker drop executed by Raven takes Hollywood Hulk Hogan down hard. Raven drags Hollywood Hulk Hogan to the floor. Shane McMahon starts the count (.1) (..2) Hollywood Hulk Hogan gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Raven. Raven is up again. (...3) Raven measures Hollywood Hulk Hogan up and drops a closed fist. ]

Michael Cole - Raven executes a fist drop.

[Raven gets up. Hollywood Hulk Hogan climbs to his feet. Hollywood Hulk Hogan is speared by Raven. Raven climbs to his feet. (....4) Raven throws a chair at Hollywood Hulk Hogan. ]

Jim Ross - The AACWE is the only place for entertainment like this!

[Raven sends Hollywood Hulk Hogan into Shane McMahon he goes down. Raven trys for a side slam but is unable to lift Hollywood Hulk Hogan.Raven trys for a snap suplex but is unable to lift Hollywood Hulk Hogan.Batista comes to ringside. Batista hits Raven with a baba chop. Batista hits a running forearm smash on Raven's face. Raven stands up. Ordered is restored. Shane McMahon gets up. Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Raven move back into the ring. Hollywood Hulk Hogan throws Raven off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. Hollywood Hulk Hogan is back on his feet. Hollywood Hulk Hogan leg drops the throat of Raven. Hollywood Hulk Hogan executes the Supper DDT on Raven! Hollywood Hulk Hogan covers Raven hooking the leg. Shane McMahon counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Hollywood Hulk Hogan has won the match!

Jim Ross - The winner of this match, Hollywood Hulk Hogan!!!

Commercial Break

Commentary Team Change

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. RVD (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tazz - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 175 pounds, accompanied by Guest Referee Stephanie McMahon, Rey Mysterio Jr.!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Rey Mysterio Jr. comes to the ring. ]

Tazz - and his opponent, weighing in at 235 pounds, from Battle Creek, Michigan, RVD!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[RVD walks to the ring. Stephanie McMahon is the referee for this contest. Rey Mysterio Jr. checks his boots. RVD walks around the ring. (the bell rings) Rey Mysterio Jr. punches RVD in the gut. RVD hits a koppo kick on Rey Mysterio Jr.. Rey Mysterio Jr. climbs to his feet. Rey Mysterio Jr. grabs RVD's leg and takes him down. RVD punches Rey Mysterio Jr. in the gut. RVD bounces Rey Mysterio Jr. off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. RVD is back on his feet. Rey Mysterio Jr. climbs to his feet. RVD slaps Rey Mysterio Jr.. Rey Mysterio Jr. trys for a tiger driver but is not strong enough to lift RVD.Rey Mysterio Jr. sends RVD to ringside. Stephanie McMahon starts the count (.1) Rey Mysterio Jr. swings a Steel chair and hits RVD. RVD is bleeding as a result. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - I wish every match could be like this!

[(..2) Rey Mysterio Jr. with a high crossbody on RVD. Rey Mysterio Jr. is back on his feet. RVD stands up. (...3) RVD delivers a short-arm clothesline to Rey Mysterio Jr.. Now Rey Mysterio Jr. standing. (....4) Rey Mysterio Jr. rakes the face of RVD in attempt to make a come back. (.....5) They head back into the ring. RVD pokes Rey Mysterio Jr. in the eye with his thumb. RVD executes the jumping sidekick on Rey Mysterio Jr.. ]

Jim Ross - RVD with a jumping sidekick.

[Rey Mysterio Jr. climbs to his feet. Rey Mysterio Jr. trys for a fallaway slam but is not strong enough to lift RVD.Rey Mysterio Jr. pokes RVD in the eye with his thumb. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - RVD takes a thumb to the eye.

[Rey Mysterio Jr. pulls RVD's hair. ]

Jim Ross - Rey Mysterio Jr. with a hair pull.

[RVD legsweeps Rey Mysterio Jr.. RVD goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Rey Mysterio Jr. kicks out. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Not even close!

[RVD tackles Rey Mysterio Jr. and pummels his head. Rey Mysterio Jr. kicks RVD in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam. Rey Mysterio Jr. stands up. Rey Mysterio Jr. with the hammerlock on RVD. Stephanie McMahon asks RVD if he quits. ... ... ... Rey Mysterio Jr. tightens the hold. ... RVD trys to escape. Rey Mysterio Jr. breaks the hold. Rey Mysterio Jr. drags RVD to the floor. ]

Jim Ross - RVD will have to watch out for weapons at ringside.

[Stephanie McMahonr starts the count (.1) Rey Mysterio Jr. chokes RVD with a microphone cable. Rey Mysterio Jr. hits a frog splash on RVD. Rey Mysterio Jr. climbs to his feet. (..2) (...3) RVD applies the clawhold on Rey Mysterio Jr.. (....4) Rey Mysterio Jr. gets hit with a back heel kick. Rey Mysterio Jr. nails RVD with a springboard dropkick. Rey Mysterio Jr. chants start. Rey Mysterio Jr. stands up. Rey Mysterio Jr. measures RVD up and drops a closed fist. RVD and Rey Mysterio Jr. move back into the ring. RVD piledrives Rey Mysterio Jr.. RVD hits the handspring moonsault on Rey Mysterio Jr.. RVD chants start. RVD powerbombs Rey Mysterio Jr. into the mat. RVD goes for a pin. Stephanie McMahon starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - RVD has won the match!

Tazz - The winner of this match, RVD!!!

Commercial Break

The Rock vs. Scott Steiner (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Tazz - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 260 pounds, a member of Corporation, Scott Steiner!!! (crowd cheers *******)

[Scott Steiner comes to the ring. ]

Tazz - and his opponent, weighing in at 275 pounds,, The Rock!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[The Rock walks to the ring. Earl Hebnar is the referee for this contest. Scott Steiner drops The Rock with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. The Rock executes a pumphandle suplex on Scott Steiner. (ding, ding, ding) Scott Steiner executes a jawbreakeron The Rock. Scott Steiner moves back to his feet. Scott Steiner executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Rock. Scott Steiner gets up. Scott Steiner grabs The Rock and applies an arm wrench. The Rock gets hit with the shooting star press from Scott Steiner. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 The Rock kicks out. ]

Jim Ross - Scott Steiner should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

[The Rock goes for a spinebuster bomb but Scott Steiner dodges the attack. The Rock drags Scott Steiner to the floor. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Scott Steiner is much safer at ringside. The Rock can't get a pin there.

[Earl Hebnar starts the count (.1) (..2) The Rock hits him with a back fist. ]

Jim Ross - back fist!

[(...3) Scott Steiner kicks The Rock in the stomach. (....4) Scott Steiner applies an arm wrench to The Rock. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - arm wrench!

[The Rock is back on his feet. (.....5) Scott Steiner and The Rock move back into the ring. Scott Steiner with an illegal chokehold on The Rock. Scott Steiner executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Rock. Scott Steiner is up again. The Rock gets hit with the shooting star press from Scott Steiner. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 The Rock escapes. ]

Jim Ross - Scott Steiner should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[The Rock is up again. The Rock gets drilled with an inverted back breaker. Scott Steiner with the hammerlock on The Rock. Earl Hebnar is checking for a tap out. ... The Rock is fighting the hold. ... ... ... The Rock is fighting the hold. The Rock escapes. Scott Steiner applies an arm wrench to The Rock. Now The Rock standing. The Rock uses a closed fist on Scott Steiner. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Scott Steiner takes a punch.

[Scott Steiner with a high crossbody on The Rock. Scott Steiner gets back to his feet. The Rock stands up. The Rock trys for a waistlock suplex but Scott Steiner avoids it. The Rock sends Scott Steiner to ringside. Earl Hebnar starts the count (.1) (..2) The Rock hits Scott Steiner with a heart punch. (...3) Scott Steiner gets hit with a dragon scerw from The Rock. (....4) The Rock hits Scott Steiner with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Scott Steiner places The Rock on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex. (.....5) ]

Jim Ross - Is this a great match or not?

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Oh yeah!

Jim Ross - The floor is covered with blood from that injury.

[The Rock is back on his feet. (......6) They fight into the aisle. The Rock and Scott Steiner move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. The Rock and Scott Steiner move back to ringside. The Rock takes Scott Steiner into the ring. The Rock executes a headlock takedown. Scott Steiner gets hit with the shooting star press from The Rock. The ref starts the count. ...1 Scott Steiner escapes. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Not even close!

[Scott Steiner moves back to his feet. Scott Steiner delivers a spinning backbreak to The Rock. Scott Steiner executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Rock. Scott Steiner is back on his feet. Now The Rock standing. Scott Steiner gives The Rock a reverse neckbreaker. Scott Steiner climbs to his feet. The Rock moves back to his feet. The Rock executes a springboard bulldog, slamming Scott Steiner's head onto the mat. The Rock gets back to his feet. Now Scott Steiner standing. ]

Jim Ross - The Rock is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[The Rock with a Rock Bottom on Scott Steiner sends him to the mat. The Rock moves back to his feet. Scott Steiner climbs to his feet. The Rock rakes his fingers across Scott Steiner's back. The Rock hits a spinning leg lariat on Scott Steiner sending him to the mat. The Rock fist drops Scott Steiner on the mat. The Rock climbs to his feet. The Rock grabs Scott Steiner's head and arm and delivers a head and arm suplex. The Rock gets up. Scott Steiner gets locked in the painful STF. Earl Hebnar asks Scott Steiner if he quits. ... Scott Steiner is fighting the hold. ... ... (AHHHH!) The Rock breaks the hold. Scott Steiner gets hit with a diving elbow smash from The Rock. The Rock climbs to his feet. The Rock takes Scott Steiner down with a knee. The Rock executes a corkscrew legdrop on Scott Steiner. The Rock moves back to his feet. Scott Steiner gets hit with a diving elbow smash from The Rock. The Rock gets back to his feet. The Rock hits Scott Steiner with an elbowdrop. The Rock gets back to his feet. Scott Steiner stands up. Scott Steiner hits The Rock with an inverted atomic drop. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Nice inverted atomic drop by Scott Steiner.

[Scott Steiner and The Rock go to the floor Earl Hebnar starts the count (.1) ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The floor is covered with blood from that injury.

[(..2) Scott Steiner is hit with a backward kick. (...3) The Rock short lariats Scott Steiner. (....4) The Rock executes a corkscrew legdrop on Scott Steiner. ]

Jim Ross - The Rock executes a corkscrew legdrop.

[Scott Steiner is up again. Scott Steiner picks up The Rock and hits him with a Back Suplex. Now Scott Steiner standing. Scott Steiner applies an arm wrench to The Rock. They head back into the ring. Scott Steiner executes a piledriver on The Rock. The Rock moves back to his feet. Scott Steiner nails The Rock with a huge slingshot sommersault splash. Scott Steiner gets up. The Rock moves back to his feet. Scott Steiner knocks The Rock down and locks him in the Steiner Recliner submission. Earl Hebnar asks The Rock if he quits. ... ... Scott Steiner tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) ... The Rock is fighting the hold. ... The Rock trys to escape. ... ... ... The Rock trys to escape. ... The Rock taps out. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - We've got ourselves a winner!

Tazz - The winner of this match, Scott Steiner!!!

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