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Sept. 30, 2002


Flip VS Jpimp
No Holds Barred

Lilian Garcia - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 257 pounds, from Nawf Side o' H-town a member of Ruff Ryders accompanied by HellRasier, Flip!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Poppin girls by the dozen, but we don't love them hoes

Lilian Garcia - and his opponent, weighing in at 270 pounds,, JPimp!!! (crowd cheers *******)

[Big Pimpin
Flip places JPimp on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex.
Flip gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from JPimp.
(ring, ring, ring) Flip chops JPimp.
Flip rakes the face of JPimp in attempt to make a come back.

King - Follows up with a face rake.

[Flip gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by JPimp.

J.R. - fireman's carry!

[Flip gets hit with a diving elbow smash from JPimp.

HellRaiser - diving elbow smash!

[JPimp gets back to his feet.
Flip is up again.
Flip short lariats JPimp.
JPimp is up again.
JPimp punches Flip in the head.
Flip knocks JPimp out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam.
Indian deathlock applied by Flip.
Earl Hebner asks JPimp if he quits.
... JPimp is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) JPimp escapes.
They lockup. HellRasier sends JPimp to the corner of the ring.

J.R. - This is just awefull! JPimp is being double teamed! HellRasier is interfering!

[Flip goes for a leg drop but JPimp dodges the attack.
Flip fist drops JPimp on the mat.
Flip climbs to his feet.
Flip rolls onto JPimp connecting with a knee.
JPimp is up again.
Flip gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.
JPimp fist drops Flip on the mat.

HellRaiser - fist drop!

[JPimp climbs to his feet.
Now Flip standing.
JPimp hits a koppo kick on Flip.
Now Flip standing.
Flip is speared by JPimp.

J.R. - Good spear by JPimp.

[JPimp gets up.
JPimp puts Flip in an arm grapevine submission.
Now Flip standing.
Flip executes a ropeflip hiptoss on JPimp.

HellRaiser - ropeflip hiptoss!

[Flip applies an arm wrench to JPimp.
Flip hits JPimp with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.
Flip gets up.
JPimp stands up.
JPimp applies the clawhold on Flip.
JPimp pins Flip against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Flip gets elbowed to his midsection by Flip.
JPimp legsweeps Flip.
Flip is back on his feet.
JPimp takes Flip off his feet with a short-arm clothesline
Flip gets hit with a diving elbow smash from JPimp.
JPimp is back on his feet.
Flip gets up.
Flip hits JPimp with an inverted atomic drop.
Flip drags JPimp to the floor.

King - JPimp is much safer at ringside. Flip can't get a pin there.

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1)
JPimp stands up.
JPimp grabs Flip's leg and takes him down.
JPimp drives a forearm into the head of Flip.
JPimp hits Flip with a headbutt to the mid-section.
They head back into the ring.
JPimp uses a lariat on Flip.
Flip climbs to his feet.
JPimp bounces Flip off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Flip goes for a crotch slam but JPimp dodges the attack.
Flip executes the jumping sidekick on JPimp.

HellRaiser - jumping sidekick!

[Flip goes for a pin.
The ref starts the count.
JPimp escapes.

J.R. - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[JPimp gets back to his feet.
Flip executes a swinging bulldog on JPimp driving JPimp's face into the mat.
Flip climbs to his feet.
Flip measures JPimp up and drops a closed fist.
Flip knees JPimp and rolls back to his feet.
JPimp is back on his feet.
Flip executes a headlock takedown.
Flip covers JPimp.
The ref starts the count.
JPimp escapes.

J.R. - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like JPimp.

[Flip goes for a split legged moonsault but JPimp dodges the attack.

King - Flip is taking it to JPimp.

[Flip nails JPimp with an inverted DDT.
JPimp climbs to his feet.
Flip puts a knee to JPimp's back and pulls hims arms back.
Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out.
... Flip tightens the hold. ... Flip tightens the hold. JPimp escapes.
HellRasier punches JPimp repeatedly.

J.R. - This is just awefull! JPimp is being double teamed! HellRasier is interfering!

[Flip hits JPimp with the belly-to-belly suplex.
Flip is back on his feet.
Flip hits JPimp with an elbowdrop.
Flip is up again.
JPimp stands up.
JPimp gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
Flip applies an arm wrench to JPimp.
Flip super powerbombs JPimp.
Flip goes for a pin.
Earl Hebner counts the pin.
...1 ...2 ...3

HellRaiser - We've got ourselves a winner!

Lilian Garcia - The winner of this match, Flip!!!

Winner : Flip

Eclipse VS Blade
Casket Match

Lilian Garcia - This match is a Casket Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, from New York City, New York, Blade!!!

[when words colide

Lilian Garcia - and his opponent, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Picayune, MS, Eclipse!!!


Blade executes a pumphandle suplex on Eclipse.
Eclipse tests out the ropes.
(ring, ring, ring) Blade hits Eclipse with the back of his elbow.
Eclipse hits Blade with a baba chop.
Eclipse drives a forearm into Blade.
Eclipse bounces Blade off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Eclipse puts Blade in an arm grapevine submission.
Now Blade standing.
Blade executes a swinging neckbreaker on Eclipse.
Now Eclipse standing.
Eclipse nails Blade with an inverted DDT.

HellRaiser - Nice inverted DDT by Eclipse.

[Eclipse stands up.
Eclipse and Blade go to the floor

King - These guys are almost as good as me. Wouldn't you agree?

HellRaiser - Not in this life time.

[Eclipse slingshot elbow drops Blade.
Eclipse and Blade move back into the ring.
Eclipse chokes Blade with a microphone cable.
Eclipse gets hit with a back heel kick.

HellRaiser - Eclipse takes a back heel kick.

[Blade measures Eclipse up and drops a closed fist.
Blade moves back to his feet.
Now Eclipse standing.
Blade knifehand chops Eclipse.
Blade slaps Eclipse in the face.
Blade climbs to his feet.
Eclipse trys for a spinning headscissors but Blade avoids it.
Eclipse chokes Blade with a microphone cable.
Eclipse hits Blade with a rolling elbow smash to the face.
Eclipse hits Blade with an elbowdrop.
Eclipse stomps Blade.

J.R. - Eclipse with a stomp.

[Blade stands up.
Eclipse executes a swinging neckbreaker on Blade.

HellRaiser - Don't even think of switching the channel.

[Blade uses a snap mare takeover on Eclipse.
Eclipse gets up.
Eclipse sends Blade into Earl Hebner he goes down.
Eclipse gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Blade.
Eclipse hits a kneeling headbutt to Blade's groin.
Blade gets back to his feet.
Baby Boy runs to the ring.
Baby Boy punches Blade repeatedly.
Baby Boy chants start.
Baby Boy grabs Blade's head and DDT's him on the mat.
Blade moves back to his feet.
Ordered is restored.
Earl Hebner gets up.
Eclipse throws Blade off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block.
Eclipse is up again.
Blade gets back to his feet.
Eclipse executes a huge gutbuster on Blade.
Eclipse and Blade go to the floor
Eclipse is taking Blade to the casket.
Eclipse sends Blade into the casket!!

King - We've got ourselves a winner!

Lilian Garcia - The winner of this match, Eclipse!!!

Winner: Eclipse


Snake VS Baby Boy
HardCore match

Lilian Garcia - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 187 pounds, from Beaumont, Texas a member of XTreme Storm, Snake!!!

[Bodies .....

Lilian Garcia - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, accompanied by 2 Pac, Baby Boy!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Before the Kappa
Snake executes a pumphandle suplex on Baby Boy.
Baby Boy executes a pumphandle suplex on Snake.
(ding, ding, ding) Snake does a cartwheel and kicks Baby Boy in the face.

J.R. - Snake executes a cartwheel kick.

[Snake stomps Baby Boy.
Snake stomps Baby Boy.
Snake stomps Baby Boy.
Snake kicks Baby Boy on the mat.
Snake stomps Baby Boy.

HellRaiser - Baby Boy takes a stomp.

[Baby Boy stands up.
Baby Boy hits a power slam on Snake.
Baby Boy is up again.
Baby Boy and Snake go to the floor
Earl Hebner starts the count (.1)
2 Pac punches Snake repeatedly.

King - Ha!

Baby Boy knees Snake and rolls back to his feet.
Snake climbs to his feet.
Baby Boy short clothslines Snake.
Snake bounces Baby Boy off the ropes and clotheslines him.
Baby Boy moves back to his feet.
They fight into the aisle.
Snake and Baby Boy move back to ringside.
Snake takes Baby Boy into the ring.
Snake nails Baby Boy with a belly-to-back suplex.
Snake is back on his feet.
Snake kicks Baby Boy on the mat.
Snake kicks Baby Boy on the mat.
Baby Boy gets up.
Baby Boy executes an airplane spin on Snake.

HellRaiser - Snake takes a airplane spin.

[Baby Boy covers Snake hooking the leg.
Earl Hebner counts.
...1 ...2
Snake kicks out.

J.R. - We almost had a winner.

[Baby Boy kicks Snake in the groin.

King - Snake takes a kick to the groin.

[Snake tackles Baby Boy.
Snake is up again.
Baby Boy moves back to his feet.
Baby Boy uppercuts Snake.
Baby Boy get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Snake.
Baby Boy gets up.
Baby Boy hits Snake with a baba chop.
Snake tackles and begins punching Baby Boy.
Baby Boy is up again.
Snake uses a belly-to-belly suplex. Baby Boy is down.
Snake gets hit with a dragon scerw from Baby Boy.
Baby Boy gets back to his feet.
Baby Boy measures Snake up and drops a closed fist.
Baby Boy grabs Snake and applies an arm wrench.
Snake hits him with a back fist.
Snake uses a lariat on Baby Boy.
Now Baby Boy standing.
Baby Boy pins Snake against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
Snake hiptosses Baby Boy.

HellRaiser - Snake executes a hiptoss.

[Baby Boy gets hit with the shooting star press from Snake.
Referee Earl Hebner makes the count.
Baby Boy kicks out.

J.R. - Snake should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Baby Boy picks up Snake and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker.
2 Pac punches Snake repeatedly.
Snake applies the clawhold on Baby Boy.
Snake hits Baby Boy with the back of his elbow.
Snake knifehand chops Baby Boy.
Snake pulls Baby Boy's hair.
Baby Boy throws Snake off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block.
Baby Boy chants start.
Now Baby Boy standing.
They lockup. 2 Pac sends Snake to the corner of the ring.

HellRaiser - Snake is being double teamed! 2 Pac is interfering!

[Snake climbs to his feet.
Snake executes a jawbreakeron Baby Boy.

J.R. - Snake with a jawbreaker.

[Baby Boy climbs to his feet.
Baby Boy sends Snake into Earl Hebner he goes down.
Baby Boy hits the fallaway slam on Snake.
Baby Boy moves back to his feet.
Baby Boy head butts Snake.
Baby Boy gets back to his feet.
Blade runs to the ring.
Blade suplexes Baby Boy.
Blade suplexes Baby Boy.
Ordered is restored.
Earl Hebner gets up.
Snake suplexes Baby Boy.
Snake kicks Baby Boy on the mat.
Baby Boy stands up.
Snake grabs Baby Boyfrom the top rope and sends Baby Boy head first to the mat.
Snake catches Baby Boy in the crucifx and goes for the pin.
Referee Earl Hebner makes the count.
...1 ...2 ...3

King - Snake has won the match!

Lilian Garcia - The winner of this match, Snake!!!

Winner: Snake


Crandall VS 2-Pac
Hell In A Cell
Loser Leaves the Ruff Ryders

Lilian Garcia - This match is a Hell in the Cell. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Crandall!!!

[Crandall walks out to the ring ready for his match.

Lilian Garcia - and his opponent, weighing in at 256 pounds, from H-Town a member of Ruff Ryders accompanied by Baby Boy, 2 Pac!!!

Crandall places 2 Pac on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex.
2 Pac drops Crandall with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat.
(ring, ring, ring) Crandall hits a spinning leg lariat on 2 Pac sending him to the mat.
2 Pac stands up.
2 Pac nails Crandall with a belly-to-back suplex.
2 Pac is up again.
Crandall climbs to his feet.
Crandall gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
Crandall chops 2 Pac.
Crandall takes a slap to the face from 2 Pac.
2 Pac stands up.
Crandall leg lariats 2 Pac, sending him to the mat.

J.R. - Crandall executes a leg lariat.

[Crandall and 2 Pac move to ringside.

King - Ha!

[Crandall picks 2 Pac up and executes a stomachbreaker.

J.R. - If Crandall keeps using moves like that stomachbreaker he could win the match!

[2 Pac heads out the door.
Crandall throws the steel steps at 2 Pac.

HellRaiser - My God I've never seen anything like this!

[Crandall leg drops 2 Pac.

King - 2 Pac takes a leg drop.

[Crandall takes 2 Pac to the top of the cell.
Crandall applies an arm wrench to 2 Pac.

King - 2 Pac takes a arm wrench.

[Crandall rolls onto 2 Pac connecting with a knee.
Crandall fist drops 2 Pac on the fencing.

J.R. - Crandall executes a fist drop.

[Crandall climbs to his feet.
Crandall hits 2 Pac with an elbowdrop.

King - Follows up with a elbowdrop.

[Crandall with a headscissors takeover on 2 Pac.
2 Pac jumps down to the ring. Crandall follows.
Crandall chokes 2 Pac with a camera cable.

King - Damn!

[2 Pac gets back to his feet.
2 Pac executes a headlock takedown.
Crandall climbs to his feet.
Crandall executes a swinging bulldog on 2 Pac driving 2 Pac's face into the mat.
Now Crandall standing.
Crandall gets hit with a dragon scerw from 2 Pac.
Crandall executes a ropeflip hiptoss on 2 Pac.

J.R. - 2 Pac takes a ropeflip hiptoss.

[Crandall grabs 2 Pac and applies an arm wrench.

King - arm wrench!

[Crandall knees 2 Pac and rolls back to his feet.
2 Pac is up again.
2 Pac uses the verticle facebuster on Crandall.
2 Pac swings a steel chair and hits Crandall.
Crandall is bleeding as a result.

King - Crandall is getting the crap kicked out of him!

[2 Pac executes a corkscrew legdrop on Crandall.
2 Pac moves back to his feet.
Now Crandall standing.
Crandall hits 2 Pac with the back of his elbow.

HellRaiser - back elbow!

[2 Pac applies the clawhold on Crandall.
Crandall gets thrown into the turnbuckle. 2 Pac comes over and smashes Crandall's head into it.
Crandall goes for a tiger driver but 2 Pac dodges the attack.
Crandall throws the steel steps at 2 Pac.

King - This is how wrestling should be! Is that the greatest move ever or what?

HellRaiser - Yes sir!

[2 Pac picks Crandall up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him.

J.R. - If 2 Pac keeps using moves like that fireman's carry into flapjack he could win the match!

[2 Pac stands up.
2 Pac and Crandall move to ringside.

King - 2 Pac can't get a pin at ringside.

[2 Pac with a high crossbody on Crandall.
Crandall is back on his feet.
2 Pac gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
2 Pac gets back to his feet.
2 Pac forearm smashes Crandall.
Crandall executes the jumping sidekick on 2 Pac.

HellRaiser - Crandall with a jumping sidekick.

[2 Pac is back on his feet.
Crandall connects with a flying knee. 2 Pac goes down.

J.R. - knee!

[2 Pac stands up.
2 Pac kicks Crandall in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam.

King - What a sitdown faceslam!!

[2 Pac moves back to his feet.
2 Pac takes Crandall back into the ring.
2 Pac swings a chair and hits Crandall.
Crandall is bleeding as a result.
Baby Boy rolls onto Crandall connecting with a knee.

J.R. - This is how wrestling should be!

[2 Pac applies an arm wrench to Crandall.
Crandall is back on his feet.
Crandall executes a headlock takedown.

King - Follows up with a headlock takedown.

[2 Pac gets up.
2 Pac tackles Crandall and pummels his head.
2 Pac applies an arm wrench to Crandall.

King - arm wrench!

[Crandall knocks 2 Pac out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam.
Crandall covers 2 Pac.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2
2 Pac kicks out.

HellRaiser - We almost had a winner.

[2 Pac is back on his feet.
Crandall grabs 2 Pac's leg and takes him down, then locks his leg.
Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out.
... ... Crandall tightens the hold. ... 2 Pac trys to escape. ... 2 Pac is fighting the hold. Crandall breaks the hold.
Crandall scoops 2 Pac up and drops him on the tacks.
Crandall swings a steel chair and hits 2 Pac.
2 Pac is bleeding as a result.
2 Pac places Crandall on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex.

King - Crandall really felt that belly-to-back superplex!

[2 Pac gets back to his feet.
Crandall gets away from the tacks.

HellRaiser - This is the best match in the history of the WORLD!!

[2 Pac falls head first into Crandall.
Now 2 Pac standing.
2 Pac piledrives Crandall into the mat.
2 Pac swings a chair and hits Crandall.
Crandall is bleeding as a result.
Baby Boy fist drops Crandall on the mat.

King - This is how wrestling should be! Is that the greatest move ever or what?

J.R. - Yeah, you know it.

[Crandall is up again.
Crandall punches 2 Pac in the head.

King - 2 Pac takes a punch.

[2pac gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Crandall comes over and smashes 2 Pac's head into it.
2 Pac gets hit with a dragon scerw from Crandall.
Now Crandall standing.
Crandall hits 2 Pac with an elbowdrop.
Crandall is up again.
Crandall knifehand chops 2 Pac.
2 Pac slingshot elbow drops Crandall.
Crandall executes a DDT straight down to the floor.
Now 2 Pac standing.
And then Crandall Gets 2pac in the last Night.....

Earl Hebner counts.
...1 ...2 ...3

HellRaiser - We've got ourselves a winner!

Lilian Garcia - The winner of this match, Crandall!!!

Winner: Crandall


Flip VS HollyWood Hogan

Lilian Garcia - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 257 pounds, from Nawf Side o' H-town a member of Ruff Ryders accompanied by HellRasier, Flip!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Poppin girls by the dozen, but we don't love them hoes

Lilian Garcia - and his opponent, weighing in at 275 pounds, from Tampa, Florida, Hollywood Hulk Hogan!!! (crowd cheers **************)

[nWo Theme
Hollywood Hulk Hogan gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Flip.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan executes a pumphandle suplex on Flip.
(ring, ring, ring) Flip gives Hollywood Hulk Hogan a reverse neckbreaker.
Flip stands up.
Now Hollywood Hulk Hogan standing.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan neck snaps Flip.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Flip comes over and smashes Hollywood Hulk Hogan's head into it.
Flip nails Hollywood Hulk Hogan with a belly-to-back suplex.
Flip gets back to his feet.
Flip hits Hollywood Hulk Hogan with an elbowdrop.
Flip is up again.
Flip fist drops Hollywood Hulk Hogan on the mat.
Flip gets back to his feet.
Flip rolls onto Hollywood Hulk Hogan connecting with a knee.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan moves back to his feet.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan goes for a cobra clutch suplex but Flip dodges the attack.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan locks Flip in the kneebar.
Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out.
... ... Flip trys to escape. Flip escapes.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan hits him with a back fist.
Flip knifehand chops Hollywood Hulk Hogan.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan punches Flip in the head.

HellRaiser - Flip takes a punch.

[Flip hits a spinning leg lariat on Hollywood Hulk Hogan sending him to the mat.
Flip grabs Hollywood Hulk Hogan and applies an arm wrench.
Flip knees Hollywood Hulk Hogan and rolls back to his feet.
Running neckbreaker drop executed by Hollywood Hulk Hogan takes Flip down hard.

J.R. - Nice running neckbreaker drop by Hollywood Hulk Hogan.

[Flip moves back to his feet.

HellRaiser - What an outstanding match!

[Flip picks Hollywood Hulk Hogan up and executes a stomachbreaker.
Flip drags Hollywood Hulk Hogan to the floor.
Earl Hebner starts the count (.1)
Flip chokes Hollywood Hulk Hogan with a microphone cable.
They lockup. HellRasier sends Hollywood Hulk Hogan to the corner of ringside.

King - Damn!

Flip measures Hollywood Hulk Hogan up and drops a closed fist.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan stands up.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan hits Flip with the back of his elbow.
Flip punches Hollywood Hulk Hogan in the head.
Flip and Hollywood Hulk Hogan move back into the ring.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan gets hit with a dragon scerw from Flip.
Flip hits Hollywood Hulk Hogan with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.

J.R. - Flip with a elbowdrop.

[Flip moves back to his feet.
Flip applies an arm wrench to Hollywood Hulk Hogan.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan moves back to his feet.
Flip leg lariats Hollywood Hulk Hogan, sending him to the mat.
Flip locks Hollywood Hulk Hogan in the kneebar.
Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out.
... Flip tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Hollywood Hulk Hogan is fighting the hold. Hollywood Hulk Hogan escapes.
Flip and Hollywood Hulk Hogan go to the floor
Earl Hebner starts the count (.1)
Flip measures Hollywood Hulk Hogan up and drops a closed fist.
Flip rolls onto Hollywood Hulk Hogan connecting with a knee.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan moves back to his feet.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan with an exploder suplex on Flip.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan chants start.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan cuts Flip with a blade.
Flip is bleeding as a result.

King - This is how wrestling should be! These guys are almost as good as me. Wouldn't you agree?

J.R. - Nope.

[Flip moves back to his feet.
Flip takes Hollywood Hulk Hogan into the ring.
Flip hits Hollywood Hulk Hogan with the back of his elbow.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan hits a dragon suplex on Flip.
Flip is back on his feet.
Hollywood Hulk Hogan executes a back breaker on Flip.
Flip punches Hollywood Hulk Hogan repeatedly.
Flip with a headscissors takeover on Hollywood Hulk Hogan.
Flip stands up.
Flip super powerbombs Hollywood Hulk Hogan.
Flip covers Hollywood Hulk Hogan.
Earl Hebner counts the pin.
...1 ...2 ...3

King - Flip has won the match!

Lilian Garcia - The winner of this match, Flip!!!

Winner: Flip


Renegade VS THK
European Title Match

Lilian Garcia - This match is a Standard Match for the WWF European title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 212 pounds, from Glasgow, Scotland, Renegade!!! (crowd cheers ********)

[Fade to black plays as Renegade makes his way to the ring.

Lilian Garcia - and his opponent, weighing in at 285 pounds, from Rantoul, IL, THK!!!

[Don't Fear the Reaper
Renegade places THK on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex.
Renegade gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from THK.
(ring, ring, ring) Renegade chops THK.
Renegade short lariats THK.
THK executes a swinging bulldog on Renegade driving Renegade's face into the mat.
Now THK standing.
THK measures Renegade up and drops a closed fist.

King - fist drop!

[THK applies an arm wrench to Renegade.
Renegade leg lariats THK, sending him to the mat.
THK uses a swinging DDT to plant Renegade's head into the mat.
THK stands up.
Renegade gives THK a reverse neckbreaker.
Renegade stands up.
Renegade gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
Now Renegade standing.
Renegade uses a closed fist on THK.
THK gives Renegade a reverse neckbreaker.
Now THK standing.
THK hits Renegade with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.

King - Renegade takes a elbowdrop.

[THK gets back to his feet.
THK executes the jumping sidekick on Renegade.

HellRaiser - THK with a jumping sidekick.

[Renegade gets back to his feet.
Renegade picks THK up and executes a stomachbreaker.
Renegade chants start.
THK moves back to his feet.
THK nails Renegade with a belly-to-back suplex.
Now THK standing.
Now Renegade standing.
Renegade knifehand chops THK.

King - THK takes a knifehand chop.

[THK executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Renegade.

J.R. - Renegade takes a ropeflip hiptoss.

[Renegade is back on his feet.
Renegade gets hit with a dragon scerw from THK.
Renegade moves back to his feet.
Renegade hits THK with an inverted atomic drop.

King - Blood is all over the ring.

[Renegade grabs THK and applies an arm wrench.
Renegade goes for a pin.
Earl Hebner counts the pin.
...1 ...2
THK escapes.

HellRaiser - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[THK is back on his feet.
Renegade hits THK with the back of his elbow.
THK uses a closed fist on Renegade.
Renegade executes a headlock takedown.

King - headlock takedown by Renegade.

[THK is back on his feet.
THK gets hit with a dragon scerw from Renegade.

J.R. - dragon screw!

[Renegade is back on his feet.
THK gets back to his feet.
THK hits Renegade with the back of his elbow.
THK knifehand chops Renegade.
THK rakes the face of Renegade in attempt to make a come back.
Renegade picks up THK and executes the cradle DDT.
Renegade is up again.

J.R. - Are you enjoying this match?

King - Yeah, you know it.

[Renegade climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on THK.

HellRaiser - If Renegade keeps using moves like that diving headbutt he could win the match!

[Renegade covers THK hooking the leg.
Earl Hebner counts.
...1 ...2
THK escapes.

King - Renegade was so close!!

[THK gets up.
Renegade drags THK to the floor.
Earl Hebner starts the count (.1)
Renegade swings a chair and hits THK.

J.R. - My God!! What a match!

[Renegade picks up THK and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex.
Renegade moves back to his feet.
Renegade fist drops THK on the floor.
Renegade climbs to his feet.
THK takes Renegade into the ring.
THK sets Renegade up DDTs him into the mat.
Renegade moves back to his feet.
THK picks up Renegade and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex.
THK is up again.
Renegade gets back to his feet.
THK kicks Renegade in the side.
makes the cover with a reverse cradle.
Earl Hebner counts the pin.
...1 ...2 ...3

King - We've got ourselves a winner!

Lilian Garcia - The winner of this match, and new WWF European champion, THK!!

Winner: THK


SubZero VS The Beast
WWF Title Match
Ladder Match

Lilian Garcia - This match is a Standard Match for the WWF World title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 345 pounds, from Frozen Falls, Alaska, Sub-Zero!!!

[Cold as Ice plays as Sub-zero walks down the ramp for his match.

Lilian Garcia - and his opponent, weighing in at 360 pounds, from Memphis Tenn, The Beast!!!

[The Animal Inside
Sub-Zero executes a pumphandle suplex on The Beast.
Sub-Zero gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from The Beast.
(ding, ding, ding) Sub-Zero hiptosses The Beast.
The Beast stands up.
The Beast executes the jumping sidekick on Sub-Zero.
Sub-Zero gets up.
The Beast gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Sub-Zero.
Sub-Zero covers The Beast.
The ref starts the count.
...1 ...2
The Beast kicks out.

HellRaiser - Sub-Zero should have known better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.

[Now The Beast standing.
Sub-Zero gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
Now Sub-Zero standing.
Sub-Zero mule kicks The Beast.
The Beast knocks Sub-Zero out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam.
The Beast sends Sub-Zero to ringside.
Earl Hebner starts the count (.1)

King - This is how wrestling should be!

HellRaiser - Blood is all over ringside.

The Beast knees Sub-Zero and rolls back to his feet.
Sub-Zero climbs to his feet.
The Beast executes a headlock takedown.
Sub-Zero is up again.
Sub-Zero pins The Beast against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm.
The Beast takes Sub-Zero into the ring.
The Beast uses a closed fist on Sub-Zero.
The Beast rakes the face of Sub-Zero in attempt to make a come back.
The Beast dropkicks Sub-Zero to the face.
The Beast hits Sub-Zero with an elbowdrop.
The Beast is back on his feet.
The Beast measures Sub-Zero up and drops a closed fist.
Sub-Zero puts The Beast on the top rope and executes a superplex.
Sub-Zero puts The Beast in an arm grapevine submission.
The Beast gets up.
The Beast gives Sub-Zero a reverse neckbreaker.
The Beast is up again.
The Beast goes for a pin.
Earl Hebner counts the pin.
...1 ...2
Sub-Zero kicks out.

J.R. - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[Sub-Zero is up again.
Sub-Zero picks up The Beast and front slams him on the mat.
Sub-Zero locks him in the arm hammerlock submission.
Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out.
... The Beast is fighting the hold. ... The Beast is fighting the hold. Sub-Zero breaks the hold.

HellRaiser - Blood is all over the ring.

[The Beast side slams Sub-Zero.
The Beast gets up.
Sub-Zero is back on his feet.
The Beast sends Sub-Zero into Earl Hebner he goes down.
The Beast grabs Sub-Zero's head and DDT's him on the mat.
Sub-Zero gets up.
The Beast nails Sub-Zero with a belly-to-back suplex.
The Beast is back on his feet.
Dr. Dare comes to the ring.
Dr. Dare piledrives The Beast.
The Beast moves back to his feet.
Dr. Dare executes a swinging bulldog on The Beast driving The Beast's face into the mat.
Dr. Dare sucks chants start in the crowd.
Dr. Dare is back on his feet.
Ordered is restored.
Earl Hebner gets up.
Sub-Zero clotheslines The Beast.
Sub-Zero lifts The Beast into the air and delivers a spine buster.
Sub-Zero drives The Beast into the mat with the frozen snowflake..
Sub-Zero covers The Beast.
Referee Earl Hebner makes the count.
...1 ...2 ...3

J.R. - We've got ourselves a winner!

Lilian Garcia - The winner of this match, and still WWF World champion, Sub-Zero!!!

Winner: SubZero

World Wrestling Federation
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All Rights Reserved