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Do The Damn Thing!!!!!

The scene opens up a local bar in Williamsville, NY. We see the three stars of the reopened XPW, B.G. James, Ron "The Truth" Killings, and Konnan of the Three Live Kru. The three men are sitting at a table all in black jackets and hats with black slacks on as well. They are all playing a game of poker with half the deck spread out on the table. Ron Killings takes the cigar out of his mouth and starts to speak.

Suntan Superman Ron Killings: Hey guys, doesn't it feel great to be back in the wrestling business again?

Konnan takes a drink of his wine and places it back on the table and answers Ron Killings.

"The Magic Stick" Konnan: Yeah Ron, I can't believe that the three of us are back together doing what we love to do, wrestle in the center of that ring.

B.G. James takes off his hat and lays it on the table and gets his thoughts in on the subject.

"Trailer Park Gangsta" B.G. James: That's right, the kru is back together and we are going to take over this place. We ran TNA while until Kip James or whatever he wants to call himself got involved in our business, but that's behind us now, we got business to take care of and we are going to do just that on the first show of the reopening XPW.

Ron Killings picks up the cards off the table and shuffles them, he than hands them out to himself along with B.G. James and Konnan. He than continues to speak.

Suntan Superman Ron Killings: Alright boys you know the game so I not going to tell you the rules any more, lets just get started.

All there men look at the cards with smiles on all their faces.

"The Magic Stick" Konnan: You guys are going to be in trouble right here, I don't see how either of you guys can beat this hand.

B.G. James reaches his head around and tries to see Ron Killing's hand but Ron sees it and pushes B.G. away from him.

"Trailer Park Gangsta B.G. James: What?! I was only reaching for the deck of cards.

Ron Killings pulls his hands back and replies.

Suntan Superman Ron Killings: Sure you were, I know how you play the game B.G.

B.G. James cracks a smile as Konnan says something to the both of them.

"The Magic Stick" Konnan: Ok guys, enough talking put your cards now and lets see who is the winner.

The three men look at each other for a minute before laying there cards on the table. Konnan has a full house of kings over tens, Ron Killings has three jacks with queen, seven kickers, and B.G. James has two pairs of nines and queens with an ace kicker.

"Trailer Park Gangsta" B.G. James: Well look at my hand guess I won didn't I?

Konnan and Ron Killings looks at B.G. James and stops him from taking the chips.

"Suntan Superman" Ron Killings: Wait a minute there B.G., you didn't win anything. You had the lowest hand out of all three of us.

B.G. James looks at Ron Killings and smiles and again tries to take the chips but is stopped by Konnan and Ron Killings again.

"The Magic Stick" Konnan: You know what, who cares about this game anymore anyways, let B.G. take the chips we got to get going anyways.

All three men take another drink of their glasses and B.G. James puts his hat back on as Ron Killings puts the cigar back in his mouth. B.G. James says one more things before the leave the bar.

"Trailer Park Gangsta" B.G. James: I told you guys I would walk away the winner.

The three of them start laughing as the scene fades to a commercial.

We come back from commercial to once again see the 3 Live Kru, but this time walking along the steps of the city hall building in Williamsville, NY.

"The Magic Stick" Konnan: Have you guys even looked at the first card for the return of XPW?

Both B.G. James and Ron Killings turn to look at him but only Ron Killings answers.

"The Suntan Superman" Ron Killings: Yeah I have and I have the main event, looks like somebody know who the star of XPW is.

B.G. James and Konnan look at Ron Killings and starts to laugh as he acts like some big star.

"The Trailer Park Gangsta" B.G. James: Well you do know that Konnan and I are wrestling the match right before yours, so I guess all there of us are going to be made as some of the top stars including Shane Douglas who you have to face in the main event Ron.

Ron Killings looks back at B.G. James.

"The Suntan Superman" Ron Killings: Yes I know who I am facing B.G. and I know that if is going to be tough because of how much stuff Shane Douglas has done in his career, but look back at the last couple of months. He has been stuck interviewing us and other wrestlers back in TNA, I wonder if he can still cut it in the ring.

All three men think about that for a minute or two before Konnan breaks the silence.

"The Magic Stick" Konnan: I still think that you should be able to take him just like B.G. and I are going to take down the tag team of Austin Aries and Anton Chase.

B.G. James and Konnan shake hands on it and B.G. James now speaks.

"The Trailer Park Gangsta" B.G. James: That's right, we are going to beat this team so quick they are going to wish they never came to play with the big boys in XPW. The Kru is back and better than ever.

All there men shake their heads in agreement and Konnan continues on.

"The Magic Stick" Konnan: You see Austin Aries and Anton Chase I really don't care if you guys think you can beat us or not, and I really don't care if you have are even good enough to win any tag team match let alone against one of the greats. The only thing that matters is when you step into the ring with the Kru, you are going to be back to the locker room with a lost just like that.

"The Trailer Park Gangsta" B.G. James: No doubt, there isn't a tag team here that can stop us, no one is better than us, we are damn near perfect. The only thing that could make the Kru better is if they have another member to manage them but we can get to that later.

Ron Killings shakes his head in disgust about B.G. James remarks.

"The Suntan Superman" Ron Killings: We really don't need a manager right now B.G., if though it would probably make us a little bit better and maybe get us over with the fans move than we already are. I just don't see it happening any time soon.

B.G. James looks at Ron Killings with a sad look on his face and talks back to him.

"The Trailer Park Gangsta" B.G. James: Are you sure that we can't get a manager any time soon, I know that there are a couple of divas who have already joined XPW and I am damn sure that more will join.

Ron Killings slaps B.G. James on the back on the head and B.G. James holds his head for a minute.

"The Suntan Superman" Ron Killings: Man you really need to knock that nonsense off and start getting ready for our matches that we have at the reopening of XPW.

Konnan interrupts B.G. James and Ron Killings.

"The Magic Stick" Konnan: Excuse me, but B.G. and I are already for our match and I know that you are ready for yours, so what the big deal? We are both going to win our matches this week and show to the world and XPW that the Kru don't lay down for any body.

The 3 Live Kru continue to walk and talk with each other but the camera fades out and goes to another commercial.

We come back from another commercial break and this time we see the team of B.G. James and Konnan talking to each other without Ron Killings about their tag team match in a dark room. Konnan is wearing his 3 Live Kru jersey and a bandana, while B.G. James is wearing a black hood and black T-shirt.

"The Magic Stick" Konnan: You know B.G. I am sorry about questioning where your heart was back in TNA, now I know that I shouldn't have and we are back together and ready to take care of business.

B.G. James looks at Konnan and replies to him.

"The Trailer Park Gangsta" B.G. James: Hey, no big deal man, its all in the past. That was TNA and this is XPW, a whole new beginning.

B.G. James and Konnan shake hands on it and continues to talk about the match.

"The Magic Stick" Konnan: Austin Aries and Anton Chase you guys better be ready to bring your best game because it is going to take that and more to even stand a chance. You guys are stepping into the ring with the wrong tag team to start off your career here in XPW.

B.G. James shakes his head in agreement and adds to that.

"The Trailer Park Gangsta" B.G. James: That's damn right, we are the best tag team to ever step into the ring and we will prove that when I not only beat up on the two of you but completely destroy you.

Konnan stops B.G. James and starts to talk about Ron Killings' match.

"The Magic Stick" Konnan: Alone with us beating those two punks that we will be facing in a tag team match, Ron Killings will end up beating Shane Douglas in the main event as well.

B.G. James takes off his hood and starts to speak again.

"The Trailer Park Gangsta" B.G. James: No doubt, the Kru is going to take it to everyone they face here in the XPW and we are going to show everyone that we are the best wrestlers in the business.

Konnan now takes off his bandana and speaks a little more on the subject.

"The Magic Stick" Konnan: Now back to Austin Aries and Anton Chase, one man we all saw lose to Christopher Daniels at last week's TNA pay-per-view and now he is going to come here thinking he can do better, I don't think so.

Both men laugh about the thought about Austin Aries losing to Christopher Daniels.

"The Trailer Park Gangsta" B.G. James: And the person he is teaming with isn't much better if any better to begin with. We are going to beat this team so fast it won't be worth the money the fans have to pay to see this match.

Both men agree to that and turn and start to walk away from the camera. XPW goes to yet another commercial break.

We come back from another commercial to see Konnan and B.G. James sitting on some kind of set. B.G. James is still wearing his black t-shirt and jeans with Konnan wearing a Michael Vick jersey and jeans. B.G. James turns and starts talking to Konnan like they are doing an interview.

"The Trailer Park Gangsta" B.G. James: So Konnan, tell us how it feels to be back in the wrestling business and teaming with long time friends?

Konnan looks back at B.G. James and replies.

"The Magic Stick" Konnan: It feels great, I mean the Kru is finally back together and I can't wait to get into the ring with you and kick some ass.

B.G. James looks down at the ground and back to Konnan asking another question.

"The Trailer Park Gangsta" B.G. James: Now about your tag team partner, how do you feel about him?

Konnan laughs a little at the question but answers any way.

"The Magic Stick" Konnan: He is a major punk. Nah, just kidding, I enjoy teaming with him and I think that we are going to prove to everyone that we are the best tag team here in XPW.

B.G. James looks down at the piece of paper in his hand and asks another question to Konnan.

"The Trailer Park Gangsta" B.G. James: So how do you feel about the team you are facing in your first ever match here in the reopened XPW?

Konnan thinks for a minute and rubs his chin before responding.

"The Magic Stick" Konnan: I really don't care much for them which is why I am really looking forward to beating up on them with you as my tag team partner.

B.G. James rolls up the paper like a microphone and ask yet another question to Konnan.

"The Trailer Park Gangsta" B.G. James: Thanks for the interview, do you have any last thoughts about your upcoming match or XPW all together?

Konnan stands up from his chair and speaks.

"The Magic Stick" Konnan: Yeah I do, I want to thank the owner of XPW for reopening this company and allowing us to join and putting us in our first matches back since we left TNA.

B.G. James now stands up along Konnan and shakes his hand and the both of them walk of the set together.

Scene fades to black.

Do The Damn Thing!!!!!