New XwO Rule Book

Revised : May 14, 2007

One fateful night in December of 1996, Suptman and IceBum started the XwO Fantasy Wrestling League. Since then, it has grown from a relatively obsure fed to one of the more popular feds on the Internet! After WrestleMania III in March of 1999, Suptman turned the XwO over to TheMonge and BCelticsFn, who despite a lot of hard work, were unable to continue the great tradition of the XwO. A savior was needed, and in January of 2000, Suptman returned to his position as President of the XwO to lead the federation back to greatness! In September of 2000, BCelticsFn showed that he could carry the XwO and was given the reigns as President! Despite great effort by President BC, once again the XwO slipped a little and the great Suptman returned in December of 2000 to spice things up. In early 2001, President Suptman once again turned over control of the XwO, this time to a new commander as Dan Taylor took over as President in mid-January 2001. Following five exciting months with President Taylor at the helm, another change of leadership occured. Pat Goff, assisted by Suptman as his Vice President, took over as XwO President in May of 2001, hoping to bring the XwO back to its prior greatness. After about two years of glory under President Goff and new XwO Vice President Sean Wilson, the XwO again closed it's doors in September of 2004. After a very brief relaunch in March of 2005 under new XwO President Sean Wilson the XwO was once again shut down. With a re-charged battery after a year hiatus, XwO President Sean Wilson re-launched the XwO again in April 2007 with a familiar face Pat Goff as his Vice President. As the XwO celebrates its 10 year anniversary with a great mix of new and old members, new and old characters and renewed vigor, passion and energy from Sean, Pat and all of the members. The XwO's future looks as bright as ever for 2007 and beyond.

II.The Members
The XwO shall have NO MORE than 20 members. As of April 2007 each member will select at least one singles wrestler or one tag team. Up to three wrestlers are allowed per member and can compete in both singles and tag team matches in any combination. Ex. single and tag, three singles, two singles wrestlers in a tag team are acceptable. Real wrestlers ONLY are allowed in the XwO but they can be used to create a new character with a new name. No created wrestlers will be accepted however created managers are fine and this has been done in the past. We would appreciate it if you pick your wrestlers wisely. We would like to eliminated excessive changing of wrestlers (ie. once a month). The President has the final say on wrestler changes however very rarely does it get disapproved. Using some wrestlers simply to bring in others are acceptable but please talk to the President first before you run this kind of storyline.

III.Joining the XwO
You can get the oppurtunity to join the XwO by visiting Join the XwO.. When there, read all of the rules and disclaimers. If you agree, Fill out the form and click the button down the bottom to send it to to the XwO President. All applicants will be responded to and some may be kept on file in case there is an opening in the roster. Keep in mind there is a 20 member roster limit due to the nature of match writing. Cards would be too big to have any more than 20 members.

IV.Roleplaying Rules and Match Results
The XwO used the TNM simulator in its early days, but has not used it in years now. Match results are now mostly based on roleplaying (RPing). It is not the sole determinent of the winner, but it is very critical. Other factors such as storyline reasons, switching characters, President's discretion (someone has lost a lot of matches and needs a win to keep interest) or agreed upon results between the two members are factored in. Also, in a close roleplaying battle or title match fluke finishes are likely to be used along with DQ's and Countouts. There are a few rules you will want to follow in your RP'ing:
<>You may not use other people's wrestlers without their permission. If you do have their approval note in before the start of the roleplay in an OOC.
<>Please summarize your roleplay and any challenges at the end of your roleplay (ex Sting challenges Chris Jericho, Chris Jericho accepts), this makes it easier for us to go through the roleplays and put together the card.
<>Use of "bogus" wrestlers (ex. Bogus Bret Hart) and jobbers is OK, as well as celebrities, past wrestlers and just about anything else you can think of
<>Try to stay away from racial, sexual language and excessive swearing. As these things can cause problems between members.
<>There is no maximum of RP's per week with any given character(s). However, keep in mind quality is much more important than quantity in Rping. Someone with 1 roleplay can beat someone with 5 bad/average ones for any reason. Any RP's sent in after roleplaying is closed and winners have been determined will not be considered when determining match winners, but can still can be done for fun.
<>There is no mandatory length, and longer isn't necessarily better. However, if you continually do one or two line roleplays, you can expect your chance of winning to decrease significantly.
<>No OOC (out of character) notes to take a jab at a member, character or the XwO President/VP will be allowed. As a matter of fact, that will probably get you fired. OOC's for informational purposes are OK, but don't overdo it.
<>If a champion issues an open challenge, do not respond with a one line "I accept" just so you can be the first to respond. The XwO may advise the champion to decline your challenge and give the shot to a more worthy wrestler.
<>Challenges that are made and not accepted will likely be booked by the XwO General Manager. If you don't want to compete due to storyline reasons or have special circumstances, please let us know and we will make sure to find a creative way to get you out of the match. You may also decline the challenge in the roleplay and out of character explain that you do not have time to roleplay but will be back to answer the challenge next week.

V.The Cards
The XwO has one card a week, on Sunday. Roleplaying closes at midnight on Saturday night. The winners are determined by the XwO President with input from the XwO Vice President. Factors in deciding winners will include but not be limited to the week's RPs, as well as any interference or storyline plans, switching characters, agreed upon finishes by two members or President's descrection. There is no limit to the amount of matches on a card. The XwO reserves the right to book any unaccepted matches unless criteria in section IV above is met. Challenges can not be unaccepted after they are accepted or booked and cannot be changed unless a creative way is found to do so and both participants agree to the change. Each wrestler can only fight ONCE unless it is a tournament or something like that. Here are some more rules regarding the cards...
<>At PPV events, the XwO usually makes the title matches. At In Your House shows, the champions are no longer required to defend their titles, although it is highly encouraged. If the title is not defended, the champion should still be wrestling in a non-title match of some sort. There are obviously ocassions where this will not occur. As long as the champion has some sort of role on the show (ie. Special Guest Referee) it will be acceptable.
<>Interference is allowed in matches, but use of any interference plans is solely up to the President. If you send in a plan, we may decide not to use it if we deem that it is not relevant. If it is relevant, such as continuing a huge fued or dumping someone from a stable, we will use it. If you just send in interference every week so you won't lose, we will NOT use it! There is no limit on interference per stable or wrestler, but don't overdo it. There is no guarantee that the requested interference will take place.
<>Gimmick matches are allowed, but they should not take place every week! If you have a barbed wire match every week, it devalues the greatness of an occasional barbed wire match!
<>When scheduling matches, it must be completed by Thursday so it can be properly assigned to a writer. Normally at this time the General Manager will be used to book any unanswered challenges and fill out the card.
<>When sending interference, it must be completed by Saturday night prior to match writing.
<>The President reserves the right to create interview segments or further a fued already started to spice up the card and create better reading for everyone if he so chooses. Members are not required to act or acknowledge the backstage segments unless it fits their characters or storyline. Also note that the President encourages every member to send plans in each week. A simple backstage segment sent in for the card will save him a lot of time in completing the card.

VI.The Titles
There are three titles in the XwO...The XwO World Heavyweight Title, the XwO Intercontinental Title, and the XwO World Tag Team Titles. Each title must be defended at every PPV or the champion will be stripped unless a good reason is given or permission is granted in advance. At PPV's, the XwO will usually make the title matches which will probably just follow basic storyline progression. Champions can choose their own opponents for In Your House shows. While it is great to win and retain titles, please remember this is fantasy and a title here in the XwO is still just a line of text like this one on a web page, in other words if you have a beef about a title or title match, ask yourself is it worth it to raise a stink like some have done in the past? The better thing to do is challenge the champ for the next week.

VII.Reasons to be FIRED
Unlike past XwO administrations, we DO NOT WANT TO FIRE ANYONE!!! We are committed to making this federation as fun for everyone as possible. In other words, the rules below are not going to be enforced unless you FORCE US TO. If we get to 20 memembers again, perhaps that will change but for now we want to avoid this kind of lingo. Please follow our 3 simple rules.
<>Complaining about match results or why you didn't win a title in OOC's or to anyone BUT the XwO President and XwO Vice President. If you have a legitimate complaint or think something is unfair, put your e-mail together with facts to back up your argument and send it to the XwO President. If he chooses, he will consult with the XwO Vice President and perhaps give you a title rematch or try to remedy your complaint in some way. Keep in mind that a lot of times there is a simple reason why you didn't win said match. It could be something as simple as the President seeking to build a feud up between the two characters. Sometimes it is as simple as the roleplaying battle being to close to call and giving the champion the benefit of the doubt.
<>Being an all around "pain in the ass". (Ex. using other people's characters without their permission, complaing about winners in IM's or e-mails with no facts to back up your argument, complaining about winning, losing a title, being booked in matches you were challenged for.) Multiple offenses of all of these will probably get you fired.
<> Falling off the face of the earth, not roleplaying and not telling the XwO President you are busy and can't roleplay. That is all you have to do. Tell us you can't roleplay. We all understand that real life comes before the XwO. The XwO President reserves the right to FIRE an inactive roleplayer for an active one, especially if the 20 man roster limit is reached

VIII.The XwO Web Page
Located at the XwO Web Page provides exclusive information such as the official XwO rankings, the current XwO roster, and the card for the week. You can also take a trip down memory lane with title histories and old card results. Visit it often, you won't regret it!

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