XwO Results

Click on a card's name to see the results. All cards from 1997 to near the end of 2000 have been lost. The links are remaining to represent the show history we've had here in the XwO. Also, from 2004 to 2005 is kind of hazy. Alot of the 2004 records have been lost, and I am presenting which cards I and Sean Wilson have from the 2004/2005 era XwO. If you have any Card Results from 1997-2000 or can fill in any of the gaps in 2004 for us, I would greatfully appreciate any cards sent to goodxxgod@yahoo.com. There are also cards missing from King Of the Ring 2003 to Rumble in The Park III in 2003, so if you have any shows between then, send them along. Thank You. Gareth (XwO Hall Of Famer, and XwO Event Chronicler).

1997 (Note: All Records of 1997 Have Unfortunately Been Lost)

1998 (Note: All Records of 1998 Have Unfortunately Been Lost)

1999 (Note: All Records of 1999 Have Unfortunately Been Lost)

2000 (Note: All Records of 2000 Have Been Lost, Up Until "XwO 12/02/00")