Rock'n F*ck Connection

Welcome you feel, pleasure we feel.

"This Website is dedicated to the whole wide World. Everything. The single things contain our happiness, the complex things contain our pleasure, but the love, it contains our wisdom."

Both Parts Thanks: God, Giacomo Albanese, friends, and mainly, our enemies

Michael Bruno Stevens thanks: Dead Kennedy's, Ratos De Porão, R.E.M., Tupac Shakur, Raul Seixas, Ramones and all the other REAL punks and bands that defend freedom and justice.

Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Paulo Maluff, Kaue Portela, Alexander Bonilha, Abraham Lincoln and again, all the politicians who made their best.

Willian Shakespeare, Manuel Bandeira, Dante Alighieri, three of the best poets of the history, and also thanks to all the other poets.

To Pelé and Jordan above everybody. Then, Oscar Schimidt, Maguilla, Popó, Gustavo Kuerten, and all the athletes who take sports seriously, and make of it, magical.

The wrestlers Bruno Lamartino, Andre The Giant, Nasty Boys, Shawn Michaels, Gold Dust, Doinky, King Kong Bundy, Oddities and ICP.

The E-wrestlers: Kai Harris, Jesse Noel, Jordan O'Neill, Neil Mihelich, Shawn Ossinger, Alan Alsworth, Erik, Ayaz, Kyle Demise, Joe Garza, John Bittner, and all the NWO guys, who once again, I apologize to.

The E-Feds: NWO, above all. XHW, UIW, XWF, the elite, just below. GWF and HCW, r.i.p. And now, PWO

ULTRA THANKS: My family: Sarah, Ryan, Fabio, Bob, Jack, Suely, Yara, Rizette, Silvester, Peppa, Fabiana, Paulo, Maria, Vince and Adair.

Leonardo Dei Santi Albanese Thanks: To My Awesome-GreatLooking-Wonderful-Genial self. And to who wanted to be on the list too.


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