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Hardcore Highway!

Hardcore Highway Video UK's Guarantee Feedback

Welcome to the 'HARDCORE HIGHWAY'!!!

If you are looking for some of the most brutal, high-flying and brilliant wrestling action of all time then you have come to the right place.

I have tapes involving wrestlers such as Mick Foley/Cactus Jack, Terry Funk, Jushin Liger, Abdullah The Butcher, Hayabusa, The Sandman, Chris

Jericho, Rob Van Dam, Bruiser Brody, Chris Benoit, Sabu and many many more.

These guys put their bodies on the line in various matches involving barbed wire, canes, explosions and even fire. In the words of AC/DC -

'If You Want Blood, You've Got It'!!

As a word of warning, some of these tapes involve the most brutal wrestling action you are ever going to witness. I have tapes from federations in Japan and the ECW - Each match has NEVER been seen before

on UK TV and is not (and some never will be) available in the UK on video.

There is ALOT of bloodshed in some of these tapes and the occasional piece of bad language, so if your stomach is a bit weak I suggest you go and watch WCW Nitro instead:)

The HARDCORE HIGHWAY also offers classic wrestling tapes aswell as

technical/pure wrestling tapes from all over the world. So all of your needs can be met!

I love all types of wrestling and my aim is to provide the widest possible range of material.

You see sub-sites all over the internet selling products and think 'I eint ordering something off the big bad net, especially of such a small site like this'!

But Hardcore Highway is no Small Wrestling Video Company! Hardcore Highway has several mini sites, just like these all across the net to get our product to as many grapple fans as possible!

We have our own unique point system, the more videos you buy, the closer you get to being able to claim a free one! (To see more, see the "Points System" on Main Page!)

We have over 250 Wrestling videos available for your purchase at a maximum of £7 UK Sterling, yes, £7 each! All you need to do is select which video you want out of our vast selection, and go to the order form page, where you simply fill out the form ,and send it the address given, or email the CEO of Hardcore Highway myself for more information, namely Shipping and Handling. Then ,the video our have ordered will get to your doorstep within 7 working days!

Yes, we here at Hardcore Highway can be fully trusted for buying the cheapest wrestling videos around! All deliveries are recorded by 'Royal Mail' and I, as well as you are informed of your video delivery!

Happy Shopping at Hardcore Highway, hope you choose something you like out of my huge wrestling video collection available for sale!

Happy Purchasing

Matt Maher

(Owner of Hardcore Highway UK!)

Hardcore Highway

Hardcore Highway CEO - Matt M -


Designed By Tim Watkins - © Wrestlelines 2001 - All Rights Reserved