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Birmingham, Alabama

Jefferson County Civic Center

November 11th, 2000



"Suicidal" Kydd Riggs vs. Skull
Debut Match

JD vs. "Special Agent" John Davies
Grudge Match

TV Champ vs. Nat Duke
TV Title Match

Paul Masters "The Master Plan" vs. Eugene Wifflebottom
INT Title Match

Eyval vs. Derek Frost vs. Adam
Hardcore Title Match

Dan Bonez vs. Cody "Wrangler" Briggs
Grudge Match

Raymond Chandler vs. Exile
(UN) Stable Honour Match

Main Event

Bondage vs. Dane Rennier
Handcuffs & KY Jelly on a Pole Match

Greensboro, North Carolina

Bi-Lo Centre

October 21, 2000

Bob: Welcome everyone to another exciting SNS!  The Gauntlet is just around the corner and everyone knows whats on the line!  Tonight we find if Bonez or Chandler will be facing Shawn in a few days at the PPV.

Ralph:  Thats right and expect a few run-ins between the teams.  Speaking of Run-in's it appears James made one that he could regret, running into Jamie Bonez at the hospital.

Barry: Why can't all the wrestlers in WCWF leave Bonez's wife alone. He doesn't go flirting with thier wives!

Bob: Anyway's Lets start things with a couple new guys! (to the guys) This match seems free for all less.

Micheal K: Welcome everybody to WCWF Saturday Night Slaughter.  Our first match is a debut match!  Our first compeitior is Pheonix!  (Falling Away From Me by KoRn plays and he gets a small pop.) His opponent, BONDAGE! ("Pour Some Sugar On Me" by Def Leppard plays and he gets a bit bigger pop.)

 Both men get in the ring and test each other out. This match goes back and forth with no real happening until....

Bob: Pheonix with a  power slam.

Ralph: What the hell? Thats Dragon and Frost and they are helping Pheonix!  Dragon has the ref distracted and Frost and Phionex are pummling Bondage.

Bob: Look out slave is in the ring!  She just whipped Frost and he falls out of the ring!

Barry: Whip me baby!

Ralph: OMIGOD! Pheniox with a Spinning DDT on Slave.  Bondage to his feet... SOUL BURNER!!!  And the cover and thats it folks! Phoenix is 1-0 (And misspelled a 100 times)!!!!

Bob: Boy you team people up in the gauntlet and they will do anything for thier team mates.  And for the first time in weeks we make it through the first match without added excitment.  

(just then the cameras go to the back where you see Mark Nielson beating a unconcous and bloody HC Champ Frost. (Still with his belt on and a baseball bat next to his head.)

Bob: Oh my god!  The Hardcore title match is underway early again!  It looks like Nielson will be the new champ.  He just has to get him into the ring and get a 3 count!

(Nielson calls for JD who comes out and the 2 of them begin to take Frost to the ring.  They clear the apron and get about 10 feet up the ramp when....)

Ralph: From the behind ADAM WITH A PIPE ON JD and a homerun swing on Steel!  He is down!  Adam picks up JD and OH MY GOD!

Bob: JD just went flying off the ramp and threw a table!  He is out!  Steel is now being carried to the ring by Adam!

(Suddenly there is an explosion and fire everywhere)

Ralph: Now What! (Phoenix appears and picks up Frost and takes him to the back)  Phoenix has what appears to be taken Frost out of the match and the Hardcore title!

Bob: Forget that Adam has Steel in the ring.  He picks him up OH MY GOD UPPERCUT TO THE HEAD WITH THAT PIPE!!! STEEL ISN'T MOVING!!!  

Ralph: Who says the WCWF can't be hardcore and ADAM ISN'T FINISHED!  He picks up Steel, DISTRUCTION OF EDEN!!! HE HIT THE DoA its over and we have a new hard core champ!!

Micheal K: Winner of the match and new hardcore champ ADAM!!!!

Bob: What a match.  Hold on...Now what.  We are going to the back again.

(Camera's go to the back and we see Bonez talking to Thomas James.)

Tom: Dan it has to stop!

Dan: Tom mind your own fucking business!!!

Tom:  Dan what has happened to you! Has the character gone to your head!  Have you forgotten where WE came from!  I was there in the beginning when Dan and Tom were rooks trying to stay alive with the veteran Sharks!  Now we are the sharks but you are eating everyone alive.

Dan:  Tom I know where I came from!  It cost me my boy!  But thats HER fault and she will pay!

Tom: Dan I am serious! You touch her again and you will answer not only to the cops but to me.

Dan:  Fuck you Tom you don't scare me.  I have beaten up people bigger and stronger than you!  Now move I have a match!

Tom: (Puts a hand on Dan stopping him) Leave Jamie alone, I mean it!

Dan: I warned you! (Dan quickly kicks James in the gut and hits him with a boner leaving him lay.) Stay out of my life asshole!

(Dan leaves to finish getting ready for the main event. As he gets out of sight Jamie Bonez is heard around the other corner asking someone if they had seen James then she finds him.)

Jamie: Tom! Oh my God!  Someone help I need medical attention!

Ralph: Wow!  When business becomes personal.

Bob: Lets not even talk about that.  Lets take a break....


(Halloween sounds are heard..)

Announcer:  Kids hear Halloween and think Candy and trick or treating.  Adults hear Halloween and think costumes, parties and the Nightmare on Elm Street Marathon.  WCWF hears Halloween and hears bone crunching and THE GAUNTLET!  

(Pictures of the 1999 All Hallows Eve flash)

Announcer: 1999 brought excitment but this year Dick Hart's Corporation, Troy Olsen's Clan, The imbalenced Insane Cain, The stars of the future, the Young Bloods; The return of Enigma and his band of rising stars, Bonez's BDC, and The now Judge-less KoA will all square off for a chance at the highest prize in the land, THE WCWF WORLD TITLE!  On top of that, New Hardcore Champ Adam will face Eyval in his first Defense, Bonez or Insane Cain will Face Stud for the US title, The Davies Brothers will try and go 2-0 against the BDC and become the WCWF Tag Champs, and the Main event! The winner of tonights Main Event will face Shawn for the WORLD TITLE!!!!

Another voice: Only on PPV!!!

Main Event

Dan Bonez vs. Raymond Chandler

Michael K: The next match is tonight’s main event and is for a world’s title shot at the pay per view. Introducing first, The US Champ, Dan BBBOOOONNNNNNNEZZZZZ. (Dan makes his way to the ring) Now making his way to the ring, from Detroit, RRRAAAAAYYYYMMMOOONNNNNDDDDDDD CCCCCCHHHHHHHAAAAAANNNNNDDLLLLLEERRR.

Bob: Both men now in the ring, and Bonez taking full advantage of the early moments by spitting some water in the face of Ray. Chandler retaliating with hard right hands to the jaw of Dan. The Boner just nailed him with a T-Boner suplex.

Barry: T-Boner? That’s about as lame as the lariat Ray just hit. Ray now drilling Dan with a front backbreaker. Following up with a knee to the shoulder. Damn, Dan, come on, get up.

Bob: Barry, watch the language that you excerpt.

Barry: Excerpt? I don’t excerpt language. I spew it out.

Bob: That’s not the only thing you spew.

(The action goes back and forth from Dan to Ray for almost the full time limit.)

Bob: Dan Bonez with a powerslam, no! Ray just shifted his weight and knocks Dan onto his back! One…Two…Thre NO! Dan just barely got that left arm into the ropes.

Barry: Why did you say “NO!”? Do you really want Ray to win?

Bob: I never said that.

Barry: Yeah, but you didn’t NOT say that, did you?

Bob: Anyway, Ray now grabbing a chair and sliding into the ring, following it in. The ref sees this and tries to stop him, and Dan once again being the advantagalist that he is, nailing a low blow on Raymond Chandler.

Barry: that a real word?

Bob: Barry, shut up and do your job.

Barry: I’m doing my job, but that ref isn’t. He should disqualify Bonez for that cheap shot. Bending him over, Dan with the BONER! And the pin, one…two…three! DAN BONEZ GETS A WORLD TITLE SHOT AT THE PPV!

Bob: We will see you at WnW.