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As the offical minor leauge of the WCWF we will abide by the mother companys rules they are:

Have Fun.

No whining! If you have a problem with something, email The Commissioner.

You must do AT LEAST 1 Role-play per week for all wrestlers, whether you have a match or not. Role-playing is important.

Should you not have our password for whatever reason, ONLY e-mail the commish to get it. If someone asks for it you are not to give it to them. It could result in your termination.

If a card isn't posted...WAIT!!! Don't bug the writer about it. If it is late the writer has good reason for it to be late.

Titles must be defended at least once every 30 days.

If you have any concerns, angles, or anything in general about ECWF or events, feel free to email The Commissioner.

We reserve the right to terminate anyone at any time. There are various offenses leading up to this, such as not rping, racial slurs, etc. You will be warned first, then terminated if the situation continues.

If for any reason you can't role-play any given week (illness, vacation, etc.), email The Commissioner either prior to or immediately after the situation occurs.

You must use ORIGINAL wrestlers. Using characters based on real people is not permitted. We're going for creativity here. Straight up racial slurs or any other seriously nasty comments will not be tolerated in role-plays. You will get 1 warning, then be terminated. Also, try not to get too personal either, since we're all using characters.

Any one person can have a maximum of 2 wrestlers, or 1 singles wrestler and one tag team (they get no single matches). NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

You can post a MAXIMUM of 3 role plays for a weekly card. All Rp's beyond that will be disregarded.

You can post a MAXIMUM of 5 role plays for a Pay Per View. All Rp's beyond that will be disregarded.

Did we mention Have fun?

credit:Lucas Totty

(WCWF rule differences: 2 rps a week, max of 5 weekly r/ps and 10 ppv r/ps)