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Okay if you're reading this its because you want to create an E-wrestler and you want some advice. That's good, you know when you need help, this page is here to help first timers, or anyone in need of some help. Its going to come in four main sections. First of all some general advice on E-fedding for beginners only really, then a run through of the entry form, an important first step and the part I really suggest you read now, a couple of examples and finally some other general tips, and E-mails of people in the WCWF who want to help you.

First piece of advice, ROLEPLAY!!!

Go on every week at least once and do an interview, it doesn't have to be long and it doesn't have to be about a match. Even if your card is clear come on and RP, because otherwise people will forget about you and you won't get a match. You'll get your first few matches free, but after that you will need to get feuds and stuff going for them.

The RP board is for Roleplays, this is all written as your wrestler, not as yourself, this is the most important part of e-wrestling, its how you win matches. Your first few RPs should explain who your wrestler is, where he comes from and such. Then when you get matches you can do some in-ring or backstage interviews, as time goes on and more is expected from you you should get more inventive with settings and such. If you don't plan to, or can't RP at least once a week, don't bother joining the federation, you'll only get chucked out in a week or so, and you could save us some time.
Let me reiterate to make this clear WCWF is an interactive fed, not like some feds out there, you win by writing better RPs and posting them on the board, that's it. To win the first belts you'll need to RP every week or so, but I'll look at that sort of thing in general tips.

OOC, out of character board, this is you, its what you say as the handler not as the wrestler. This is where to ask for E-mails, tell people plans and complain about other people. Ignore that last bit, just joking. The OOC board is important to read, along with the Challenge board its where most matches get booked and confirmed, you will be in trouble if you don't read it because you'll miss bookings and such.

E-fedding, E-wrestling etc, obvious, Electronic wrestling, Electronic federation, the basic terms of this hobby of ours. If you have any confusion about terms, Dark Matches, Jobbers, anything, just ask, nothing is too simple to be explained. That's the short line, I would advise you to read the other pages though in particular the general tips.