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Liam Uk Tape Trade

We mainly specalise in

Hello and Welcome to Liams Uk Wrestling Tape Trading and Selling Site at the moment I am only trading and buying North American Tapes but in the near future I may expand to Japanese and Mexican Wrestling Tapes but not at the moment.I am quite new to the wrestling tape trading buisness so I may not have as many tapes as some of the others but I am getting more and more in every week so we are expanding.Thanks and if you see anything you are interested in buying or trading all the details about trading , buying and contacting me are at the bottom of the page and I can be contacted at at anytime if you have a querey.Thanks again Liam Nestor
Update 18/12/01 - 19 To update : Starting with Best Of Raw 99 Vol 1 ,Steve Austin : Lord Of The Ring , No Mercy 01 , Survivor Series 01 , Vengeance 01 ,Rebellion 01 , XPW Scene Of The Crime , Baptised In Blood 2 (My Bloddy Valentine) , XPW Go Funk Yourself , CZW Ultraviolent 99 , WCW Fall Brawl 97 , WCW Slamboree 97 ,WCW Millenium Final Tour 00 , Brutus Beefcake Shoot Interview , Taz Shoot Interview Part 1 , Taz Shoot Interview Part 2 , Best Of Raven , Best Of The Sandman and Lastly Rolling Thunder Best Of RVD and Sabu (they can be found in the new Best Of Section) . Also ALL The Latest WWF TV is in it will be put up on the site today in the WWF Tv Section . Also just a few small notices I've been getting alot of e-mails from people asking if my site is still open as it hasn't been updated for so long well I'd just like to tell you all that this site is only updated about every month to two months as I just don't have the time to update it every week like other traders so if you come on and it hasn't been updated for a bit don't be disheartened we are still open . Also this update marks the first anniversary (well almost) of Liams Uk Tape Trader and I'd just like to thank everyone thats made it a successful year from my fellow traders to all my customers Thank You!.And with any luck the second year will be as sucessful as the first . Lastly I'd just like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year and to keep up them orders in the New Year .
Cheers Liam

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The Smarks Members Mark test deems me:
35% Wrestling Mark
I am potentially a wrestling mark...I should quickly burn my Hulk Hogan posters!