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Ultra Impact Wrestling

Ultra Impact Wrestling

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Latest News :

Attention members: UIW will be closed for a few weeks while we do some remodeling! Check back regularly to see when we re-open!

Welcome to UIW! MWF's new sight!

New notice: UIW will be closed until the summer of 2001, UNLESS theres someone out there that would like to run it until summer. If you would like to be the Lt. Prez until summer, e-mail me. If I choose you, you will be able to hire your own commish to help you out. You will be fully responsible for putting up cards, ect..... There are also a few more rules that i'll tell you if your choosen. Well e-mail me at if interested, C-ya

Attention Members: UIW can re-open because I found a new commish. But I was thinking mabey we could turn UIW into a wrestling media center. Like have wrestling info, wrestlers pictures, links to wrestling sites and mabey have wrestler of the week and other polls that the people wanna take. Well what do you think?
What should UIW do
Should UIW turn into a media center?

No, stay a sim-fed
Both are cool

Current Results

I Like This Fed! I don't like this fed.


Kerpal Prank Call

Sweet Sites

Extreme Gaming Network

The WCW Zone

uXcw R/P-fed


Britney Spears Parody

2000 VMA's Review

Various Polls
(Take Them!)

This site is in no way affiliated with WWF, WCW, ECW, or any other wrestling company seen on this site. Nothing on this site may be copied or used without the permission of ©2000 Ultra Impact Wrestling, All Rights Reserved. Thanks to HugeWCWFan@aol and!