The Title History of the Handler Nic Hay
TNT Wrestling Heavyweight Champion x3, TNT Wrestling Eurasian Champion x2, TNT Wrestling United States Champion x3 (First ever), TNT Wrestling Tag Team Champion x2, TNT Wrestling Hardcore Champion x3, United Wrestling Alliance Heavyweight Champion, United Wrestling Alliance United States Champion x2, United Wrestling Alliance Television Champion, Extreme Wrestling Federation World Heavyweight Champion, Extreme Wrestling Federation North American Champion, World Wide Wrestling Heavyweight Champion x2, Net Championship Wrestling Intercontinental Champion.

We come upon Sabbath to see him lying on a bench press at a gym.  The gym has a high ceiling, and is not too busy as it is the middle of the day.  Most people are at work during this time.  Sabbath finishes off his set and places the weights back on the rack.  He sits up and we notice that he has 225 lbs. on the bar.  He leans forward and takes a deep breath.  He leans on his knees with his elbows as he looks up and wipes a drip of sweat dripping down his forehead.  He sees the camera as we get closer to Sabbath now.  He is wearing a TNT Wrestling T-shirt with a pair of sports shorts.  He has low cut white socks and white running shoes.  He runs his hand through his short hair, then wipes the sweat on his shirt.

Well wasn't last month a disappointment.  Yet another disappointment for Sabbath.  This is becoming a common occurrence for yours truly.  Month after month, match after match I manage to come up on the losing end.  This past month is just happened to be against Xavier Hall.  Now I don't want to take anything away from Xavier.  He was a hell of a competitor and put up an incredible fight.  It was definitely one of the hardest I've had here.  However, this match was not the only reason I was disappointed.  It not only increased my losing streak, but TNT Wrestling was lost.  International Incident won TNT Wrestling, Nic Totopoulous let the company slip through his fingers, which in hindsight was simply a poor calculated risk by Nic Hay.  But now, instead of wrestling for a company I had come to love, with some of the greatest wrestlers in the world, run by a man I respect in Nic Hay, I have to now work for a group of pricks in a company I know I won't love the same way I did TNT Wrestling.  I have to work for 10 Minute Major, the man who beat Nic Totopoulous to win the company, Rubeus Dahrkov, the man who beat Rilo to become the Heavyweight Champion, and Ron Downs, a man who has had my number since he joined TNT Wrestling.

Does this look like a stroke of bad luck?  Absolutely it does...  from the outside.  I try to look on the bright side of things at every chance I get.  I was starting to get frustrated by my inability to achieve victory recently.  However, this is my chance to break that streak.  TNT Wrestling is gone and International Incident Wrestling was born.  Now I work for a group of jerks, but that doesn't mean I won't get my fair shot.  There are definitely some people within this company that the Incident would like to get their hands on before me.  I mean, why would they worry about me?  I'm just an opening match kind of guy, doesn't pose much of a threat as I've proven over the past few of months.  I don't make a lot per show, so I'm inexpensive, I give the fans a hell of a show every time I'm in the ring.  I'm pretty much perfect.  I don't gripe, I don't complain, I just take what I'm given and work with it.

Now I'm given an opportunity to start anew.  I don't work for TNT Wrestling anymore, I work for International Incident Wrestling now.  This is a new chapter in my career that is about to open.  I've been working harder than ever since my last loss to Xavier Hall, and I'm now ready for any and all challenges to be thrown my way.  By the looks of it, they aren't wasting any time with the challenges.

I will finally make my television debut, and it looks like the Incident wants to book me the same way Nic Hay did.  I'm in the opener, and I'm being fed to a guy who should be able to pick me to pieces without any trouble.  The guy I'm wrestling is a UWA Hall of Famer, the first and only person with win the Trifecta Heavyweight Championship, the UWA, XPWA and TNT Wrestling Heavyweight Championships.  In fact, he is the one who retired the XPWA Heavyweight Championship belt.  He has had more success that most in the wrestling industry and is still one of the best in the business.  I'm sure you all know who he is.  He is making his return to TNT Wrestling and will be looking for an easy victory, and I'm sure he is happy to be back on TV.  He has been in the limelight for so many years now, and will look to quickly move his way up the card, as I'm sure he'd like a crack at the IIW Heavyweight Championship belt.  The man...  He is "The Golden Boy" Michael Edwards.

This match here, this match is both a slap in the face and an honour all at the same time.  It is an honour to have the opportunity to be able to step into the ring with someone the caliber of Michael Edwards.  This guy has wrestled all around the world, and has been a success everywhere he has wrestled.  IIW has given me the opportunity to test myself, and to get the biggest victory of my career.  I truly look forward to this match, and it is the biggest match of my life.  In my television debut, I will be able to wrestle and possibly beat one of the most recognizable faces in wrestling.  This is a great chance for me and I cherish the opportunity.

At the same time it is a slap in the face.  I have busted my ass harder than most in the wrestling industry for an opportunity like this one.  Yet, here I am, in the opening match once again.  I'm here to get the crowd going, to get them excited, I'm back to square one.  I don't seem to be getting any further, whether it's Nic Hay or International Incident running the show.  I know I can put on a great show, and I know I can get the crowd excited, but putting my in another opening match as fodder, as a warm-up match for Michael Edwards?  That is disrespectful, not only to me but to him as well.  I'm trying to work my way through the ranks, and someday do great things in IIW.  I know that right now isn't my time, but already writing me off?  That is disrespectful.

Talk about disrespect.  Michael Edwards.  This guy is one of the best in wrestling and could wrestle in any company.  Why he has decided to wrestle in a company run by three of the largest pieces of crap in the wrestling industry is beyond me.  He could be off making millions, selling out stadiums around the world, leading the ratings wars, carrying multi-million dollar companies on his back, selling millions of pay-per-view buys every month.  He chooses, however, to wrestle in a company that is lucky to draw seven hundred people to a show in some banquet hall.  Whatever his reasons are, he has done it, which will no doubt help IIW as there is no doubt he is taking a huge pay cut to do this, and IIW gives him a warm-up match?  Do you think Michael Edwards thinks he needs a warm-up match?  Of course not.  He wants to wrestle the best IIW has to offer.  He wants to wrestle the best here, and he gets put up against a guy who hasn't won a match in months? What kind of a message does that send to a man that could be the future of the company, a man that could help bring IIW out of the Indy circuit and back into the mainstream?

Either way, I know this is a match I have to win.  I know Edwards is fresh out of XPWA, but I have to hope like hell that there is some kind of ring rust, or something to give me an upper hand.  I'm going to have my hands full, and I hope to give the same to Michael Edwards.

Sabbath clears his throat before continuing.

Now Edwards, Golden Boy, this is for you.  I am probably the most unorthodox wrestler you will ever wrestle.  I can get out of any situation, attack from anytime, anywhere.  I have an arsenal that is second to none.  I am an aerial innovator, and I will be able to pull out all of the stops and beat you.  Like I said before, it is an honour to wrestle you, but don't think I'm going to be a pushover.  I won't be nervous, I'll be confident, and I'll be prepared.  There is so much tape out there of you to study, and I'll be looking at all of it.  I'll have an answer for every question you can give me.  There is little to no tape of me out there, and there is so much more I have to offer.  I will be giving you anything and everything I've got on December 13, 2006 on IIW TV Edwards.  The Indy circuit?  It's all I know, it's my life.  The big time is one thing, being in front of the thousands of fans every show, making millions of dollars, it can make you soft.  I wrestle in front of a few hundred if I'm lucky, but usually twenty five to fifty fans, all of whom want to rip you apart as much as the opponent if you don't give them what they want.  The Indy circuit is my life Edwards.  TNT Wrestling, International Incident Wrestling, whatever you want to call it, this is my big time.  Michael Edwards, "The Golden Boy"...  Welcome to my world!

Sabbath stares into the camera, full intensity with fire in his eyes.  It is the same fire that burned when he first joined TNT Wrestling, a fire that has not been seen for the past couple of weeks.  The scene fades to black as Sabbath lies back down to do his next set on the bench press.