Live Sunday January 30th, 2005

Match 3
- = Street Fight = -
Nicky Mills v. Billy Dee

Billy Dee is backstage in the change room with the man in the white cloak and the three with the brown cloaks. Dee is wearing a brown cloak himself.

BD: I know you guys are going to want to help out with my match tonight, but this is a match, and a battle that I have to fight on my own. I don't want you guys to come down to the ring with me tonight. Mills and I have a history, and I need to fight this battle on my own. I need to know that I can beat him on my own.

Voice: That is what I was hoping you would say. This is a battle you must fight on your own. You can't stop the future whether we are there or not. Stand up to it, and fight for what you believe in.

BD: Yes my Lord. I will fight.

Dee gets up and walks out of the room as the scene fades.

O Fortuna begins to play over the speakers. Billy Dee walks out from behind the curtain and out on to the stage. He's wearing his brown cloak as he walks out by himself. He walks down the ramp with the hood over his head. He climbs slowly in to the ring. He takes off the hood and stands and waits.

Then Mosh begins to play over the speakers. Nicky Mills steps out on to the ramp. He stares straight down the isle as he stands at the top of the stage looking straight at Billy Dee. Then he suddenly begins to run down the ramp toward the ring.

TD: Mills isn't going to waste any time here. He's going straight for Dee.

Mills slides in to the ring and the bell sounds and the music stops. Dee slides under the bottom rope and out of the ring. Mills runs across and follows him out of the ring. Dee takes off running around the ring, and Mills is on hot pursuit. Dee runs in front of the ramp and slides back in to the ring. Mills follows him around and slides in, only to be met by a Billy Dee double axe handle to the back. Then another, and one more. Dee lifts Mills to his feet. He gives Mills and Irish whip in to the ropes. Mills bounces off and Dee goes for a clothesline, but Mills ducks it. Mills bounces off the opposite ropes and as Dee turns around he nails him with a hard clothesline. Dee is to his feet and Mills nails him again with a hard clothesline. Dee is back up and Mills nails him with a hard right hand, then another, and another, and one more. Dee is backed up against the ropes now. Mills takes a step back, then clotheslines Dee over the top rope and to the outside. Dee lands hard.

KK: Mills is all fired up for this match!

Mills quickly climbs to the outside, and gives Dee a hard kick to the back of his head. Dee lies flat on his stomach and Mills grabs the cloak and begins to choke Dee. Mills continues to choke Dee, and Mills lifts Dee to his feet he's pulling so hard. Dee thinks quickly and gives Mills a low blow mule kick. Mills immediately lets go and falls to his knees. Dee falls forward to the floor on all fours, holding his throat.

TD: Quick thinking by Dee there to get out of that predicament.

Dee begins to crawl away from Mills and takes the cloak off in the process. Dee gets to his feet now and begins to walk back toward Mills. He grabs Mills by the hair and lifts him to his feet. Dee then nails Mills with a hard right hand. Mills stumbles back against the ring. Dee nails Mills with another right hand, then another, and Mills continues to use the ring to keep him up. Then Dee tries to give Mills an Irish whip into the barricade, but Mills reverses it and Dee goes in to the Barricade!

KK: Mills is continuing to put on the pressure here.

Mills nails Dee with a right hand, and then Dee nails Mills with one. They begin to exchange right hands. Mills, Dee, Mills, Dee, Mills, Dee, Mills, Mills, Mills, Mills.

TD: Mills is starting to take the advantage again!

Mills steps back and tries for a clothesline, but Dee ducks down and flips Mills in to the crowd.

KK: Oh my God! This is turning in to the Pier 6 brawl!

Dee falls forward to all fours once again. He crawls to the ring and climbs in. He rolls to the middle of the ring. Mills climbs out of the crowd and back outside the ring. He slides in to the ring, and Dee begins to back into a corner. Dee sits in a corner as Mills walks toward him. Dee holds his hands out and pleads with Mills to leave him alone. Mills walks over and begins to stops Dee in the chest and the face in the corner. Mills steps away for a moment, and we see a bit of blood begins to drip from Dee's nose.

TD: Mills is beating the living hell out of Dee here!

Mills walks back in and picks Dee to his feet. Dee stumbles to the middle of the ring, and Mills gives him an Irish whip in to the ropes. Mills jumps for trying for a Lou Thesz press, but Dee reverses it in to a spinebuster. Mills arches his back in pain as Dee stumbles backward and in to the ropes. He puts his hand under his nose and notices the blood on his hand. Dee walks back over to Mills and lifts him to his feet. He whips Mills in to the ropes, Mills comes back and Dee tries for a clothesline, but Mills ducks it. Mills bounces off the opposite ropes, and Dee uses Mills' speed and launches Mills over the top rope to the outside. Mills lands hard and rolls in to the barrier.

KK: Mills went flying over the top rope there!

Mills begins to stumble to his feet. Dee runs at the ropes and jumps over with a tope and nails Mills with the cross body splash. Both men crash to the floor.

TD: Dee just risked it all, and he nailed Mills!

Dee struggles to his feet. He lifts Mills to his feet and leans him against the barrier. Dee runs at Mills and gives him a clothesline over the barrier in to the crowd. Dee climbs over the barrier and follows him out there. Dee begins to nail Mills with a few right hands. Then Dee begins to drag Mills further in to the crowd, when Mills hits Dee with an elbow to the stomach. Dee bends over and falls to the floor. Mills kicks Mills in the stomach and he rolls out past the fans to a point in between the floors and the first level of seating. Mills follows him out there. He grabs Dee by the hair, and puts his head in between his legs.

KK: What the hell is Mills going to do here!?!

Mills calls for the end, when suddenly Dee catches Mills off guard and gives him a back body drop on to the concrete floor. Fans are circling them from the floor seats, all cheering and going insane. Security is holding the fans back. Dee falls to his knees and begins to crawl away and the fans move for him. He crawls over to a steel trashcan. He uses it to help himself get to his feet. Mills stumbles to his feet and walks over to Dee. Dee suddenly turns around and nails Mills with the trashcan!

TD: Dee just nailed Mills! Mills must be out cold!

Dee drops the trashcan and falls to his knees again. Mills lies face first on the floor. He lies motionless as Dee struggles to stand again. Mills begins to move and rolls over with blood running from just above is left eye. The blood is pouring on the floor and his face. Dee stumbles over to Mills and lifts him to his feet by his hair. Dee nails Mills with a hard right hand to the laceration, and Mills stumbles back toward the ring and back into the seating area.

KK: Mills is a mess here! I can't believe he's even standing.

Dee nails Mills again with another right hand. Mills stumbles even closer to the ring. Mills falls back and sits in one of the chair. Dee walks over to him, and Mills hits Dee with a low blow with his foot. Dee falls to his knees in front of Mills, and Mills nails him with a right hand. The blood continues to trickle from Dee's nose as Mills nails Dee again in the nose. Mills begins to walk back toward the ring, then falls over the barrier to the other side. He crawls away as Dee gets to the barrier. Dee climbs on to the barrier. Mills stumbles to his feet, and Dee dives off the barrier and hits Mills with a hard clothesline. Mills falls backward.

TD: I can't believe what we are witnessing here! This is a brutal beating both men are taking.

The crowd continues to cheer in approval for the true fight they are watching. Dee gets to his feet and throws Mills in to the ring. Dee slides in and goes for a cover.



Kick out by Mills!

Dee stands up and stomps down on Mills' cut forehead, then again, and one more time. Dee climbs to the second rope, as Mills lies motionless on the mat. Dee jumps off and nails Mills with an elbow to that injured head. Dee rolls over and goes for another pin.



Kick out by Mills!

Dee lifts Mills to his feet. He whips Mills in to the ropes, and follows up with a powerslam in to yet another cover.



Kick out by Mills!

Dee quickly grabs Mills' head puts on a reverse headlock. Dee squeezes Mills' head as his face is covered with blood.

KK: Dee has found an injured area and is taking advantage of it. He's squeezing the blood out of Mills' head!

TD: Don't forget about the coma that he put Mills in only a few weeks ago. Dee knows where to attack, and that is what he's doing.

Dee continues to squeeze the head of Mills as Mills sits with the crimson mask. Dee takes a step back from a moment and gives Mills a knee to the back. Dee stands up again and then drives his knee in to Mills' back, then goes back to the reverse headlock.

KK: This is smart by Dee. These two went all out for the start of this match. Dee gets a chance to rest while still putting a lot of pressure on Mills.

Mills begins to fight his way out of the hold. He begins to get to his knees, now one knee. Mills now gets to his feet, but Dee refuses to let go of the hold. Then Mills nails Dee with an elbow, then another one, and one more. Dee let's go of the hold. Mills looks to run to the ropes, but Dee grabs his hair and drags him back down to the mat. Dee stomps down on Mills' head once again. Dee then slides out of the ring and walks over to the ring announcer. He grabs the ring announcer and tosses him from his seat and to the floor.

TD: Now that is uncalled for!

Dee grabs the steel chair that he was sitting on. Mills stands up and stumbles in to the corner as Dee slides the chair in to the ring, then follows it is. Dee gets to his feet and picks up the chair. Mills' eye looks glazed over as he uses the corner to keep himself up. Dee walks over the chair.

KK: Dee's going to try to put Mills in a coma again with another wicked chair shot!

The crowd continues to go crazy as Dee approaches Mills slowly. Dee begins to lift up the chair, when suddenly Mills sticks his foot up and kicks the chair into Dee's face. Dee falls backward and drops the chair. Dee stumbles to his feet when Mills lifts up the chair. He raises it above his head, Dee turns around and gets nailed in the head with the chair. Dee falls back, his body limp as it hits the mat. Blood begins to spring from his forehead, as he lies motionless on the mat. Mills drops the chair and falls on top of Dee to make the cover.

TD: This one has got to be over!



Kick out by Dee!

KK: I can't believe Dee kicked out!

Mills lifts the dead weight that is Billy Dee to his feet. He lifts Dee up and drops him down as a pendulum backbreaker. Dee arches his back in pain as he rolls over to his stomach. Mills jumps up, and drives both knees in to Dee's back. Mills stands up as Dee arches his back in pain again. Mills jumps up and drives his knees in to Dee's back once again. Dee arches his back, and crawls over to the ropes. Mills gets to his feet. Dee starts to climb the ropes to stand up. Dee reaches the second rope, then Mills runs at Dee and jumps on his back. Dee folds almost in half as he falls back down to the mat. He rolls out of the ring and to the floor.

TD: Mills is softening up Dee's back so he can try to force him to submit later to the Legend's Pain.

Mills follows Dee to the outside. Mills lifts Dee to his feet, then backs him straight in to the side of the ring. Dee gets a look up ultimate pain on his face as he collapses to the mat. Dee gets to all fours, blood dripping on the floor as Mills finds a steel chair from earlier in the match. Mills lifts up the chair and drives it straight in to Dee's back. There is a loud smack as the crowd goes crazy and Dee rolls over wincing and arching his back in pain. Mills throws the chair back on the ground. He lifts Dee to his feet and rolls him in to the ring. Mills rolls in after him and goes for the pin.



Kick out by Dee!

KK: That was so close! Mills almost had it won!

Mills climbs out of the ring. He walks over to the time keepers table and wipes everything off of it. He knocks everyone sitting there clear out of the way has he grabs the table and drags it toward the ring. He places it next to the ring. Mills slides back in to the ring, and stomps on Dee's face, trying to keep the blood flowing from his forehead and nose. Mills lifts an almost limp Dee to his knees. Mills begins to punch Dee viciously at his lacerations.

TD: This is disgusting! Mills is going straight after Dee's cut, and Dee is almost unconscious from the blood loss!

Mills continues to pound on Dee's head. Mills stops for a moment, then kicks Dee in the face and he falls to the mat. Mills looks at his hand and sees his hands covered in them, then he raises his arms in the air. The crowd is going crazy with all the blood everywhere.

KK: This is insane Tim! The crowd is going insane. They aren't cheering for anyone of these two guys, they are just so blood thirsty, and they are getting exactly what they want.

Mills looks down at Dee. Mills gets down on his knees next to Dee. He wipes Dee's face with his hand and covers it in blood. Then Mills begins to spread it all over his chest. Mills then stands up and begins to scream obscenities at Dee.

TD: I can't believe what I'm seeing. Can you see Mills' chest? Take a close look.

We get a close up shot of Mills' chest, and he has "HELL" written on his chest.

KK: Mills wrote Hell on his chest with Dee's blood! This man is insane!

TD: Mills is disgracing Dee by writing that one his chest. He knows Dee is part of a Christian cult. Mills is sick! He'll do anything!

Mills then runs over and kicks Dee in the face. Dee falls to the mat. Mills lifts Dee to his feet and drags him over to the ropes. Mills climbs on to the apron and drags Dee with him. They are both standing over top of the table.

KK: What does Mills have in mind here? He's standing right next to the table.

Suddenly Dee hits Mills with a right hand. Then another one, and one more, almost knocking Mills off the apron. Then Mills knees Dee in the stomach, forcing Dee to bend over and hold his stomach. Mills puts Dee's head in between his legs.

TD: What's Mills going to do here?

Mills lifts Dee upside down, then jumps off the apron, through the table and to the floor!

KK: OH MY GOD! Piledriver through the table!!!

Dee lies motionless on the outside as Mills crawls away from the broken table. He uses the side of the ring to get to his feet. The crowd is chanting as Mills walks back over to the motionless Dee.


Mills grabs Dee, and tosses Dee's motionless body in to the ring. Mills follows him in and goes for the cover.



Mills gets pulled off of Dee and out of the ring!

TD: One of the those guys in the brown cloak! He pulled Mills out of the ring! Where did he come from?

KK: He climbed out from under the ring! What the hell?

Mills nails the guy in the brown cloak with a hard right hand as Dee continues to lie motionless in the ring. In the mean time, two more guys with cloaks climb out from under the ring. All of their faces hidden. Mills turns around, and the two run at him and try for a double clothesline but Mills ducks it. Mills then nails both of them simultaneously with clotheslines. Dee begins to stir in the ring and begins to crawl across the mat covered with blood to the ropes. Mills lifts up the steel chair on the outside. It has a splatter of blood on it from when it connected with Dee's head earlier. Dee gets to his feet. Mills climbs into the ring. He runs at Dee, but Dee sticks his foot up and kicks the chair in to Mills' face. Mills stumbles back and drops the chair.

TD: Billy Dee just turned the tables with the help of some of the guys in his cult.

Dee collapses on top of the fallen Mills for a cover.

KK: Don't tell me it's going to end this way!



Kick out by Mills!

TD: I can't believe it! Mills kicked out.

Both men lie motionless in the ring. The referee can't count as he simply stands there. There are three cloaked men on the outside getting to their feet. Then Dee and Mills begin to climb to their feet, and the crowd is going crazy. Both men stand up and look at each other face to face. Mills hits Dee with a hard right hand, then Mills hits Dee with a right hand, Mills, Dee, Mills, Dee, Mills, Mills, Mills. He backs Dee in to the ropes. Mills gives Dee an Irish whip against the opposite ropes, and Dee nails Mills with a flying elbow. Dee gets to his feet. He lifts Mills up. Dee sets up Mills.

KK: Dee-Stabilizer!

Suddenly Mills hits Dee with an elbow, and Mills lands on his feet. A stunned Dee stands there, is lifted by Mills, and driven headfirst in to the mat!

TD: Rebirth!!!

Mills goes for the cover.



One of the men in the brown cloak nails Mills and breaks up the count. The other two enter the ring now. They begin to stomp down on Mills. Then one of them lifts Mills up. One of them lifts him up for a powerbomb, and the other two help to drive Mills in to the mat. Mills gets slammed and lies motionless. Dee crawls over and covers Mills.

KK: I can't believe it's going to end this way!




TD: Billy Dee picks up the victory with some help!

A bloodied Dee lies on top of a bloodied Mills.

KK: What a war these two just went through, I can't believe I witnessed it.

Then the man with the white cloak walks down the ramp toward the ring. He walks around the ring and picks up the chair. He climbs in to the ring with the chair. All of the cloaked men are now in the ring, their faces still hidden. One of them lifts Dee off of Mills and to his feet. All five men stand circled around Mills. Two of the cloaked men stand lift Mills to his knees and hold them there. The man with the white cloak hands the other man with the brown cloak the chair. Mills has his head down, blood dripping from his face to the mat.

TD: Don't tell me... Haven't they done enough? I know Mills isn't a saint, but enough is enough!

Mills looks up with his eyes glazed over and blood covering his face. The man with chair lifts it up, getting ready to strike. Then suddenly Mills gets his foot free and kicks him with a low blow. He drops the chair and falls to his knees. Mills elbows the two men holding him and breaks free. Both men stumble back to the ropes, and Dee gives them a double clothesline out of the ring. Dee and the man with the white cloak slide out of the ring to the outside by the ramp next to the two that were just knocked out. Mills is enraged. He grabs the last man in the ring, lifts him up and gives him the Rebirth. He rolls over to the ropes by the ramp. Mills grabs the chair and runs toward him. The man is pulled out of the ring and to safety as the five men back away and up on to the ramp.

KK: Mills is trying to get some measure of revenge here, but he still lost the match, and I don't think that was enough to satisfy him.

Mills stands at the edge of the ring with the mangled and bloodied chair in one hand, and pointing at the five men with the other. Five men walk backward up the ramp as Mills screams obscenities at the five men.

TD: What a bloodbath! I can't believe what we just witnessed. It was a horrifically brutal match that Dee, with some help, managed to pull off.