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Smackdown Update!!!

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X-Pac with Road Dogg took on Steve Blackman for the WWF Hardcore Title. Road Dogg did commentary and mentioned that he and X-Pac have a friendly bet about who is the better singles wrestler. Blackman is unstoppable with many innovate hardcore moves. Blackman grabbed nun chucks and X-Pac said that he wanted a pair as well. Blackman tossed the nun chucks to X-Pac and grabbed two sticks and still got the better of X-Pac. In the end, it was a kendo stick to the head of X-Pac that got Blackman the win. After the match, Road Dogg and X-Pac attacked Steve Blackman.

Mick Foley said he was quite upset at Shane and his faction tonight. He said that tonight Rock will take on Kurt Angle, Trish and Triple H will take on Y2J and Lita, and Edge, Christian and Big Show will take on the Dudleys and Kane. Mick Foley then decided that that would be a tables match. Big Show and Shane came out. Big Show said that when he was in the hospital, he realized that he brought it upon himself. It was his fault. He realized that Shane was trying to help him. They didnt want him to be a moron and make fun of himself. He then realized he is the nastiest wrestler in the WWF and proud of it.

Backstage, Triple H and Steph enter the arena. They walk in their locker room and see more flowers. Steph says she knows nothing about it and then reads the card and sees its from Triple H. Awww.

Lo Down, D-Lo and Chaz, took on the Hardys. The Hardys were their regular high flying selves. In the end, they won with a Swanton bomb. After the match, Lo Down attacked them.

Backstage, Triple H was angry about his match. He said that women like Trish, Steph, etc know nothing about wrestling. Stephanie got really mad and stormed out. Trish came in and asked if Triple H could teach her come wrestling holds.

Grandmaster Sexay took on Tazz. Tazz controlled most of the match. He was dominating on Sexay. He locked in the tazzmission. Sexay was about to tap out when Scotty came in and attacked Tazz. He was helping Sexay up when Tazz put the tazzmission on him. Sexay then attacked him. He laid him out and did the hip hop drop. Scotty followed with the worm.

Backstage, Triple H was showing Trish some moves when they got in a certain position and Steph came in and thought something was going on and went crazy. Triple H proceeded to leave the arena because he was so angry at what happened.

Big Show, Edge and Christian took on the Dudleys and Kane in a six man tables match. This was a great match. Edge and Christian came out with huge cowboy hats and mocked the Texans. They wrestled and when Kane and Big Show were tagged in they wrestled out of the arena. Dudleys then 3Ded Edge for the win. After the match, they tried to hurt Edge and Christian more. Big Show came in and cleaned house of the Dudleys. Kane then came in but ended up being chokeslammed through a table.

Steven Richards and Bull Buchanan came out. Jerry Lawler was hilarious during this segment hating Steven and his cause. Steven said whatever he does is for the good of the fans. He then introduces the Goodfather. Goodfather then gets booed. He asks why the fans are booing him? He then said that Steven was right and that he was demoralizing women.

Backstage, Trish Stratus tried to seduce Mick Foley and get out of the match. Mick said he was going to give Trish the night off but after what she just did he isn't going to. He said that since Triple H left, her partner will be Chris Benoit.

Perry Saturn with Terri defended the European Title against Crash (no more Holly). If you recall, this match was supposed to take place on Monday but didn't due to lack of time. Terri was doing commentary with the King and Michael Cole. This was a great high flying match. Crash was getting the upper hand, when Terri got up and pulled Crash's leg. This enabled Saturn to do his new finisher and get the win. After the match, Eddie and Chyna tried to attack Saturn and Terri but they ran out.

Chris Jericho and Lita took on Chris Benoit and Trish Stratus. Whatever happened to T an A? The tag team that is! Benoit and Jericho started the match. They brawled and then Benoit got knocked on the outside. The ref was distracted by Benoit. Lita ran in and attacked Trish. Trish fell to the floor and then Lita did a baseball slide. Benoit got back in the ring and then threw Jericho out. Shane then attacked Jericho and Benoit worked on Jericho's ribs. For no reason, he knocked down Lita. Afterwards, Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho. Trish comes in and grabs Jericho's hair and then Jericho put the Walls of Jericho on her. Benoit clotheslines Jericho. Lita then frankenstiens Benoit. She springboards herself onto Lita on the floor in what looked like a nasty bump. Back in the ring, Jericho did a lionsault and wins the match.

Backstage, Kurt Angle talks about the Rock. He finds the Rock silly and then challenges Rock to put the title on the line.

Backstage, Kevin Kelly interviews Chris Jericho. He says that since Benoit claims he is the best technical wrestler in the world and Jericho beat him, Benoit is the second best. Then again, the Rock beat him, so he is the 3rd best, etc. Benoit then attacked Jericho. Jericho was on the floor and they lowered a gate so that Jericho couldn't get out and then Benoit hit him in the face with a chair and Jericho starting bleeding at the mouth.

The Rock defended the World Title against Kurt Angle. The Rock came out to a huge pop. A few minutes into the match, Shane McMahon and Chris Benoit came out. Shane constantly interfered in the match hurting the Rock. Rock was running in the ropes, when Benoit pulled him out and attacked him. The ref was distracted by Angle. The Rock regains control and almost won after a quick DDT. Angle then delivered a belly to belly. They both get up at the same time and the Rock does a spinebuster. He sets up for the Rock Bottom when Shane gets on the apron. Rock knocks Shane down and then locks a sharpshooter on Angle. The ref is stillbusy with Shane as Benoit comes in and hits the Rock. The Rock had enough. He goes out and attacks Benoit. He grabs a chair and then hits Benoit. He then hits Angle with the chair. The ref calls the bell. Shane then tries to attack the Rock, but the Rock sees him and then chases him. The Rock is stopped by Benoit, but Benoit got a spinebuster for his troubles. In the ring, Angle grabs the belt and starts celebrating but Rock comes in and gets the belt back.
