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Just Plain Crazy

Crazy isn't being broken… or swallowing a dark secret. It's you or me… amplified. If you ever told a lie, and enjoyed it. If you ever wished you could be a child forever. My diagnosis in my short stay? Nothing… because the way the game works, is that they make you talk.. So they can see into your sick and twisted mind, trying to find what makes you who you are, your "secret" and you're stuck there. Stuck for however long it takes them, to figure that out. Thankfully, Victoria got away easy. Stephanie and her money, convinced the medical staff to let Victoria loose. Loose… on every single woman in WWE.

©           Scene One           ©
- Guess Who's Here -

It's outside, snowing in Hartford Connecticut. The arena is practically glowing in the reflection of the snow and the halogen lights from the arena look etheral. People are going in and out, and we see a woman standing around with a pair of short vinyl shorts on and knee high boots. She's got on a matching halter top and her hair is long and flowing down her back. She's leaning back against the building, staring at the snow as it falls and tries to catch some of the falling ice crystals on her chocolate sundae from Ben and Jerry's. A man comes walking up, bundled in a huge puffy coat and a beanie cap.

[||:: "Stevie Night Heat" :: ||] FLOWER! What are you doing out here in the cold?!

[||:: "The Black Widow" ± Victoria ::||] I'm getting sprinkles!

Victoria smiles happily at Steven Richards as she holds her ice cream up to the sky and the snow falls daintily atop her ice cream cone. Stevie shakes his head and yanks his jacket off, wrapping it around her as he gently leads her to the back door of the arena. The opens the door as Vikki giggles and licks her ice cream cone, sprinkles and all. Once inside, Victoria removes Stevie's coat and sits down on a metal chair with her ice cream as Stevie shakes his head and looks down at her.

[||:: "Stevie Night Heat" ::||] What's the matter with you? You have a match and you're out in the cold eating ice cream?!

[||:: "The Black Widow" ± Victoria ::||] .. I was hungry?

Steven Richards shakes his head and Victoria continues to eat her ice cream happily as Terri Runnels wanders down the hallway toward the duo. Stevie gets excited suddenly, and grabs Terri by the arm, dragging her over to the two of them.

[||:: "Stevie Night Heat" ::||] Don't you have some very important questions for my flower??

[||:: "Raw Sex" ± Terri Runnels ::||] Do I..?

Victoria looks uninterested, as she slurps at her ice cream that's now partially melted. Steven Richards slaps his forehead and grabs Victoria by the arm, looking at Terri with wild eyes.

[||:: "Stevie Night Heat" ::||] My flower, is going to get into a steel cage.. a steel cage! And she gets to go against Debra and Trish Stratus an-

Victoria drops her ice cream on the ground and her head snaps to Steven's direction, her eyes wild.

[||:: "The Black Widow" ± Victoria ::||] ... Trish Stratus?!

Terri suddenly becomes scared, as Victoria actually responds for a change and Steven Richards jumps up and down excitedly. Victoria almost looks like she's about to start twitching, but she suddenly calms down and starts smiling serenely.

[||:: "The Black Widow" ± Victoria ::||] Trish... Stratus...

Victoria's gaze gets far away and she stands up from her chair to wander off.

©           Scene Two           ©
- Hit the Ring -

"All the things she said" by t.A.T.u comes on and Victoria comes out on the ramp, standing there with her hands raveling through her hair with Steven Richards by her side in his custom 'Stevie Night Heat' tights. Victoria's changed into her ring attire, complete with matching jacket. She pauses at the top of the ramp, her eyes huge as she stares intently at Steven beside her, giving her the pep talk as per norm. Victoria storms down the ramp, with a purpose. She climbs in and steps between the bottom two ropes and stands to one side as Stevie joins her. She makes a motion as if ripping a title belt off of her waist and holding the invisible trophy in the air.

[||:: "The Boring Bastard" ± Michael Cole ::||] Well Tazz, here we are to witness the debut of Victoria!

[||:: "The Suplex Machine" ± Tazz ::||] You got that right! Man, since the WWE brand extention, we haven't seen much of Victoria but damn... I gotta admit, I think I missed it!

A stubby Spanish guy is in the ring, and Victoria snatches away the microphone from him. Both glaring, because they don't even know each other, Victoria takes center stage with the microphone in hand as she looks at the entrance stage.

[||:: "The Black Widow" ± Victoria ::||] You know... when Stephanie called me, and broke me out of that... precarious situation, she didn't tell me that she'd kept TRISH STRATUS here! She didn't tell me that she let that pretty blonde barbie stick around! But THAT'S OK! Stephanie has already decided... that Debra, me, and Trish will compete in a steel cage match for the WWE World Title!

The crowd pops for the title match, and Victoria looks around sharply like she's hearing voices.

[||:: "The Black Widow" ± Victoria ::||] But you know something? Trish... I hope you're watching. Ever since Vince McMahon made you his puppy slut, you've been walking the cat walk for World Wrestling Entertainment. You won the rigged contests. You were handed everything that you NEVER deserved!

The crowd boos at Victoria's outburst, but she doesn't react as one hand clutches the microphone so tightly that her knuckles turn white and her other hand weaves through her hair and yanks it into a tangled mess as she shrieks.

[||:: "The Black Widow" ± Victoria ::||] I was going through tables and ready to win MY chances when you were still barking in McMahon's office. But NO! They scrap my entire deal, my whole package! They cart me off for some mental examinations while YOU sat back, embraced everyone else's talent and used it all to fuel your own selfish agenda. You steal Lita and Eddie Guererro's moves, while I'm coming up with an entirely original repetoire and YOU get the glory. "Oh, Trish is sooo athletic..." CUT THE CRAP! Trish, you were a fitness model. I was a fitness EXPERT! You were studying your pretty girl nonsense, while I was hacking away at dead bodies, because nobody else could handle staring at cold.. lifeless... degenerative... morbid...

Victoria seems to be wandering into her own train of thought, but Stevie grabs her and shakes her shoulders, bringing her back to reality. Victoria looks at Steven, snarling almost before she brings the mic back up to her lips.

[||:: "The Black Widow" ± Victoria ::||] Trish you have NO IDEA what it's been like! You sat out, having your stupid surgery while I completely tore my ACL... something that the high and mighty ECW queen Jazz ran away with for MONTHS. I never once had surgery, it took every single WWE official in the building to even make me get an MRI. I tore it completely... COMPLETELY! You? You get a hang nail and cry for the night off. You see this brace? Huh? This brace that I've worn every day for the past YEAR? I've never said I can't do it. I've never run away and hid behind a doctors note like all of you. But what happens? Miss Victoria gets pushed to the side. Victoria doesn't get her TV time... Victoria gets REPLACED! Well it's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN THIS TIME!! I have sat back, and I've waited... WAITED for my chance. And Trish? This is a new environment for you, isn't it? You've never been inside a steel cage. You probably can't even tell me what it looks like barbie! Me? I was one of the two women to ever compete in a steel cage match, and you know something? The other one? ISN'T HERE! You can't run to your little friend Lita for advice, because she can't tell you how to beat me, can she? No, she can't... because who left the ring as the winner? ME! You're ALL entering an unknown universe Trish... You and Debra... and guess what? I'm the QUEEN in that said universe... and I sentence you? TO DEATH!

Victoria's theme song comes on again as she drops the mic and her other hand comes up to her head, tangling the hair as Stevie Night Heat joins her, bringing his hands up to cup the sides of her face as he pep talks her a bit. Yes... Victoria has this match in the bag.