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Rick's Piece of Crap Homepage

Here's a Little Info About Me

Well, where do I begin? I've never done this before so it's not going to be a very good web page until I figure some stuff out. So bear with me. I'm a 22 year old normal guy from a small town in Kansas. Life here is pretty boring to say the least. All I do is go to my job from 3 til' 11 and get wasted after that. The next day I wake up.....and do it all again.....heh....

I'm kind of a nut for that pro wrestling. Luckily, I've got some friends who are into it as well. Every Monday I'm glued to a television set watching wrestling. It's kind of become tradition with me and my best friends. It's a time to kick back and have a few beers and b.s. a little. If you're not into it, you don't know what you're missing! I'll post up some links to some wrestling sites for any of you that actually like the stuff too!

I just attended a WWF Smackdown! taping on Tuesday February 20th. It was unbelievable! It'd been a while since I had seen the WWF live, and I'd forgotten how awesome it is!! Even if you don't like watching pro wrestling on television, I guarantee you'd have a killer time going to a live show. My buddy Jon took A LOT of pictures so I hope to have some posted up here as soon as I get a scanner, which should be in a couple of weeks. It might actually be a couple of weeks before anyone visits my page though so I guess that'll work out fine!!! hehe.....


Actually that's just Pete and Gorman, and they're not gay.....that I know of.


That's my buddy Rodney there sippin' his favorite ice cold Two Dog's Apple Brew....


The man sippin' on the Vodka is another buddy of mine, Bate' avid partier I might add....


Here's a group photo of some of my other friends includin' me hittin' a nice, refreshing doobie....on the left there is Jon hangin' on Jessica. Then we've got "Nasty" Nash. Next to him is Maguire, frisbee golf extrordinaire. Then me hittin' a joint next to Michelle. The next guy isn't really one of us so we'll skip him. Although oddly enough...he has his arm around one of my friends.....interesting. The guy on the end is a long time friend by the name of Panek. There should be more humiliatin' solo shots of some of these people comin' up as soon as I get'em! Stay tuned.......

Well...if anybody actually came here...thanks! I'm sure it's going to get better with time and knowledge of html. So sign the guestbook and visit back now ya hear!


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This page is still under some heavy construction!!

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Some Links for Dat Ass!!

TWNP: Your source for pro wrestling news!!
The Chathouse
Wrestleboard: Today's Top Wrestling Headlines
Free Icons for your web page!
