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Wrestling's True Vagabond: R.J. Harris

Wrestler's Full Name: "The Vagabond" R.J. Harris

Wrestler's Birth date:: 3/29/79

Gender:: Male

Wrestler's Height:: 6'3"

Wrestler's Weight (in pounds):: 232

Hometown:: Seattle, Washington

Background:: Harris started out as an underground fighter, he trained in Japan and Brazil in various Martial Arts. Harris got his start in wrestling, when Terry Funk saw Harris competing at an underground fight in Houston, Texas. Funk talked Harris into coming to his brother Dory’s Wrestling school. Harris spend six months at the school, before he got his first match with a small promotion out of Florida called the Southern Wrestling Federation, while there Harris heard about the NeWA and got a tryout with the NeWA Canada the IWA, Harris moved up to Canada and made a name for himself in Canada in both the IWA and NeWA Central, while in the IWA Harris got he chance to fight some of the best wrestles in the NeWA at that time and even became a top contender for the now defunct NeWA Canadian Title. Harris got offers to compete all over the NeWA and found himself in the IWF down in Mexico, Harris spit his time between Canada and Mexico for about three months until the NeWA let the IWF go and Harris decided to go with the IWF and he and others started the WFWA. During his time in the WFWA Harris went to many of the feds, but none interested him more then the IWF and the BWA. But his biggest claim the fame at the time was being in the Final triple-threat cage match to crown the first ever WFWA World Champion, Harris, his biggest rival from the IWF, Diablo, and a newcomer to the WFWA Crippler fought a war that ended with Harris getting hand cuff to the cage just inches away from winning, but allowing Crippler to become the first world champion. From that match spawned some of the greatest matches that the WFWA and BWA ever saw between these three men.

The BWA soon became like a second home and Harris accomplished a lot, he became the BWA Champion, the BWA Tag Team Champion with Fusion, BWA Six-Man Tag Team Champion with Madd Dawg Johnson and Bobby Alteraz, 2-time LA State Champion, 2-Time Mid-South Champion, and a 2-time Rage Champion. Harris left the BWA during there last time off, but he has come back to take on the best that the world has to offer and to be back home again. After a brief Stint in the BWA, Harris took over control of his father's company Halo Inc. after his death. Harris has been spitting his time between the compnay and the wrestling world.

Wrestler's Alignment::Neutral

Wrestling Style:: Submission/Martial Artist

Theme Song:: "Vagabond" By Mighty Raw

Gimmick:: None

Wrestler's Appearance:: He got long blond hair that is most times in a ponytail, he is in good shape, has a scar over his left eye from ring wars. green eyes,

Ring Attire/Gear:: Red combat gloves, white tanktop, red and white work out pants, black mat shoes

Moves List [15-20 moves]

1. Death Valley Driver from second rope. 2. Sleeperhold 3. Figure Four Leg Lock 5. Dropkick to knee 6. D.D.T. 7. Thunderdriver-inverted rotating piledriver 8. golden high kick- a Muay Thai kick to the side of opponents head. 9. side armlock 10. Chestbuster 11. Shoulder breaker 12. running powerbomb 13. spinning toe hold 14. cross face chicken wing 15. flying double cross chop off rope. 16. belly-to-belly suplex 17. running bulldog 18. stomps to shoulder or knee 19. ramming shoulder into ringpost 20. sending opponent into steel stairs

Finisher: : Broken Heart/ Vagabond's Revenge

Broken Heart: Is a heart punch to the chest. set up is a chest buster.

Vagabond's Revenge: Is a rolling Triangle Armlock, setup is a shoulder breaker

Title Held Online:

First-ever WWC Continental Champion

WFWA World Champion

WFWA World Tag Team Champion (With King X)

WFWA North American Champion

NWL Phoenix Champion

AWU Champion (2 times)

First ever BWA Grand Slam Champion

BWA Heavyweight Champion

SSW Heavyweight Champion

SSW Liberty Bell Champion

BWA LA State Champion ( 6 times)

BWA Mid-South Champion (2 times)

BWA Rage Champion (2 times)

BWA Tag Team Title (With Fusion {Jayzon Cage})

BWA Six Man Tag Team Champion (With Madd Dawg Johnson and Bobby Alteraz)

WWW Heavyweight Champion

WWW Tag Team Champion (With Jayzon Cage and Vince Webb)

OHWF Heavyweight Champion (2 times)

OHWF Ontario Champion

MCW Heavyweight Champion (3 times)

MCW Tag Team Champion (With Bobby Alteraz)

FCW TV Champion

Stampede Pacific Champion

Stampede Canadian National Champion

IWF Heavyweight Champion ( 4 times)

IWF Central American Heritage Title

IWF TV Champion

IWF King of the Streets Champion

NeWA Central Heavyweight Champion (2 times)

NeWA Central Tag Team Champion (With Fabul)

AWF All-Asian Champion (2 times)

AWF United National Champion

ASeW/EHWA World Champion

IWA International Champion

IWA Extreme Champion (2 times)

IWA Northern Champion

IWA Tag Team Champion (With Shawn Harris)

ASW Hardcore Champion

UWA/UWF Unified World Champion (5 times)

UWA World Champion (5 Times)

UWF World Champion (5 Times)

UWA World Tag Team Champion (3 times with Riku Suka)

PNWF World Champion

WSW Tag Team Champion (With Mike Sanders)

UKW United Kingdom Tag Team Champion ( 3 times {With Shawn Harris})

ISW Idaho State Tag Team Champion (With Shawn Harris)

ISW Tri-State Champion (2 time)

BNW South American Champion

MAWF Atlantic Champion

NCWF World Champion

NCWF North American Champion

NCWF North American Tag Team Champions (With Tommy Slammer)

SCW Internet Champion

SWF North American Champion

SWF Hardcore Champion

SWF Southern United States Champion

RWF Intercontinental Champion

RWF International Tag Team Champion (With Tommy Slammer)

Famous Line: Remeber when you step into that ring you are putting your life in my hands and you will fall Victim to a Broken Heart. So come down be my victim and see how bad I hurt you.