Still the World Champ
"The Angel of Death"

Name:The Crow
Wrestler's Name Here:The Crow
Subject:Still the World Champ
People Used:Crow
People Mentioned:JoJo Sinclair, Destroyer and a couple of others
Win-Loss-No Contest:5-1-1
Acheivements in this federation:Current EHF Extreme World Heavyweight Champion
Brief BiographyCrow entered the EHF as a rookie and with little experience. He is also the younger brother of Grimm Reaper, who was paralized from neck down in a tragic accident. Crow quickly rising up in the rankings defeated the likes of Crazy Devil, Halo, and finally defeated Commissioner Striker in a Loser Leave Town World Title Match. He is still the EHF Extreme World Heavyweight Champion
Date of Birth: 01/07/78
Place of Birth: The Unknown
Height: 6'5
Weight: 235lbs
Nicknames:Angel of Death, The Giver of Suffering
Title History: EHF Extreme World Heavyweight Championship (1)
Finishing Moves: The Broken Wing

The cameras come to focus in a small mortuary. In a large room that is filled with open, empty caskets only one person is walking around looking at them. The cameras zoom in and show Crow very concentrated looking at the caskets as he walks by each one. He finally stops near a well designed casket, which seems to be made out of fine, firey wood. It has designs on the edges of it, and has red velvet inside. Crow stops near that casket and stares at it for a couple of minutes, his eyes then start to move and carefully inspect the casket. After a few silent minutes he takes his eye off the casket and looks at the cameras. Crow then puts one hand on the casket and starts to speak into the camera lens.

~Crow~" A fine piece of wood, I must say. It can be of use on Monday Massacre. Monday Massacre... I have good and bad news to deliver to everyone, I guess I'll start off with the good news. The good news are that I will get a chance to get my hands on that idiot Warrior. Who took the Intercontinental Title away from Chaos and more importantly from The Flock. Well Warrior, Monday Massacre is time for payback, and I'll make it a living hell for you. On Monday Massacre the top two champions go at it, the Intercontinental Champion faces the World Champion. The Warrior goes up against The Crow. A very good matchup, I admit it, but I will also admit the fact that The Warrior doesn't stand a chance against me. Why? Well just for a few reasons, because I am the top dog in EHF. That's one. Two, I am the EHF Extreme World Champion, and what does that say? It says that I represent EHF, it also says that I am the undisputed number one wrestler in EHF. Which means that no one can defeat me, and noone will. Third, I am the Ace of The Flock, and probably the best The Flock can offer. The Flock, the most dominant, the most strongest, the most hated stable to ever be formed in EHF. Warrior, who is Warrior? Hard question. He is a Crow wannabe. I mean, if you take one look at the guy, and you will see that he is trying very hard to be like the best wrestler of all time, Me. Frankly, I don't blame you Warrior because I know that millions and millions of other people are trying to be like me, but I see you have come a little bit closer than they have. Well let's take a look. You dress like me, you put facepaint like me, you win a lot of gold like me, a total copy of me. But there is a difference between us other than the one that I am better than you, the difference is that I have won the EHF Extreme World Championship, and you have not. It's the truth, I am not trying to make you feel bad, I am just telling you that I have won the most valuable, the biggest prize in the company, and you have not. Warrior, just to make sure that you know what you are getting yourself into. I just want to tell you that you should take a look at someone called JoJo Sinclair, take a look at what happened to him, JoJo just like you thought he was a very conversant and good wrestler, but of course I proved him wrong. As you can see I also gave him a title shot, I am a very kind and generous man, I gave JoJo a title shot, I gave him a chance to prove to everyone that he is better than me, I gave him a great opportunity. And what does he do? He goes and wipes his ass with that opportunity, and doesn't even thank me for giving it to him. What an ungrateful moron! I cannot believe that he accepted my challenge or should I say he accepted my charity to him, and didn't even thank me for giving it to him. I mean, how ungrateful is that? That is why he got his ass kicked, and that served him right. People like JoJo should be licking the soles of the shoes of people like myself, Chaos, and Green Goblin, and the Dangerous Minds. Which brings me up to something. Silk and Ridged, a couple of days ago came out to the ring and said that they would not let me down, said that they would do their job, they promised me that they are going to be loyal to the Flock. And what happened? They did exactly what they said they were going to do. They remained loyal to The Flock, they went out and did their job, they did not let me down and therefore they will get rewarded in one way or another, sooner or later, I can guarantee you that. I see a lot of potential in our Television Champion and our Cruiserweight Champion. I think that The Flock can make something out of them, when they joined The Flock, they made a really good decision, and that is why they are succeeding. Besides the criticism they are taking everying is going perfectly. I do not know why the fans do not like The Flock, I mean we are the best and the baddest bunch in all sports entertainment, but I guess the people are jeaolus of us. Everyone hates the people who are better than them, I cannot hate anyone, I am a nice guy and plus I am the best, so noone is better than me.

Warrior, you keep talking about how the true champion is not the one with the titles, but the true champion is the one who goes out there and busts his ass everyime, and you claim to be that true champion, well tell ya what, why don't you come out there and try to bust your ass against me. We'll see if you are the True Champion you claim to be. You see Warrior, I can see right through you, you are nothing but a mere punk who tries to act and be the greatest icon in all sports entertainment. The thing is, you can never be Me. Then you talk about the dark side, what the hell do you know about it son? The dark side is not about facing your fears, facing your worst fear will not solve anything, plus no one can face me face to face. I am everyone's worst fear and nobody has the testicular fortitude to come face to face with me. Trust me, you will find out about it on Monday Massacre. Warrior, do you think that just because you are the Intercontinental champion, then you are the best? No, not at all, you still have to prove yourself and win the belt that I have with me. And when you will step into the ring with me, YOU will feel the wrath of the darkside, and you will realize that your darkside is like the middle of the scorching sun compared to my dark side. You will find out what the dark side really means. You then dare to talk about me. You dared to talk about your master and your saviour? How dare you speak those words? Don't you understand that I am your only true master, I am everyone's only true master, they just do not know it. And you don't have to say that he will be here soon, for I am already here. And what were you talking about when you mentioned a chain of pain, and some sort of a jolt? Listen to me carefully buddy, the only chain of pain you will feel is The Broken Wing. And the only jolt there will be will be The Wing of Death. Those are the only two things you have to worry about, there will be no rain, there won't be any darkside on your side, it will be just Crow against the Warrior on Monday Massacre. By the way, did you happen to notice this fine piece of wood right under my hand?"

He then pauses for a second, takes his hand off the casket and walks a few steps backwards away from the casket. He then stares at the casket with a look of sadness on his face. He then starts to move his head from left to right with a look of disbelief on his face. Crow then puts a hand under his chin and looks back at the camera. After a couple of silent seconds he begins to speak again.

~Crow~" It is kind of hard to believe for me, that this casket might be the home of someone as skilled as Warrior. I admit that Warrior has a lot of talent and skill, but let's be honest, whatever skills he has are nothing against mine. It is just so sad that The Warrior's fate can be that he has to inhabit this thing for eternity, with his soul still wandering about, trying to fix the things that went wrong while he was alive. It is sad to see such talent waster, but I guess it is his fate, his destiny. What can I do? That was a little part of the bad news, now give me a couple more minutes of your time to deliver the terrible news. The most terrible and the most unexpected thing has happened to The Flock, and with sadness in my heart I must say that after his match on Monday Massacre, Adam Periel will resign from Extremely Hardcore Federation. The man who put his heart, his body and soul to the business and to the company is leaving. When he told me the horrific statement of him resigning a huge rock was dropped on my heart and I still have yet to live through it. So Warrior, on Monday Massacre will be the time when I take out my anger and frustration, so I apologize right now for everything that I am going to do to you in our match. I also want to tell you that I don't want to be responsible for whatever happens to you in that ring, so I am giving you from now until our match to backout of it. I am a very kind and generous man, and I am saying this again because Warrior, I am giving you a chance to live. I am sparing your life, and I think that you should be very grateful. With that thought in mind I am leaving you... for now. For the time for our match draws closer."

With that said Crow walks past the cameras and when the cameras turn around they show Crow walking out of the door taking his World Title belt out of the hands of a gentleman who was standing near the door. Crow then disappears out of the camera's view and the scene fades to black.