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Sunday, September 10, 9:49pm - Various updates and maintenance, including an update to the Schedule page.  Another meet is in the process of being added to our season due to new changes in the rulebook.  Details on the way.

Friday, August 11, 1:09am - New page added, with a message from Coach Stanley in regard to our success at Bloomsburg!  Check it out here.

Sunday, August 6, 1:42am - Section update in 'Camp' and a few minor rearrangements.

Saturday, July 22, 11:26pm - Bloomsburg wrestling camp was a complete success!  The team placed 3rd overall in the team tournament.  Updates in the Camp section

Tuesday, July 11, 9:24pm - Numerous updates in all sections.  Check them out!

Wednesday, July 5, 3:07pm - More changes, mainly in page layouts and some small information adjustments.

Monday, July 3, 12:30pm - Updated Varsity page.  Stat/history updates coming soon.

Sunday, July 2, 1:52pm - Anyone who has any questions or comments about the site, email me at  Suggestions welcome.

Sunday, July 2, 1:46am - Major page layout change.  I didn't like the old feel.

Saturday, July 1, 6:53pm - Varsity, Junior Varsity, Schedule, Camp, and Links pages are up!  More information and additions coming soon.

Thursday, June 29, 5:00pm - Palisades Wrestling Home created! 


-Practice at Aaron Kling's wrestling room every Thursday @ 7:00.  Coach Stanley will be present for instruction.

-Dual meet-style tournaments at Council Rock High School, Friday 6/23, Monday 6/26, Tuesday 6/27, Thursday 6/29.  Be at PHS by 4:45pm for a ride.  Everyone is welcome.

-Bloomsburg Wrestling Camp for all registered and paid team members for the week of July 16 - 20.  More information in the 'Camp' section.

-Bus transportation to camp has been arranged, both to and from the High School.  We will be leaving at 7:15am from PHS Sunday morning, and checking in at Bloomsburg around 10:00am.







Site content courtesy of Palisades Pirates Wrestling.  Questions or comments, email