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Wednesday Night Event

Fire works explode and the fans erupt in the building. Peter comes walking to the ring with a smile on his face. He enters the ring.

Peter: Ha, ha. I'm in such a happy mood because you see the King Of The Ring is turning out better then I expected. Yes everyone seems excited about the first 4 matches. Now the next 4 will be just that much better. You see The Assassin you got the night off because Diamond Dallas Page hasn't signed the contract yet and until he does he isn't P-X-F. Now that means its too late to find a replacement meaning you The Assassin you go through to the next round. But trust me it only gets harder for you. Now at the end of the show I will announce the next King Of The Ring Matches for next week and trust me this week is nothing compared to next week when actually the best of the business collide. Now lets begin the show.

Peter leaves the ring and goes to the back.

Big Daddy D vs Reptile

Big Daddy D's music is played and he walks to the ring accomponied by Titan and both of them hold the stolen Tag Titles. He then waits for Reptile.

Reptiles music is played and he walks to the ring with Flying Scorpion by his side.

Reptile and Big Daddy D lock up. Big Daddy D irrish whips Reptile into the ropes and then catches him in mid air and slams his back into the mat. Big Daddy D then waits for Reptile to get up and clotheslines him down. He then does it again. Then he goes for it again but Reptile catches his arm into an arm bar take down. He holds onto the arm. The ref checks to see it Big Daddy wants to give up and Big Daddy refuses. Reptile lets go but then kicks Big Daddy's hand. Big Daddy looks like his arm is hurting. Reptile then helps up Big Daddy and goes for a hurricurrana and Big Daddy tries to counter it into a powerbomb but in mid air Reptile hits Big Daddy's hand again and then hooks the hurricurrania. Reptile goes for the cover 1..............2....... and Big Daddy D kicks out. Big Daddy rolls out of the ring. The ref goes over to where Big Daddy is standing outside and asks if he can continue. Titan rolls into the ring. He is about to hit Reptile when Flying Scorpion enters the ring and gets in Titan's way. Titan then leaves the ring as Flying Scorpion stairs him down. Reptile goes to the outside where Big Daddy is catching his breathe. He grabs Big Daddy and tries to DDT him into the ground but Big Daddy counters it and then gives him a suplex onto the stairs. Reptile's feet hits the stairs hard and Reptile looks in pain. Big Daddy D rolls into the ring and tries to catch his breathe. He sees Reptile out. Big Daddy D poses and yells to the crowd it's over. The ref checks on Reptile. Roz Blazye comes running into the ring and takes down Big Daddy D with a Lou Theis take down and starts punching him. Titan enters the ring and pulls Roz off of him only to be stopped by Flying Scorpion who gives Titan a superkick and Titan lands on the outside. Roz rolls out of the ring and goes over to the ref as Flying Scorpion grabs Big Daddy and gives him the Scorpion Sting. He then leaves the ring and Reptile slowly enters the ring and tries to pin Big Daddy 1..........2........ and Big Daddy gets his foot on the ropes. Reptile yanks Big Daddy up and plants him with a twist of fate. He then signals for the fans that it's the end. He then jumps up on the ropes and hits the Swanton Bomb on Big Daddy and pins him 1................2............3

Lilian Garcia: Your winner of this King Of The Ring Match is Reptile.

Roz jumps back in the ring and celebrates with Reptile and Flying Scorpion as Titan grabs the tag titles and takes off leaving Big Daddy alone. Roz then proceeds to pick up Big Daddy and hitting him with Blayze out. The show then goes to a commercial break.

Frilo Frasher vs Booker T

Frilo Frasher's music is played and he walks to the ring and enters the ring.

"Can You Dig It Sucka" Plays on the P/A and Booker T comes walking to the ring with tapped ribs. He then runs into the ring and looks Frilo down.

The bell then sounds and Booker T and Frilo walk around the ring still staring at each other. Booker is the first person to try something. He goes to kick Frilo in the stomach and Frilo catches his foot and then does a shoulder block on Booker T's hurt ribs. Booker goes down hard and holds his ribs. Frilo poses to the fans and the fans boo him. Frilo Frasher looks pissed and then chokes Booker T as he lays helplessly on the ground. Booker drags Frilo into the ropes and the ref then has Frilo break the hold. Booker T jumps up and starts kicking Frilo Frasher. He then irrish whips him into the ropes and when Booker is about to give him a spinning drop kick Frilo ducks it and plants Booker with a spear. Frilo goes for a quick cover 1....................2........ and Booker gets his right shoulder up. Frilo looks irrate and pushes Booker T back down and goes for another cover 1..........2.................. and Booker again kicks out. Frilo gets up and kicks Booker in the head and then covers him again 1....................2.......... and Booker T kicks out. Booker jumps to his feet and hits Frilo with a spinning drop kick. He then goes on fire and irrish whips him into the corner and then connects on Frilo with a jump kick. Booker T looks like he has everything under control and picks Frilo back up and kicks him in the mid section and then hits Frilo with his scissor kick. Booker T jumps back up with the fans cheering for him and Booker waits for Frilo to get up and then hits him with the Book End. Booker T is about to pin him when he decides to climb the ropes. He then hits Frilo with the Harlem Hangover and pins Frilo 1.............2..............3

Lilian Garcia: Your winner of this King Of The Ring match Booker T.

The ring is then cleared out for the final King Of The Ring qualifying match.

Roz Blayze vs The Titan

Roz Blayze music is played and he runs out to the ring and slides in.

The Titan's music is played and no one comes out. It's played again and still nothing.

The ref then grabs a mic. Ref: If The Titan doesn't show up by the time I count to 10 he will forefit this match.

Ref: 1.............2.......3........4.......5........6......7.......8 The Titan comes running through the crowd and jumps into the ring and knocks down the ref and clotheslines Roz down.

The bell then sounds.

Titan stomps Roz on the ground and chokes him with his boot. Titan picks up Roz Blayze and hits him with a double handed chokeslam. Titan taunts Roz to get up and Roz slowly gets up and then trips Titan with his feet and Titan's head bounces off the mat. Roz then gets up and Titan gets up and Roz takes him down with a forearm. Then Titan gets back up and Roz again takes him down with forearm. Roz then waits for Titan to get up and then hits him with a superkick. Titan doesn't fall down but juggles his weight and still stands. Titan runs into Roz and clotheslines him into the corner. He then backs off and then gives him a splash into the corner. He then picks Roz up and puts him on the top rope and he then climbs up and Roz pushes him off. Roz then hits Titan with the Busta a Four Fifty leg Drop. He then tries to pin Titan 1.............2..... and Titan kicks out. Roz picks Titan up and singals for a DDT. He goes for it but Titan counters it with a belly to belly suplex. He then picks Roz back up and goes for the Tombstone. Roz squirms in the air upside down and starts punching Titan's leg and gets out of it and then out of nowhere hits the Blayze Out on Titan and pins him 1.............2...........3

Lilian Garcia: Your winner of this King Of The Ring match Roz Blayze.

Big Daddy D comes from the back and Roz Blayze takes the smart way out and leaves the ring. He then goes to the back as Big Daddy D is pissed off in the ring.

Peter's music is played and He comes walking down to the ring and tells Big Daddy and Titan to leave. They do and then he stands in the middle of the ring with a mic.

Peter: Now next Tuesday on Battles the KOTR matches will continue. Yes and after Tuesday only 4 will be left in the King Of The Ring. Now I did a lottery in the back to see who fought who this Tuesday and the one man who gets a bye is none other then Loco. He is fighting Raven this Tuesday in a #1 contender match for the Intercontintel Title. Now the other 3 matches is Booker T fighting Reptile , Tykanshi fighting Flying Scorpion, Assassin fighting Roz Blayze. Now all of you have fun. See you Next Week.