PECW Constitution

Article 1: General Rules

Section 1: Basics

All PECW wrestlers must be original wrestlers... This means that you should refrain from ripping off catchphrases,etc from real wrestlers. This is a web-based Fantasy Wrestling organization. To compete, you post In Character Roleplays to our roleplay board. No Out of Character comments should be made on the roleplay board. This is what our OOC board is for.

Section 2: Handler Relations

I don't care if you guys hate each other... I don't care about OOC wars as they are called. Just remember... the ooc board is essentially our locker room... if you have problems with people in the locker room, how will this affect your chances of running an angle together IC? Remember that you should not burn bridges with your fellow handlers. For those of you who don't like 'ooc wars,' just stay out of them and let the children play.

Section 3: Roleplaying

Roleplays are judged by quality, not quantity... however to limit debate, the rules are as follows... For a Monday Card, there is a limit of 3 roleplays. For the Thursday Cards, 2 roleplays... and for PPVs a total of 5 roleplays(note, these overlap the Thursday before the ppv). I do not limit the content of the roleplays, the PECW is an extreme efed. If you are easily offended, this may not be the place for you. However, some things are in bad taste... remember that sensationalism in your rps just for the sake of being shocking probably will not help you. Basically our limits of bad taste are in line with but slightly beyond) the worst that the WWF has to offer... Violence, Racism, Sexual Innuendo(not graphic porn...) and other controversial elements are not off limits here. However remember that the same old shit gets old after a while. Swearing in rps should be well placed if you plan to use it... strings of vulgarity just for vulgarity's sake will not help you win matches.

Article 2: Mechanics

Section 1:  Deadlines

The RP deadlines are as follows... Monday Massacre, Sunday, 11:59pm est. Thursday Trauma Center: Wednesday 11:59 pm est. PPVs Friday 11:59 est. these are written in stone.

Section 2: Winners and Losers

Winners and Losers will be decided for weekly cards by the president expressly. The Decisions of The President or whomever he may designate are final. Sometimes you will lose matches that you do not think you should have lost, shit happens. A combination of Roleplaying, Angles, Strategies and overall quality.

Section 3: Results

Results will be posted by 11pm eastern time on the day of the card. Monday Massacre results will be much more in depth than the results for Thursday Trauma Center. I will employ several people to write matches as well as myself.

Section 4: Bookings

Booking of matches will be done by the entire PECW staff... with Me being the lead Booker... also, handlers may use the ooc board to request matches, also emailing any of the staff is an acceptable way to request matches.

Section 5:  PPVs

The PECW has 11 annual PPVs... These results will be posted by 11pm est on the day of the event. The Thursday Card before the PPV will always be some kind of hype up card... meaning that rping for a ppv begins after Monday results are posted. PPV matches will be decided by our 5 man executive committee... All members must email their decisions to me no later than Midnight Saturday. Anyone whose votes are not received by this time will have their votes disallowed. Also, I'm trying something a bit Radical... The Monday Cards for after the PPV will be mainly booked and determined at the ppv and by the rps leading up to the PPV... I want this to be an exciting, unpredictable promotion... Also, After a PPV the Monday Card will be posted by 6pm Tuesday...remember that Interviews sent in to take place during the PPV will have an effect on Monday's card... Thursdays go normally in the week after a ppv

These will be finished later...