*Inside the locker room of Shane Matthews*

Pete Anselmo: Sup? I am sitting here and talking to "Superstar" Shane Matthews...yet I don't know why! So, Shane why am I talking to you?

Shane Matthews: Why you so ignorant Pete?

Pete Anselmo: Why are you such a prickface?

Shane Matthews: Why don't you shut the hell up?

Pete Anselmo: Well, if I do how am I suppose to interview you? Dumbass! 

Shane Matthews: I don't know good point! But, what I have to say is very important! 

Pete Anselmo: Well, what do you have to say? 

Shane Matthews: Well, seeing that Giovanni "The Spartan" tetrarch and Suicide King Johnny Zero seemed to form a pretty tight relationship once again. And, seeing I hate both men just as much...I have a very special match in mind for next months pay-per-view? 

Pete Anselmo: What kind of match? 

Shane Matthews: If...you didn't interrupt m I would of told you! 

Pete Anselmo: Yeah whatever you say! 

Shane Matthews: At the pay-per-view, this goes out to either Giovanni Tetrarch or Suicide King Johnny Zero, it doesn't really matter to me who accepts the match, just as long as one of them accepts the match! The match that I have in minded is this, seeing that me and those other two guys really, really hate each other and there's nothing that we wouldn't do to end their careers. Well, I don't wanna hurt Prez Swaney's promotion by having either one of us out of this federation...but this match that I have in mind, will only increase the pay-per-view buy-rates! As I am challenging either Johnny Zero and Giovanni Tetrarch to a very special "I RESPECT YOU MATCH"! 

Pete Anselmo: What the hell is that man? 

Shane Matthews: The rules are very simple...this match is like a "I quit" match but instead to win, you must say those magical words "I Respect you", seeing that I hate both of those men equally and they hate me just as much, I know that it will be very and I mean very painful for either of us to say those words...especially if we don't mean it! 

Pete Anselmo: This match will definitely be one for the record books! Is there a person that you rather have? 

Shane Matthews: No, not really because in my mind both of them are bitches and it doesn't matter who I get! SK has been pissing me off, and lately so has Giovanni Tetrarch...so whoever has the bigger balls, come meet me at the pay-per-view! 

Pete Anselmo: What a match that will be a "I Respect You" match, Shane Matthews vs. either Johnny Zero or Giovanni Tetrarch!


The Scene opens to Manderino Panderina wearing a T-Shirt That Says "1-0 What!!?!!!" on it.... out of nowhere, Captain Japan Lands on his back

Cap Jap: Banzai!!!!!!!

Captain Japan runs away as we see the fluffy hind end of the panda man...it reads "PECW: Come Get Some"

The Scene switches to Anselmo and Michaud sitting at the PECW Announce Table, behind them, There is A very large egyptian, wearing a fez.... he is VERY Large

Good evening, PECW fans... I am your play by play announcer, Timote Michaud...and the man to my left is---

Shut up, cuntbag... I am the WLWA Hardcore Champion, Pete Anselmo

What about the Coloss----

Fuck off....I still haven't lost a match in damned near 6 months....

There was SKJZ....and Giovanni...

Michuad, I will kill you.

Anyway, what about Shane Matthews... a big challenge there....

Shut up...we have some matches to get to....

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a debut match, scheduled for one fall with a 15 minute time limit. Introducing first..."

"Sunglasses at Night" by Corey Hart plays as the man, the myth, the legend "Hollywood" Chuck Hogan makes his way to the ring

"From Hollywood, Florida. Weighing in at 269 pounds--"HOLLYWOOD" CHUCK HOGAN!!!"

"And his opponent..."

"Heavy" by Collective Soul hits the PA and the and the crowd goes crazy as Dark Dragon walks to the ring. He is wearing black jeans and back boots. He doesn't wear a shirt when wrestling, but he walks to the ring wearing a white button up t-shirt (open) and a platinum chain around his neck. He also wears black sun glasses and a bandana with his light brown hair covering it

"From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing 225 pounds--DARK DRAGON!!!"

"First look at each man tonight, though Hogan has been on the roster since day one."

"I like the looks of Hogan. He has the classic Hogan hairstyle, and his baseball uniform is really, really--well, its dumb. I lied. Fuck this guy."

"You never cease to amaze me."

"You never cease to say retarded things."

Referee Paul Hogan (no relation to Chuck) rings the bell...

Dragon starts things off with a headlock. Hogan tries to escape, but can't. Hogan tries and tries and tries and tries, but still can't seem to get his head free. Finally, Dragon lets go, but not before a headlock takedown. Dragon floats over and begins pummeling Hogan's face with a series of rights and lefts. Dragon gets up to the top and hits a split-legged moonsault. Cover...

kick out

"Dragon is quite the high flyer."

"Big shit. He hit one move and you think he should be the next world champ."

"I never said..."

"Oh my GOD!!! Somebody better go get T or Johnny Zero cause they're gonna have someone else to worry about now. The man hit a moonsault. OOOOOOOH!!!"

"I think I will shut up now. Point taken."

Dragon goes back on the attack and hits a brainbuster on Hogan. Dragon climbs and hits 180 frog splash. No cover. Dragon climbs again. Hogan is back up. Missle dropkick attempt--brushed away by Hollywood. Hogan goes on the attack. He kicks Dragon in the face. Hogan delivers another boot to the face and goes to get a chair...

"So Frenchie, what's your opinion now about Dragon, as this kick heel boot to the face chair match has gone longer?"

Michaud sits in silence...

Back to action...Hogan brings in the chair. Referee Hogan naturally allows it, because he's crooked like that. Hogan winds up, but gets the chair dropkicked back into his face. Dragon climbs to the top--SHOCK VALUE!!! A 450 splash. Cover...


"Here is your winner--DARK DRAGON!!!"

"Say something you damn frog."

"No. You hurt my feelings."

"Oh grow up you pansy. Intro the next match or I'll beat you like a red-headed stepchild. And that's no LiE."

"Fine. Tag teams. Mushroom Boyz versus Symphony of Destruction."

Ponderosa and Sweden House come to the ring with a large pepperoni pizza from Domino's

"OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!! My baby brodda Sweden House and me are gonna eat that big bear and his little toothpick of a partner, then digest them, then poop them out sometime late tomorrow night or early the next day. OOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!! That's right. Nobody can handle the big floppy fat fuck of eggy yoda turds that are DA MUSHROOM BOYZ!!! OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!"

"From anywhere there's a buffet, total combined weight of 879 pounds--PONDEROSA, SWEDEN HOUSE--DA MUSHROOM BOYZ!!!"

Some cheers are audible...

"Their opponents..."

The lights go out...The words "Critical Mass" are on the Swaney-tron. "Symphony of Destruction" by Megadeth blasts over the PA. Black and Blue and Brian Mauller stroll through the curtain towards the ring, Freddie Landell, Jasmine and Petra are accompanying them

"Total combined weight of 484 pounds, accompanied by Freddie Landell, Jasmine, and Petra--BLACK AND BLUE, "KODIAK" BRIAN MAULLER--SYMPHONY OF DESTRUCTION!!!"


"I can't believe how fuckin fat these fuckin tubby ass butterballs of shit are! Look! Ponderosa has a big bandage over the nipple that Caligari ate. What a big fat flop of fuck egg boy."

Referee Sonny D starts it off...

Sweden House starts it off against B.B. B.B. tries a series of tactical maneuvers, but can't take the 400 plus pounder off his feet. Finally, Kodiak goes over to their pizza and takes a slice. This causes both Mushroom asses to chase him around the ring. After a few laps, the Mushroom Boyz are out of breath, and B.B. sees it fit to whack both of them with a steel chair...

"Look at these two big loopy sandwich bags of brown water. They're out of breath 30 seconds into the match."

Kodiak then spits pizza in each of the fatties' faces. B.B. grabs Sweden House, who is easily identifed from his brother because he has two fully functional nipples, and throws him into the ring. B.B. climbs and hits a splash. Cover...

kick out with authority

B.B. tags Mauller, who comes in like a house of fire. He tries to life Sweden House for a slam, but the House is just too damn fat to life up. Kodiak hunches over in pain. He probably gave himself a hernia. Sweden House uses this opportunity to tag in his big brother Ponderosa. Ponderosa delivers a curly boot to the face of Kodiak. He picks up Mauller and slams him down, then drops a leg. He doesn't cover. He goes to the outside, checks under the ring, and pulls out a roll of Glad-Lock brand cling wrap. He unrolls some and wraps Mauller up like a mummy. Sweden House takes care of B.B. as he tries to break it up. Kodiak is down and unable to move. Sweden House and Ponderosa climb. Sweden House hits the legdrop, Ponderosa hits the moonsault. It's the Flying Jalapeno. Cover...

Landell pulls Ponderosa's leg

Ponderosa turns to confront Landell, but Jasmine and Petra are behind him on top of the Mongolian announce table getting it on. The sight of two hot chicks going at it gets Ponderosa all hot and bothered. He turns, but somehow, Kodiak unwrapped himself and puts the big man on his shoulders. B.B. climbs quickly and hits a hurricanrana from the top. Its WHIRLWIND! Cover by Kodiak...

Sweden House wants to break the cover, but is busy eating the pizza...

"Here are your winners--SYMPHONY OF DESTRUCTION!!!"

"What a show of strength by the widebody Mauller. That was over 450 pounds of beef up on his shoulders."

"Good tag debut by the Symphony. Critical Mass is surely looking to add the tag straps to their little group as well."

The scene cuts to the backstage area.... Sho-Lin is lying on the ground... Ian Pier and Ken Key are running down the hall....

It goes back to Anselmo and Michaud... the VERY LARGE EGYPTIAN is no longer behind them

Damn.... I thought that those two.... and what about the TV title mat--- ahh fuck it

Anselmo lights up his bong, which has " Colo Extreme, WLWA Hardcore, PECW Tag" on the side in gold letters

Keep smoking Pete...just Keep smoking.... now it is time to crown our new North American champion....

The fans sit patiently. They know something is coming. They feel it, in their
blood, in their spines, all over. Slowly the lights dim and a barrage of
fireworks explode over the arena in the colors of blue, red, and orange.
Every fan in the arena jumps to their feet and begins to chant, and cheer,
and yell, and wave as 'Bawitdaba' begins to play. From the back emerges Hobo
Guy to a loud explosion of cheers. He spins and points behind him as The
King, The Champ, The Iron Man, The Icon, The Franchise, The Hero, The T comes
out. The crowd explodes louder than before. Wearing dark Oakley sunglasses, a
'T' shirt and 'T' wrestling shorts. The PECW World Title is strapped around
his waist and the North American Title in his hand. He smiles at the crowd
response and makes his way down to the ring, slapping hands with the fans,
before rolling into the ring. Hobo Guy walks tot he announcer table and grabs
a mic which he throws to T. T stands there, listening to the 'T' chants and
slowly begins over the roars of the crowd.

T:"Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, your champion has arrived!"

Another explosion of cheers and T just smiles.

T:"Ya know, I 'd love to talk a lil more bout beating Johnny Zero, or the
future beating of Giovanni Tetrach, but none of that matters, right now,
Cyrus Morgan, please come down here so I can give you exactly what you

"Victim" by Non Point plays and Cyrus Morgan makes his way down the ramp and
to the ring accompanied by great crowd reaction. Cytrus rolls into the ring
and climbs the turnbuckle as the fans cheer. Cyrus hops of f the turnbuckle
and goes nose to nose with T. T gives a slight smile and raises his eyebrows.

T:"Cy, at 3rds Times A Charm you succesfully defeated Shane Matthews and
Purgetory to become the North American Title #1 Contender, but since I then
went on to win the WORLD TITLE ::cheers::, well, this now, is yours."

T  takes the North American Title from his own shoulder and places it on
Cyrus'. T pats the belt twice and steps back, smiling. Cyrus looks at the
title and motions for the mic, which T gives him.

Cyrus:"Joe, T, I thank you, and I congragulate you. At the PPV you and I both
proved what this buissness is all abot, and we showed why PECW is on top of
the world. You defeated 'Suicide King' Johnny Zero despite the actions of
Giovanni Tetrach, and I lasted all along and got the win over "SuperSUCK"
Shane Matthews."

The fans cheer.

Cyrus:"And now, I shall carry on the tradition you started with this belt

From the crowd Shane Matthews emerges. He rolls into the ring with a chair. T
sees this and yells to Cyrus. Cy turns and Shane knocks him out with the
chair. Shane pounds away on Cyrus with the chair, but T runs and T-Lines him
to the corner. T and Shane exchange blows in the corner. T whips Shane across
the ring and as he bounces back T picks Shane up for the TNT. From the back
Johnny Zero and Giovanni Tetrach run out with chairs as well. T drops Shane
and waits for the two. Both roll in the ring and T takes them down with a
double T-Line. Cyrus gets up and spears Shane as both fly to the outside. T
grabs Giovanni Tetrach and chokes him on the mat. Johnny Zero comes from
behind and chokes T with his belt. T gets to his feet and swings at Johnny.
Johnny steps back and runs at T with a leg lariat. T grabs Johnny and gives
him a T-Bone suplex. As T gets back up Spartan nails him with a chair shot to
the head. T flies into the corner and stumbles back. Spartan grabs him and
executes a german suplex. T flips back onto his feet. Johnny grabs one chair
and comes behind T. Spartna gets to his feet and grabs the other. T looks up
as the chairs come from both sides, crushing T's head between them. T drops
to the mat in a heap. On the outside Cyrus Morgan nails Shane with the 302
into the crowd. Cy sees T laid out and rolls into help him. As he enters the
ring Johnny Zero and Spartan exit. Cy watches as they runs off and EMTs run
down to help T. The EMTs get T on the stretcher as Spartan and Suicide King
disappear into the back. Cyrus walks up the ramp, beside T on the stretcher.
At the top of the ramp T sits up. T pushes off the stretcher. The EMTs try to
restrain him, but T pushes them all down and runs to the back, holding his
head. Cyrus Morgan follows.

Hehehe... Mister T got his ass kicked

Wow! This little attack will have to have some bearing on the Future of PECW.... and what about the white hooligan?!?!?!

Wow! This little attack will have to have some bearing on the Future of PECW.... and what about the white hooligan?!?!?!

"Evil in a League with Satan" by the meatmen plays over the PA as the white masked edition of the fortified hooligan runs down the ramp

GMC: From Parts Unknown, The Fortified Hooligan

GMC: And His opponent.... Hollywood Chuck Hogan!!!!

"Sunglasses at Night" by Cory Hart Plays as an exhausted Hollywood Chuck Hogan comes out for his SCHEDULED match up with the white hooligan

Wait a goddamned second here!


This is Hogan's second match of the night... what does this prove about the white hooligan? I'm gonna do something about this...

Anselmo gets on his cell phone and starts talking away from the Mic... he Then gets up and motions for Hogan to hit the showers...

Why did you do that?

Just watch, Frenchie

"Voodoo, runnin from my Magic (the opening lines from ICP's 'Southwest Voodoo') echos through the arena... A Large man with flowing black dreadlocks makes his way over the security railing and out of the front row, into the ring

GMC: From Deadman, Trinidad.... he is one half of the former PECW Worl Tag Team Champions..... Caligula Johnson!!!!!!

Wait... I heard that Caligula told Lionel Lewis from the WLWA that he couldn't make their ppv because he quit wrestling...

Somebody needs to quit reading internet rumour sheets

The bell rings and the two men charge at each other... Caligula knock the hooligan down with a quick shoulderblock....he continues to run over him and bounds back off of the ropes, he stops to drop his big elbow, and the hooligan rolls clean and quickly gets to his feet

Quick moves... these are two very large men...but also very agile

Yeah, Voodoo bitch is 6'10" and damned near 280lbs... and this hooligan seems just a shade shorter and a very large man in his own right

The Hooligan waits for Caligula to get up, he delivers a straight right jab to the face of caligula... he follows this with a quick left hook to the midsection... he grabs Caligula an executes a snap suplex

This Hooligan asshole better watch out...he's dealing with Caligula!

Watch what? Caligula is on the ground...

Get Lippy, and Die.

The Hooligan Garvin Stomps Caligula... And Then drops a Knee to the ribs. He drags him up by his dreads....

Impressive display by the Fortified one, version 3.0

Piss off, Michaud

The hooligan tries to hook Caligula for a fisherman's suplex, Caligula Counters with a big double axe handle... he clubs the hooligan across the back again and backs away.... Caligula hits a fameasser.... he covers



Kick Out!

A quick turn of events... and a nice move by Caligula

And a slow count, I might add

Caligula helps the hooligan to his feet and picks him up.... Fall Away slam by Caligula!

(mexican accent) Sat hello to tha Voodoo-Guy

OK, Razor...

Caligula quickly hops to the second turnbuckle and comes down with a big leg drop, he rolls over for another cover




Kick Out!!!!!!

I'll impersonate whoever I want to asshole

This Hooligan can sure take some punishment....

You listening to me, cockface?

The Hooligan begins to stir as Caligula gets up... he signals for the VooDoo Bomb... he picks up the Hooligan... but the hooligan catches him around the shoulders and starts punching Caligula in the face...He drops down and Punches Caligula again... Caligula is staggared

OH MY! I thought the hooligan was done for... but he stopped Caligula's attempt at the VooDoo bomb...

The Hooligan Takes a run and springs off the ropes...He Spears Caligula down to the mat...

Apparently Not....

Anselmo takes the WLWA Hardcore title off the table and levels Michaud with it

I'll be announcing solo from here on out....

The Hooligan tries for A cover, but Caligula's foot was on the ropes... The Hooligan helps him to his feet and staggers him with another punch to the face... Caligula is facing away from the corner as the hooligan climbs to the top rope and points at Anselmo

If this sonofabitch even thinks about using my finisher....

The Hooligan leaps and executes a bulldog---a Lesson in Eschatolgy.... He rolls Caligula over for the pin




That Bastard!!!!!!!

GMC: "Your Winner, by Pinfall.... The Fortified Hooligan!!!!!"

Michaud begins to climb back to his seat.... Anselmo cranks him again....he drops

He uses my finisher..... That dirty cocksmoker....

"It's good to be king" Hits and Swaney appears on the entrance ramp

Now.... Seeing as Sho-Lin has been clocked backstage by the brothers jackass.... I have come to a decision... Ken Key... There will be a TV title match Tonight.... and you'll find out who your opponent is after this next match....

Swaney walks back to a mixture of cheers and boos

Whoopity shit! a TV Title match....

GMC: The following match is a three way hardcore match, scheduled for one fall....

"I am a real American" Plays and True Blue comes out.... there are a surprising number of cheers among the boos for the PECW's own self proclaimed American Hero....

GMC: From.... Washington, DC.....           True Blue!!!!!!

"Pony" by Ginuwine plays as The Ryder and Kate make their way to the ring.... Dozens of "standing O" signs can be seen around the arena... The Ryder is twirling around a metal shotglass.... he sees a sign and grabs Kate around the waist.... he executes a Standing O...and the crowd errupts....

GMC:From   A bit south of SOUTH CENTRAL.... The Ryder

The Japanese National Anthem Plays as Captain Japan steps out onto the ramp to a loud chorus of boos... he is waving a Japanese Flag...

GMC: From Sopporro, Japan...... Captain Japan!

Three way hardcore dance... I like it... the Ryder at 5'11.5" may have a bit of a disadvantage with 6'8" 344 of Cap Chink and  and 6'3" 260lbs worth of True Blue Cocksmoker....

As the bell rings... the Ryder pulls a sawed off 12 gauge out from under his long black trench coat.... Captain Jap Points the Flag at him as TB starts to run in and the Ryder pulls out ANOTHER shotgun

The Ryder: I got two guns.... one for each of ya!

The crowd errupts as the microphones pick up the Ryder's Statement

I love this fucking guy!!!!!!

Calling the bluff of the Ryder, True Blue runs in and the Ryder quickly spins the gun around and cold cocks TB with the stalk of the gun

Seeing his opportunity, Capt. Jap runs towards the ryder... He drops to one knee and Swinhs the stalk at the Captain's Knee... knocking him to the ground... The Ryder calmly walks over to the corner and pours himself a shot of bourbon

What a display of quickness by the Ryder....

As the ryder shoots his whiskey, Captain Jap gets to his feet and grabs one of the Hardcore cookie sheets that is in the ring... He slams one over True Blue's Head....

The Ryder is just sitting back and watching the show....

Captain Jap is going over to the turnbuckles... he starts walking up them... as he is on the second turnbuckle, True Blue staggers to his feet... as Cap Jap turns around, True Blue is there to meet him.... True Blue picks him up.... overhead!!!! Gorilla Press Slam!!!!!

Joey Muerto comes running out of the back... he has an I hate Japan T-Shirt on... the crowd cheers....

For being a flag waving, apple pie licking, wussy assed mamma's boy, True Blue has some power..... Michaud! Wake up and do your job!

As Muerto runs down, he trips over a man in a PECW staff T-shirt, upon closer look... IT IS MICHAEL VINCENT!!!!!!

Michaud climbs back to the table...clutching his head

Owie...wait...is that Joey Muerto Chasing Michael Vincent...who is running for his life?????

Yes.... I believe it is....

True Blue goes for the cover



The Ryder runs in and clocks TB with the gun...breaking the count....

He then pulls out the Barrels and starts beating TB with them

He just dropped the sawed-off and beat him with the piece it was sawed off of

That's it Marshall Mathers

Anselmo decks Michaud again...sending him to the floor

White rap, Humbug!

As this goes on outside, Captain Japan is up and slides out of the ring... the Ryder is beating True Blue like a man possesed.... Cap Jap gets a trash can from the outside and slides back into the ring.... True Blue is now bleeding

The Ryder is about to learn an important lesson in turning you back

Captain Japan Nails the Ryder with the Trashcan... and then goes for the cover on the helpless body of True Blue




Kick out!!!!!

Where did True Blue find that ounce of strength?

Captain Japan is infuriated... he goes to the second turnbuckle.... he jumps off and lands a knee to the chest of True Blue... Meanwhile the Ryder is coming to...

Cap Jap Stands Taunting the crowd as the Ryder comes running at him....he hits a roundhouse to the back of Cap Jap's neck... the Captain drops

He Calls that move the "Sawed off" how appropriate....

as this goes on... True Blue gets to his feet.... the Ryder Covers CJ




True Blue Kicks the Ryder off of CJ, and he then quickly picks the Ryder up and flings his scrawny ass to the outside...he lands on the Czech Republic's announce table... but is to light to break it... guest commentator, Jaromir Jagr just looks at him blankly

Did u folks at home know the letters in Jaromir can spell Mario Jr?

As this continues.... True Blue gives the sign for Capital Punishment.... He picks up CJ..... and bam!!!!

True Blue covers




GMC: Captain Japan has been eliminated....

True blue is celebrating.... not realizing that this is an elimination match....

A sharp female scream can be heard as The Ryder is pulling a woman over the railing

Hahahaha, That is MRS Justice.... True Blue's wife and part time manager....

True Blue jumps out of the ring in anger... he runs toward the Ryder...who is trying to put his hand up Mrs. Justice's Skirt....

Kate Jumps out from under (under?!?!?!) The czech announce table, and a smiling Penguins captain... she has a hockey stick... as TB gets to the Ryder, Kate Levels him with the Hockey Stick.... the Ryder covers




GMC: Your winner, The RYDER!!!!!!

The fans erupts as Mrs Justice tends to TB

Why wasn't she under my announce table?

Swaney: Over the loudspeakers-----  OK Key, get to the damned ring!!!!

Ken Key enters the arena and walks down to the ring...no music...with the PECW TV title over his shoulder.... he also has a mic

KEY: I had nothing to do with that attack on Sho-Lin.... it was Static Bane!!!!

I don't care if it was Mickey Mouse...Meet Your opponent....

"Click, Click, Boom" by Saliva hits and the crowd goes nuts as Chris Velmont runs to the ring...

Key and Velmont start exchanging a flurry of blows.... Michaud climbs back to his seat

I'll behave.... I promise

Good.... Key is in a world of trouble...Velmont is insane

Velmont gets the upper hand....and executes a quick DDT, dropping Key to the mat... quick cover


Kick out

Ken Key won't be beaten that easily

Velmont grabs Key and quickly executes a perfect snap suplex.... Velmont begins kicking away at the lower back of Key.... Key rolls under the bottom rope to the outside to recover....

tThe ref starts to count



Velmont is determined....

Velmont climbs the ropes as Key gets his head together.... Velmont leaps, Key Ducks and Velmont goes through the Czech announce table....

Now Jaromir is gonna be pissed....

Key quickly grabs Velmont and executes a ddt onto the hard floor, as the PECW is too cheap for mats to go around the ring.... the ref keeps counting



Key gets back into the ring.... the fand start to chant to rally Velmont....

Chris gets back into the ring...Key swings, Velmont blocks and punches key in the midsection...he irish whips him into the ropes and follows with a clothesline...

Velmont back into control after that spurt of offense from Key

Velmont hammers away at the lower back of Key.... he drags him to the middle of the ring and smiles....

Velmont hooks in the Crimson Grin.....

It is all over for Key

Ken Key is fighting as Velmont sits on his back and continues to stretch his mouth out.... Blood starts to Trickle.... Key won't submit!!!!!

C'mon Ken... there is courage and there is stupidity.... 

I think Ken Just passed out from the pain

The ref calls for the bell...

GMC: "The referee has stopped this match due to Ken Key's inability to continue..... the winner and new PECW TV champion---- Chris Velmont!!!!"

The Crowd cheers as Velmont climbs the ropes with the strap and "click, click, boom" hits....

What a match... the EMTs are out for Key... this can't be good

Now what we've been waiting for....

GMC: The following match is scheduled for one fall...and is a non title match

"Bawitdaba" hits and the fans jump to their feet....... Here he comes..... out steps the PECW World Champion, T

GMC: From Anahiem, California... the PECW World Heavyweight Champion, T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Fell on Black Days" Hits and the fans intensly boo as the man known as Spartan steps out onto the runway...he walks calmly, coldly to the ring........ behind his is The Suicide King, Johnny Zero....

GMC: From Arigion, Greece, Making his PECW debut, Giovanni 'The Spartan' Tetrarch!!!!!!

Well, I guess we have an answer as to the relationship between Tetrarch and Zero

This match doesn't look good for T, Hobo guy hyas the flu...and it is 2 against 1.... all that and T has already been beaten down once tonight...how can he possibly win?

T and Giovanni stand inches away from each other in the center of the ring, just staring into each others face.  Giovanni then pushes T back with great force, knocking the champ on his ass.  Giovanni throws back his head and laughs at T, who charges him and spears him to the mat.  The bell then rings and the match officially starts.

 T pulls Spartan to his feet and chops in the chest...WHOO!...T whips Gio into the ropes and ducks down to do a back body drop.  Gio stops short and kicks T right in the nose, sending T's upper body to a standing position.  Giovanni then pokes T in the eyes and then punches him in the nose repeatedly, hoping for blood.  T stumbles into a corner, where he is met with kicks to the midsection from Giovanni. 

Tetrarch is wasting no time proving to those who don't know him that he is deserving of this match up

 T, however, catches one of Gio's legs and dragon screw whips him out of the ring.  Gio's shoulder rams hard onto the apron and then he lands face first on the concrete floor below.  Giovanni lays dazed on the floor, slowly picking his head up, as T bounces off the ropes on the other side of the ring.  Giovanni is finally to his feet, but is met with a baseball slide dropkick from T, sending Spartan into the barricade.

And T is showing us all why he is the Man here in PECW

I thought you hated good guys, Pete

Yeah, But I really hate Giovanni asscrack

 T slides outside the ring and takes a swing at Giovanni, but Giovanni rams his knee into T's stomach.  Giovanni rams T's head into the steel barricade and then into the steel steps.  Giovanni clamly rolls into the ring, stands in the center, and then raises his hands high above his head, causing the fans to rain a chorus of boos down into the ring.  As Giovanni taunts the crowd in the ring, T is on the apron.  He yells at Spartan, who turns to see T on the apron.  Giovanni bounces into the ropes opposite of T and runs towards the champ, but T flips over the top rope and nearly takes Gio's head off with a huge T-Line.  Gio lands hard on his back and lies motionless on the mat.  T quickly runs over to Giovanni and goes for the pin...1....tw-kickout.

Giovanni Tetrarch is starting to take a real beating at the hands of T

Giovanni powers out and gets right back to his feet.  As T is standing up, Giovanni kicks him in the back of his left knee, taking the champ back down to the mat.  Giovanni then climbs to the top rope.   Giovanni is on the top rope and he does the human "T" shape while standing on the top, bringing more boos from the fans.

Giovanni is getting a wee bit cocky.... as T would say he is a "Cocky-Cock-Head"

Did you just say....

Yes... I want to kill myself

T is standing up and Gio comes off, attempting a double axe handle, but T sees him coming and, as Gio comes down, T swings with a hard T-Line, right on Gio's neck.  Gio does a complete flip and lands on his back. T goes for the cover once more...1....2....kickout!

Another close Call....

T gets up and runs back towards the ropes.... SKJZ grabs his ankle and T falls hard to the mat..... T starts barking at SKJZ.... meanwhile the Spartan is up...he drops behind T, Roll-up small package




Kick Out!

T almost made a fatal mistake.....

T is up, But Tetrarch meets him with a kick to the midsection.... Implant DDT by Tetrarch!!!!! Gio covers




Kick out!

What is going on? SKJZ is grabbing a chair.....

Gio Motions for SK to get in the ring.... He nails T with the Chair....

The ref calls for the bell..... But SK and Gio are going off on Mr T.....

Somebody needs to help the champ! Pete, aren't you guys tag partners in the Colosseum

Anselmo is busy crushing up a 20 milligram OxyCodone


The two beat T unmercifully....... Just Then, Superstar Shane Matthews and Chris Velmont come running to the ring....

What...a melee? Damned opiates..... I .......only.........want.......to..........ZZzzzzZZZ....ZZZzzzzzz

T is Down while Velmont and SK mix it up, as do Gio and Shane....

"It's good to be King" Hits and Swaney and the White Hooligan are out....

What is this all about?!?!?!

Swaney has a baseball bat and he Points at SK, The White Hooligan attacks the Suicide King and Swaney Decks Spartan with the Bat....

The ring is clear and Swaney grabs a Mic

The Time has Come.... Johnny Zero...This Hooligan is going to be your worst nightmare! At The PPV on May 19, PECW Hooligans and Chicanery.... You will be facing this man..... The PECW's own corporate enforcer.... If You live that long, Johnny Zero....

Oh my god! Swaney and the White hooligan are in cahoots?!?! Michael Vincent is here in PECW?!?!?! T wins by DQ?!?!?!  Fans Stay Tuned

Fades to Black










OK I Finished em...Sorry bout the delay

PECW Sunday Night's Main Event!!!!! RP Deadline, Saturday Midnight

Matches will be 

Michael Vincent vs Joey Muerto, Hardcore title

White hooligan vs Alexander Caligari

Cyrus Morgan vs Shane Matthews, NA Title

The Mimic vs Congo (double debut match)

SKJZ and Spartan vs Symphony of Destruction

True Blue vs Captain Japan (one on one, winner to face TV champ)

Dark Dragon vs The Ryder

Static Bane vs Cyrus Storm (double Debut)

Chris Velmont vs Sho-Lin (TV Title)


If u want a match, email me asap