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The Rules

1: Please roleplay whenever you have a match. Not roleplaying for two matches consecutively earns you a suspension and three matches consecutively means you are removed from the roster. I try not to be too harsh but I'm the one working my ass off for you.

2: There will be no racism or heavy sexual language on any board in OOCW. This warrants an immediate suspension.

3: You do not have to #### out swearing, it is optional and entirely up to you.

4: There is to be no unfair or rude remarks made to other members on any board unless you are in character. Anyone breaking this rule will be suspended.

5: Never complain about losing, you can ask why you lost, but do not challenge my, or who ever is judging the roleplays decision.

6: Do not request a title shot. Title shots are given to those have earned it. If you request a title shot which you don't deserve it will be simply ignored.

7: No using another wrestler, his/her props or locations in a roleplay without their permission. Breaking this rule will void the offending roleplay.