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Here a selection of the best recent roleplays in OOCW. First off, a link to Chaos' roleplay which he did for the Meltdown tournament.


Next up is one of Assassin's roleplays for the Meltdown tournament which took him all the way to the final.

Assassin is seen entering the building whith Kelly Brook, he is wearing his a black OOCW T-Shirt Black troussers and a black backwards NY cap. With his blue duffle bag over his left shoulder he is walking at a steady pace to his dressing room. As he reaches the dressing room he is ambushed by fans. One fan wearing a faded Assassin t-shirt begins to talk franticly;

Fan: Yo Assassin! Can I have your autograph? I think you're totally awesome!

Kelly Brook: Wait, wait.. how did you fellas get back here?

Fan: That security guard let us in because we gave him $10!

Assassin: That piece of shit he never obey rules! Well guys, I'll be genourous and sign the things.. but you gotta leave as soon as I do! Got me?

Fans: Yeah, o.k..!

They both grab each autograph books one at a time and scribbles their names down on them. They sends their fans on their way out the door and they continues down the hall toward their locker room. As he walks by there are various people and staff preparing for tonight's event "Meltdown" carrying lumber and lighting equipment. One worker carrying a long board doesn't notice Assassin walking and turns with the long board swinging it right over Assassin as he ducks the close impact. As the man turns to see what happened, he hits Kelly from behind with the board. Kelly screams, Assassin saw what happended and starts complaining;

Assassin: WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!!! Watch where you're going next time!

Guy: I'm sorry Assassin. I didn't see ya until you ducked.

Assassin: You better pray it doesn't because if it does.. you're gonna be in that ring with me!!

Guy: It wont.. it wont.. I'm sorry!

Assassin: Now get outta here !!!

The Guy scurries off as Kelly rubs her sore back of her head. He rolls his eyes and continues down the hall until he almost trips over the popcorn vendor backing out of a doorway. Assassin growls;

Assassin: DAMMIT! Does anybody here look where the hell they're goin'?

Foreign vendor: Sowwy sowwy.. No spekadey Onglish.

Assassin: Damn foreigners! Who let's them in?

The vendor walks away with his popcorn machine.

Assassin: Wait I want popcorn.

Vendor:Poopcon ?

Assassin: Yes I give you money( Assassin waves some money in his face) you give me popcorn.

Kelly: Lets just go. OOCW must of had a budget cut back to have him here.

The vendor finally understands and puts some popcorn in a box. He goes to give it to Assassin put slips and spills it on Kelly Brook. Assassin gets really mad.He grabs the vendor shoves him against the wall then shves him into the popcorn trolley and wheels him into the wall.

Assassin: Good damn homos. I'll have to see Ian Smith about the staff here. You ok Kelly?

Kelly: I suppose

They both continues down what now seems to be the longest hallway in their lifes. As they walks by, he sees wrestlers of OOCW getting ready and sparing in the hall. He pushes through them and one of them gets angry;

Wrestler: What the fuck is your problem? You think cause you're one of the main eventers that you can push us around?

Assassin: Well duh. Get back to your little sissy slap fight.. I gotta go.

Wrestler: WHAT?! Nuh uh... you ain't just gonna talk to me like that! Come on, let's see what you got!

Kelly: You do know who you are talking to?

Assassin: Son, I ain't got time to let you prove your little marbles to your buddies. Now get the hell outta my face!

Wrestler: NO, you little..

The wrestler shoves Assassin with all his might sending his bag flying off his shoulder. Assassin turns back and stares at the man with an evil glance and says;

Assassin: Thats it you gonna get it now your going to get it you stupid shit!

Assassin grabs the man by his arm and swings him into the wall. The other wrestler tries to attack Assassin from behind but Kelly low blows the man and Assassin attempts an arm drag on the man on to the cement floor. The first wrestler gets up and dives at Assassin trying to spear him and misses running into the wall. Assassin laughs and gets speared from behind by the other wrestler. Assassin is down as the two men kick and stomp him until Assassin grabs the man's leg and sweeps the other legs sending the man straight to the ground. The other man lifts his arm to hit Assassin but Kelly hits him over the head with a 2x4. Security guards come from around the corner and grab Assassin's arms. One of the guards starts talking;

Guard: So we meet again. You just can't stay outta trouble can ya boy?

Assassin: What do ya mean son? We are having a friendly spar!

Guard: Those guys are bruised and bleeding! Spar?!

Assassin: Right guys?? RIGHT?

Wrestlers: Yeah, spar sure.

Guard: Well o.k.. but you better not let me see you again or else.

Assassin: (Mumbling) Yeah whatever oh yeah I fucked you daughter.

Guard: What was that?!

Assassin:I said do you want a glass of water! You trash, now get outta here!

Guard: Hmm.. we'll meet again Assassin oh we'll meet again!

Assassin: Just shut up..

Kelly: Just get lost!

The security guard leaves and Assassin jumps at the men taunting them and they both jump back. Assassin and Kelly laugh and they continues down the longest hall in history trying to get to their locker room. His swagger turns into a gallop as he speeds up his pace so he doesn't get interrupted again. Just as he passes the gym and can see his dressing room door in the distance.. a woman calls out to him;

Woman: Hey Assassin.. You're looking good. Why don't you come on in my dressing room and "get ready"?

Assassin: Um, who are you? What are you some wacko bitch?

Woman: No, I just work in the main office as a secretary and I like your style! So it's up to you.

Assassin: Well, o.k.

Kelly grabs Assassins arm.

Kelly: Where do you think your going?

Kelly whispers something into Assassins ear.

Woman: Well are you coming in or what.

Assassin: um... as much as I wwwould likee I have uh got a meeting now. Yeah thats itt I have a meeting.

Women: Maybe another time?

The women looks up to see that Assassin had already left the doorway and was running down to his locker room with Kelly. They continue running down the hall. Their locker room is just round the corner. They turn the corner and an official bumps into them and says;

Off: Your match has been bumped up tonight.

Assassin: Huh, whaa?

Off: You were going to fight at this time on this sheet..but now you'll fight at this time here... is this ok with you?

Assassin: Do I have a fricken choice? Looks like you already made the decision. Either way, it's not like I care, it'll give me time to rest.For the next heats after I beat this guys ass from pillar to post.

Kelly: But.. Assassin.

Off: As long as you comply. See ya around.

Assassin: (mumbling) I got two words for you..

Assassin shakes his head and keeps on walking down the hallway until he is greeted by non other than Mike and his goofy camera man. Today Mike is wearing a black T-shirt with OOCW written on the front and a picture of Kelly on the back. The camera man moves around for a good shot and Mike begins to speak;

Mike: So here we are, the night of the fights. You still don't know who you are wrestling for your first match but will be announced soon. The only question that arises is: Are you ready for your first PPV in OOCW?

Assassin: Mike, are you that slow and dim witted? I"M ALWAYS READY!! All I want to know is whick punk I am playing!

Mike: Save it for the match big boy. A few others are said to be here as well. But not all the competitors are here yet. But I have heard that Lonesome Jimmy is hear!!!

Assassin: LONER IS HERE? See ya Mike!

Kelly: God Mike is a kneedle dick.

Assassin doesn't even let Bruce finish his interview before he takes off looking for Lonesome Jimmy. He runs into the main backstage area with Kelly and finds nothing but other wrestlers getting ready for tonight. They are asking them as they run by if they have seen Loner ... No one knows so far. Assassin and Kelly enter a room filled with men wearing suits that appear to be in a meeting of some kind. Assassin lifts the table and looks under it knocking the papers and brief cases off. Assassin kicks the doors back open and leaves the room as the men are left in awe.Kelly appaulages and explains to them and then runs after Assassin. Assassin continues running down the hall and walks into a ladies dressing area. The ladies scream as Assassin runs through the room almost over exaggerating the search now. The ladies are throwing make up and clothes at Assassin trying to get him to leave and Assassin runs by a mirror, stops. and backs up as he looks in the mirror he has a pair of panties on his head and blue powder all over him.

Assassin: Ladies don't act like I haven't seen them already. He rests his hands on his knees and starts to think he's acting a little silly and composes himself. He stops searching for So and he figures that Loner can be saved for the match. He now decides to bide his time and wait. As he leaves the ladies room and spanks a few butts on the way out he aims back toward his dressing room where Mike and the camera man are still waiting to do an interview. Mike approaches Assassin again and asks;

Mike: Did you find them yet?

Assassin: Nah, I'll wait until the time is right and then strike! But that damn Loner is going to pay! Loner's little ass can wait also. He'll get his up and comings.

Mike: Speaking of Loner, the matches haven't been announced yet so are you hoping to play him. And how do you feel about him having the I.C title?

Assassin: I feel like I always do when some young punk tries to test his guts in the ring with me! But I really hope I get to play him cus I'll make it hell for him and prove that I can beat him as I have beaten him in tthe past!

Mike: So you are still determined to not only beat but destroy them? How do you think you will fair against all of the wrestler in this tournament?

Assassin: Your right I won't just beat them I will destroy them . If I lose, I lost to a OOCW superstar so it won't be that bad. If I win, I just beat a OOCW superstar. Ya see? I look good either way so I'm just gonna do what I do best a tear ass in the ring!

Mike: You make a good point Assassin. Now what are some strategies you may use to get the upper hand?

Assassin: Same as always, my pure skill and Hard knocks! (laughs)

Mike: You have had no belts since your debut here at OOCW. It would be a big achivement to win the Heavyweight title first, do you belive you are up for the challenge?

Assassin: You're damn straight I am. I know Gravedigger is a great champ and all but If I get a shot at it I will give 'em Hell but I ain't here just for the title it for pride and to raise hell!!

Mike: Well you do have a good point and it is nice to see a man who is not just in it for the World title!

Assassin: It's always been a good thought to have it, but if you really think about it.. it might not be worth it! I'm not saying I don't want it though! Well, enough chit chat Mike, I gotta a match to prepare for!

Mike: It's been lovely to finally catch you in a good mood Assassin.

Assassin leaves Mike and the camera man to go into his dressing room FINALLY. The door shuts

Assassin: Kelly what happended to your clothes?