Date: 10/26/01

Live-From the Tacoma, WA in the Tacoma Dome!!! SPECIAL SATURDAY EDITION!

20,895 Fans in Attendance

 (The NFWA logo appears on the screen and fades into the darkness. The brand new NFWA opening video/theme song plays as the camera opens up to the SOLD OUT Tacoma Dome as 2 blue rockets flare up at the bottom of the ramp and race towards the entrance, where dozens of blue and red pyro explosions go off at the entrance. When the pyro stops, the cameras pan the crowd, picking up signs such as "Rage was robbed", "The T Money fan club", "X-Pac sucks", "I'd STILL rather be in Chyna" and "Long Live Havok!!". The camera cuts to the commentary booth, where Vince Johnson and Delaware Dave are seated)

VJ: We are live from the Sold Out Tacoma Dome in Washington! Almost 21,000 fans have jam-packed this arena for a special Saturday night edition of the SLAAAAAAM! Vince Johnson here alongside Dave, and what a week it's been for the NFWA! This past weekend at Dead or Alive, we had 3 new Champions crowned. 1st was the Women's Title, as Deadly Candy Alyssa Sanders defeated Kammy in the much-anticipated swimsuit match. Then, Johnny Havok came out of nowhere with the Lock Down, and not only did he win the World Title, but he made Rick Bruiser tap out! And then…folks, I still can't believe what transpired here. It was the finals of the Universal Title tournament: Rage Vs GNL's Tristram! X-Pac was out here doing commentary…and then he did the unthinkable! X-Pac turned his back on the NFWA, he attacked Rage and Tristram is the new Universal Champion, and I'm in a state of shock!

DD: See, Johnson! Now you know how important I am to these shows! I turn my back for 1 second…1 SECOND and your Canadian ass has to go and let the GNL win the Title! You suck, Johnson!

VJ: Me?! That was…

DD: Don't sass me, boy! I'll give ya a taste of the back o' me hand!

VJ: Well folks, tonight we've got another wild night of action for ya, including the Tag Team Titles being up for grabs! The Riot Makerz will try to bring the belts home for a 4th time as they face Rick and Nick the Bruiser Brothers! Folks but 1st…(sighs) I can't believe this, but we're about to be joined by the new Universal Champion and the GNL! Let's take you down to ringside…

("BREAK IT DOWN!!!!" The D-Generation X theme blasts over the PA system as flashing green spotlight swarm the entranceway. A roar of boos fill the arena as X-Pac walks onto the stage wearing a DX #69 football jersey! He stands on the stage for a moment, then suddenly rips off the jersey, revealing a GNL #02 baseball jersey. "The Way I Am" suddenly starts up over the PA system, the lights turn from green to baby blue and the fans boo louder as "J-Dogg" Johnny Gunn and GNL commentator Nikki Cox walk out with the Universal Title belt raised high into the air. J-Dogg high fives X-Pac and together the trio strolls down the entrance ramp to ringside. They climb into the ring, J-Dogg drapes the Universal Title over his shoulder and calls for a mic. The lights return to normal, the music dies down and chants of "YOU SOLD OUT, YOU SOLD OUT!!!" Fill the arena. X-Pac grabs the mic, raises it to his lips and speaks)
X-Pac: TACOMA, WA…SHOW SOME LOVE AND MAKE A LITTLE NOISE!!!! (Boos/Chants get louder) Oh is that right? Huh? I sold out? I sold out? Well you ignorant pieces of crap would say something that dumb. You people wanna know why I did at DOA?! (Crowd: Yeah) You wanna know why I attacked Rage? You wanna know why I screwed the NFWA over?! Well…funny, I've been in this fed since May 2000, you never wanted to hear about X-Pac! You never wanted to know how I was doing? You never cared about me. Hell, I coulda been dead and you people wouldn't have even cared! There was only one guy I know that cares about X-Pac! There was only one guy I know that respects me, and that's my boy, my best friend in the whole damn world, "J-Dogg" Johnny Gunn! sdj

(Loud boos from the crowd as J-Dogg raises the Universal Title into the air. X-Pac laughs and continues)

X-Pac: Ya know…it's amazing just how gullible you people really are! I mean, yeah I always knew the fans were dumb, but Panther?! The Brightest Mind in the Game, man wassup with that?! (laughs) This thing just didn't happen overnight, pal! We were planning this thing for a long time, Panther! We were planning it before you fired Rosie Sanchez from the NFWA! Before that big Jackoff Firestorm gave J-Dogg the rights to the GNL! Hell, even before that bitch of yours, Diamond brought J-Dogg to the NFWA!!! Panther, we had a plan, and just like the sucker that you are, you fell for it hook, line and sinker, and now the GNL is standing here in Tacoma the RULERS OF THE WRESTLING WORLD!!! How ya like us now, BEEEEEEAAAAATCH!!!!!!

(The camera focuses on a sign in the crowd that reads "X-LAX SUX". Back in the ring, X-Pac hands J-Dogg the mic. He kisses the Universal Title, drapes it back over his shoulder, raises the mic to his lips and begins to speak)

J-Dogg: TACOMA…(LOUD BOOS) HAHA! I know you can dig it, baby! Last week, right here on FNS, I told the whole damn world that the ONLY WAY the GNL would lose, would be over my dead body! And as you can see…(does a little dance) I am Alive! I am Alive! I AM ALIVE, and the Generation Next League is on top of the Wrestling World! (Dodges a cup) Whoo, DOA was without a doubt one of the greatest accomplishments in my life! And now, ladies and gentlemen…allow me to introduce to you, the NEW Universal Champion…he is the GNL's own…TRRRRRRIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSTRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAMMM!!!!!!!!!!

(BOOOOOOM!!!! An explosion of pyro goes off on the stage as "Click, Click, Boom" by Saliva blasts over the PA system! The crowd boos loudly as Tristram walks out onto the stage and heads down the entrance ramp to the ring. He slides into the ring, poses on the ropes and the crowd boos loudly. The lights return to normal, the music dies down and J-Dogg hands Tristram a mic)

Tristram: NFWA…(crowd boos) Now…(grabs the Title belt from J-Dogg) now NFWA, you don't have to like it! You can boo all you want, but let me tell you…last week, I went through the best the NFWA and the GNL had to offer! I went through Psycho…I went through Sonykk…I went through your Rage, and ya know what…I even went through that scum you call a CEO, Panther!!! (Crowd boos) I fought for the honor of the GNL, and I proved once and for all that we are exactly what we say we are, and that's the best damn fed in the biz!!!! (More boos) Now ladies and gentlemen…as the Universal Champion…as the #1 wrestler in the game, I will take on all comers! Anybody…I don't care who it is! Whether it's Ice Cube…whether it's Sonykk…Psycho…Insane…or even Rage! Anybody who wants a shot at me, bring it on, and I'll run straight through you, just like I ran through everybody in that damn tournament! Now who wants some? Huh? Who wants a shot at becoming the Universal Champion? Who want…

(Suddenly a lightning bolt strikes the stage and the lights go out. "Ride the Lightning" starts up over the PA system and the crowd goes crazy)

VJ: Oh my goodness!

DD: Wait a minute, Vince! That's…that's that damn Lightning's music!

VJ: Lightning…is Lightning here?! Is Lightning here, Dave?!

DD: I sure hope not! I've had enough of these GNL idiots for 1 night!

(The music dies down, the Panthertron lights up and Lightning's image appears. He's at his home in LaPorte, IN. The crowd is going crazy as Tristram continues to speak)

Tristram: Lightning?! Lightning…well damn! Lightning…I've said time and time again that you're one of the best I've ever seen! You're a great athlete, and I've got nothing but respect for you! Lightning, you want a shot at the Universal Title, well…

Lightning: Actually Tristram…I could give a rat's ass about you right now! (Crowd pops)

VJ: Oh my!

Lightning: My beef isn't with you. My beef is with…you J-Dogg!

J-Dogg: (Confused) Me?

Lightning: Yeah, you!

J-Dogg: What do you mean you have a beef with me? After all that I did for your ungrateful ass after Panther fired you from the NFWA, you have the nerve…

Lightning: Just shut your mouth and listen, ok?! (Crowd pops) J-Dogg, as you know, I've known Panther for a while, and if there's anything that I know more than anybody, it's that Panther cannot be trusted! But me and Panther have a lot of things in common, J-Dogg, and one thing that we both can agree on, is that you suck as a CEO!!! (Crowd goes crazy) You sit in the ring with that jackass X-Pac, and he runs his mouth about how he's been in the NFWA since day 1 and never got any TV time! Well what about me, J-Dogg? See, unlike X-Pac, I DON'T SUCK! I am Lightning, the former 3 time NFWA Champion! I've done it all in the NFWA, and when my contract expired, you were the 1st person to call me and bring me to the GNL as your secret weapon. But then what, J-Dogg? After Hell on Earth, what happened? I mean…I never got a title shot in the GNL! I never even got to wrestle a damn match on GNL TV! And when I heard that the GNL was returning from that break, I called your office time after time after time after time after time! I got no response, J-Dogg. Not once did you call me back? Why is that, J-Dogg? Me and all the fans of the GNL deserve an answer!!

(The crowd begins to chant "J-DOGG SUCKS, J-DOGG SUCKS". J-Dogg raises the mic and begins to speak)

J-Dogg: Lightning…buddy! Lemme tell ya something…(snickers) geez, I can't believe what's coming outta your mouth. I mean, Panther always said you were an idiot, but GOOD GOD!!! (Crowd boos) 1st, you come out here and interrupt my celebration! Then you have the nerve to disrespect me?! ME!!! The man who gave you your job! The man who's been given you the money to feed your family after that rat's ass Panther ran you out of the NFWA! You should be down on your hands and knees licking the jam from between my toes! Who the hell are you, anyway, Lightning? Who are you? Yeah, you were the NFWA Champion 300 times this year! Who cares, the NFWA is DEAD! Yesterday's news! Lightning, what have ya done for J-Dogg lately, pal? What have you done? I sign you to a lucrative GNL contract! Zeros coming outta the Ying yang. I promote you as 1 of our top stars! The man that's gonna help us destroy the NFWA, and what do you do? You go and get your ass beat by Ice Cube! Ice Cube of all people! You're pathetic, Lightning! Yet you wanna sit up there in that cardboard box of yours, and call ol' J-Dogg a sucky CEO! Well damn it Lightning, suppose I called you up. Suppose I said, "Lightning, the GNL needs ya, brother! The GNL needs ya to fight off the NFWA", what would you do, Lightning? Come back, drink up a 6-pack and get your punk ass kicked by the Extremist?! (LOUD BOOS) Lightning…and I know you're illiterate, but try to read my lips when I say this to ya, k? Lightning…you're a has been! A nobody! A loser! And right now, the GNL has no room for losers! We're the top fed in the game! We're winners! Now Lightning, you are under contract to the GNL, so I guess we've gotta find something for you to do. So ya know…maybe I'll let ya set up the rings and stuff like that, work in the production truck, maybe even get ya a match every now and then. But face it Sparky…your career…(chuckles) it's over!!

(The crowd boos loudly and tosses trash at J-Dogg. Tristram appears to be a little unhappy with J-Dogg after his comments. Lightning speaks)

Lightning: J-Dogg…you're damn lucky I'm not there in Tacoma tonight, cuz if I was, I would kill you right where you stand!!! (Crowd cheers) J-Dogg, I'm a has been? My career is over? Whatever, but I promise you, Johnny! I promise that you will FEEL THE BOLT!!!!! You'll feel it a whole lot sooner than you think! (Screen goes blank)

J-Dogg: (Smiles) Empty threats! Empty threats! Now that that's out of the way, let's get back to talking about something more important! Let's talk about how ol' J-Dogg went out there in Seattle, against all the odds and led Tristram to the Universal Champion….

DD: Hey!!!


DD: HAHAHAHA!! Get him, Rage!! Get him!!!

VJ: Rage hammering away with right hands to the head of J-Dogg!!!! Watch Tristram…Rage blocks the right hand…and he floors Tristram with a clothesline…X-PAC WITH A SPINKICK TAKES HIM DOWN!!!! Damn it…Rage is down, and look at this now! X-Pac, J-Dogg and Tristram!!! X-Pac, J-Dogg and Tristram are all over Rage in the ring! The GNL is doing a number on Rage!!! Tristram has Rage set up for something…

DD: Can we get some…

VJ: Tristram's trying to…IT'S ICE CUBE!!!! Here comes Ice Cube!!!

DD: And he's got that lamb leg, Vince!!! OHHH!!!!

VJ: OHHH!!!! Tristram just caught that leg of lamb right to the head, and look at J-Dogg and X-Pac run!!!! They just grabbed the Universal Title belt and they're headed back to the locker room!!!

DD: Yeah, and look at best wrestler in the universe now!!!!

VJ: Oh…Tristram was busted open by that shot. Rage getting back to his feet…uh oh!


VJ: The Riot Makerz are in there with Tristram! J-Dogg and X-Pac have just abandoned the Universal Champion! Ladies and gentlemen…OH MY GOODNESS!!!! THE RIOT MAKERZ!!! THE RIOT MAKERZ ARE ALL OVER TRISTRAM!!!

DD: Get him! Beat him like he stole something! C'mon!!!

VJ: Tristram is getting the hell beat out of him in the center of the ring! Ice Cube has Tristram! Irish whip sends him into the ropes…ICE BREAKER!!!! Tristram caught on the button with an incredible Ice Breaker, and watch Rage! Watch Rage…TOTAL ANNIHILATION!!!!!!!!!! Tristram has just been annihilated by the Riot Makerz!!!!

("Diary of a Madman" plays over the PA system as the Riot Makerz pose for the crowd. The camera cuts back to the parking lot, where a camera is focuses on the driveway)

VJ: Ladies and gentlemen, what a way to kick off FNS! Later on tonight, the Riot Makerz will lock up with Rick and Nick Bruiser for the Tag Team Titles! Plus, we're gonna hear from the New NFWA World Heavyweight Champion Johnny Havok! Folks, stay tuned, more FNS on the other side!!!!

***Quick Promo for Overkill 2001…followed by some more dumb ass commercials****

(The scene opens in the medical area, where EMT's are checking on Tristram)

VJ: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to FNS, and we just had a wild opening to the show. Tristram and the GNL basically came out to gloat about the Universal Title win, which brought Lightning…the former NFWA Champion, Lightning he appeared on the screen, was basically berated by J-Dogg…

DD: We saw what happened, Johnson! The Riot Makerz beat Tristram's ass and J-Dogg and X-Pac ran like a bunch of cowards! They suck, Vince!

(Promotional graphic for Overkill appears on the screen)

VJ: Well ladies and gentlemen, I'll tell you what won't suck, and that's Overkill 2001! Yes, emanating live from Louisville, KY in the historic Freedom Hall, and let's talk about what's on everybody's mind! The 2nd Annual Overkill Lottery!! 4 teams will be chosen at random to compete in 3 8-man elimination matches, and the men or women with the most points at the end of the 3 matches will move on to a 12-man, over the top rope, Hardcore Royal Rumble, the winner of which will face the World Champion at December's Apocalypse Now!!!

DD: Oh yeah, I can't wait for Overkill! Hopefully we won't have another robbery like we did with that skankhole Lightning from last year!

VJ: Yes, last year we did have a bit of controversy at the end of that battle royal! But the 1st 2 teams for this year's Overkill Lottery have been announced. Captaining Team #1 will be Diamond…

DD: WHAT?!?!?!

VJ: Yes! Diamond will be captaining Team 1. Her team will include Justin Jericho, Kayos and Iceberg! Their opponents, Team #2! Captained by The Rocker, this team will include Rage, Kammy and Nick Bruiser!!! Definitely some unorthodox teams chosen there!

DD: Wait a minute, don't even get me started on a woman captaining an Overkill team! But Rage and Nick Bruiser?!?! Nick Bruiser cost Rage the World Title! How the hell are they gonna work together!

VJ: Well if they want a shot at the World Title, they'd better learn to work together! More teams will be announced in future weeks!

The Magdra Vs Glacier

('Man In the Box' by Alice in Chains plays over the PA speakers as the fans watch the entrance way in silence...then Magdra and The King Ahmad Itani walk out and the fans boo as the two walk to the ring, Magdra wearing black jeans with a black jean jacket and Ahmad wearing Tennessee Volunteers attire with a Championship belt around his waist. The two enter the ring, Magdra waits in a corner and his music dies down. The lights go out, blue and white spotlights flash over the arena and "You Could Be Mine" starts up over the PA system. The crowd gives a mixed reaction as Glacier and Colby walk out onto the stage, and snow begins falling from the rafters. They walk down the entrance ramp and Glacier climbs into the ring. He turns to the main camera, drops to 1 knee and raises his arms into the air as blue and white pyro goes off behind him. Before he can get back to his feet, Magdra hits him from behind with a clothesline and referee Ruby calls for the bell)

Ding Ding Ding!!!

VJ: OH!!! Magdra, the newcomer going right to work on Glacier!

DD: What kinda name is Magdra, Vince?

VJ: Huh?

DD: Sounds like one of those things from Gremlins…you know…like Gizmo!

VJ: Will you be nice?! Magdra is all over Glacier! Irish whip…Glacier reverses and sends Magdra into the ropes…Glacier misses with a spin kick…MAGDRA DOES NOT!!!!! Glacier is down…and look at Magdra! Magdra going right for the knee of Glacier! I've heard this man is a submission specialist…OH!!!!!!!! Glacier with a boot straight south…and Magdra is hurt!

DD: Yeah, he can be a submission specialist, but after that move he's gonna be needing a proctologist! HAHA!

VJ: (Looking at Dave funny) Are you smoking those blunts again?

DD: (Blows smoke out of his mouth) ME?! Smoke a blu…Vince, I'm hurt!

VJ: You're an idiot! Glacier back to his feet…and he shoves Magdra back to the buckle! And look at Glacier go to work! A boot to the midsection…right hand to the side of the head! And another! And another…Glacier is unloading on Magdra! Irish whip by Glacier sends Magdra crashing hard off the buckle…AND RIGHT INTO A SPINEBUSTER!!! He hooks the leg…1…2…Magdra got the shoulder up! Glacier is solidly in control of this thing, Dave! He has Magdra by the hair…scoop up and a slam! Glacier off the ropes…and he blasts him with a somersault leg drop! Glacier…1…2…Magdra gets the shoulder up once again!

DD: Magdra had better do something quick, cuz Glacier's fixing to put his ass on Ice! HA! Get it? Ass on ice?! Ass on…

VJ: (ignoring Dave) Glacier has Magdra set up for something…another Irish whip…oh!!! Watch Magdra…SPRINGBOARD BACK ELBOW OUT OF THE BUCKLE!!! He just leveled Glacier with that shot…and look at him go to work! Magdra stomping away to the side of the head of Glacier! Glacier…he made 1 mistake against Magdra, and it could cost him here! Magdra has Glacier set up now…gutwrench…no…DOCTOR BOMB!!!!! Magdra with a Doctor Bomb…1…2…only a 2!!!! Dave, I must say Magdra is looking quite impressive in his NFWA debut!

DD: And Vince, I must say stop licking his ass! I've seen cockroaches put up better fights than this guy!

VJ: Magdra…knife edge chop to the chest of Glacier! And another!!! OH! But look at Glacier fire back with a couple of his own! Glacier not outta this one yet!

DD: If that'd a been me in there, Glacier woulda been outta this thing 10 minutes ago! C'mon, Magdra!

VJ: Boot to the midsection by Glacier…he's got Magdra set up for a suplex! Yes…here it comes…no! Magdra goes up and over! He hits off the ropes…HURACANRA---NO!!!!!!! GLACIER COUNTERS WITH A POWERBOMB!!!! There's the cover…1…2…forget abo…NO SIR! He couldn't get him!!!!

DD: How the hell'd he kick outta that?!

VJ: Magdra…I have no clue! And look at him now! Magdra begging off! Magdra desperately trying to escape Glacier!

DD: Vince, this guy absolutely…HEY!!!!

VJ: OH MY!!!!! Magdra…Magdra with a handful of tights just sent Glacier right into that belt shot from Ahmad on the outside!!!

DD: (Smiling) What in the world?!?!/

VJ: Ahmad just hit Glacier right in the head with that title belt! Oh! Watch Colby!!!

DD: Uh oh, Vince! This is getting good now! This is getting good now!

VJ: Colby is up in the face of Ahmad now…OH!!!! He just slapped the tasted out of Colby's mouth! And Colby fires back on Ahmad! Oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen…


VJ: Sweet Merciful Damn we've got a Manager Fight on the outside!!! Colby and Ahmad Itani are trading blows on the arena floor! Look back in the ring! Magdra…rolling powerbomb on Glacier! This one is all…1…2…3!!!!

Ding Ding Ding!!!

Announcer: Here is your winner: The Magdra!!!!!

DD: HAHAHA! Vince, I think I love this guy!

VJ: Eww! Magdra picks up the win, with help from his manager Ahmad Itani! And now Ahmad is in the ring celebrating with his protégé!

DD: Vince…this guy is great!

VJ: 5 minutes ago you said you'd seen cockroaches that fight better than him!

DD: I have! Remember that time your momma got in a fight with the mailman?!

VJ: WILL YOU…uh oh! Colby's got that snake! Colby's got that snake!

DD: Oh my God! Run, Magdra! Get away! Get away! NOOO!!

VJ: OH!!! Colby just tossed that snake on Ahmad Itani!!! Colby just tossed the snake…MAGDRA WITH A RIGHT HAND TO THE JAW OF COLBY!!!! Colby…damn it, he just knocked him out like a light!

DD: He had no business bringing that damn snake into the ring! Get him Magdra!

VJ: Magdra going for what looks like an Indian Deathlock on Colby…here comes Iceberg now! Iceberg on his way out to ringside!

DD: look out Ma--WHAT THE F*CK?!?!!


DD: Where the hell did he come from, Vince?!

VJ: Bruiser headed into the ring now…Rick Bruiser into the ring with that chair…HE JUST TOOK MAGDRA'S HEAD OFF!!!! Bruiser…he's beating the hell outta Magdra with that steel chair…THERE'S A SHOT TO GLACIER!!! And there's one to Ahmad!!! The former World Champion is going berserk out here!

DD: You better run, Vince! He's gonna come out here and get you next!

VJ: Bruiser…we've got officials out here…Nick Bruiser…people are trying to calm the former Champion down! Rick Bruiser is hitting everything that moves with that steel chair!! He's lost it, Dave!!! Good God he's lost his damn mind!!!!

(Officials are able to calm Rick Bruiser down somewhat, and he begins walking back to the locker room. The camera cuts back to the Dynasty's VIP room, where we see the Riot Makerz getting ready for their match. Rage looks pissed)

Ice Cube: (Laughs) F*cking Bruiser!

Rage: Yeah! I don't give a damn if he's crazy or not! He's still getting his ass beat tonight!

Ice Cube: Yeah. How's your leg doing, man?

(Suddenly the door opens and Diamond walks into the room. Rage and Ice Cube are startled)

Ice Cube: What the f…Diamond?! What the hell are you doing in here?

Rage: Yeah! Don't you know how to knock?

Diamond: (Nervous) Sorry guys…I was looking for Panther. You haven't seen him tonight…have you?

Rage: No, I haven't seen him all day.

Diamond: Well…if you do see him, tell him I'm looking for him.

Rage: Ok.

Diamond: Bye guys. (Starts to leave, but stops) Oh…I dunno if you guys heard yet, but Rage, it looks like we're gonna be going against each other at Overkill.

Rage: Yeah. And your point is…

Diamond: Well…(sighs) let Panther know I'm looking for him. (Turns and leaves the room)

Ice Cube: Dizzy bitch.

Rage; Yeah. Anyway…

(The camera cuts to another part of the locker room, where we see Nightmare Jimmy Rogers walking to ringside with the X-Treme Title belt. We then split to another part of the locker room where we see Kaos walking to ringside)

VJ: Well ladies and gentlemen, don't go away! Up next, it's Nightmare Jimmy Rogers defending his X-Treme Title against Kaos!!!! Stay with us!


(The scene opens in the Women's locker room, where we see Alyssa Sanders shining the Women's Title belt. Suddenly, the door opens and she's approached by J-Dogg. He has the Universal Title belt draped over his shoulder)

J-Dogg: Alyssa! Alyssa Sanders!

Alyssa: Huh? Oh, hey J-Dogg!

J-Dogg: Deadly Candy…the 1st GNL star to crossover to the NFWA. And look how successful you've become! 2 time NFWA Women's Champion. That's a pretty belt too. Not as pretty as the Universal Title…(holds it into the air) but still…pretty.

Alyssa; Yeah…what do you want?

J-Dogg: Alyssa, Alyssa, Alyssa. Now…(sits down next to her) I was watching that swimsuit match between you and Kammy at the PPV. Did anyone ever tell you just how beautiful you really are?

Alyssa: (Backing away) Um…yeah. All the time. Why?

J-Dogg: Well…(puts hand on her shoulder) don't be scared. I just think…well…

Alyssa: J-Dogg, leave!

J-Dogg: (Smiles) Alyssa. I was looking at you…looking all sexy in that swimsuit of yours and..well, me looking all sexy with the Universal Title belt around my waist. And…how would you like to…

Alyssa; Get out!!

J-Dogg: "Get out"?! Alyssa!!

Alyssa: Get out, J-Dogg!

J-Dogg: (Alyssa gets up, but J-Dogg shoves her back down onto the bench) Calm down, baby! I just…(shoves her against the wall and gives her a big kiss)

(At this point, the door opens and the Rocker bursts into the room.)

Rocker: Alyssa…(spots J-Dogg) you son of a bitch!!!!

J-Dogg: What the…(Alyssa slaps him) OH!!! Calm d…

(Rocker spears J-Dogg and begins punching him in the head! At this point, officials rush into the room and pull Rocker off of J-Dogg)

J-Dogg: (Getting off the ground) Damn it! I want his ass arrested!

Official #1: (Holding back Rocker) Calm down, son! Calm…

Rocker: You touch her again, and I'll kill you, you piece of sh*t!! You hear me!

J-Dogg: Take his ass to jail! He attacked me…did you see..

Official #2: Mr. Gunn, let's go!

J-Dogg: (Shoves the official) Get your hands off of me! That jackoff hit me for no good reason! I want him put in jail! That's assault!

(The camera cuts back to ringside for the next match)

X-Treme Title: Nightmare Jimmy Rogers (Champion) Vs Kaos

("Bitch Please" by Snoop Dogg blasts over the PA system and the crowd cheers as Kaos walks out onto the stage. He walks down the entrance ramp, slides into the ring and poses as the crowd cheers in the background. The music dies down, the lights turn a dim blue and blue lasers shoot over the crowd. "Crazy Train" by Ozzy blasts over the PA system and more cheers erupt from the crowd as Nightmare Jimmy Rogers walks out onto the stage with the X-Treme Title belt draped over his shoulder. He walks down the ramp, slides into the ring and raises the X-Treme Title belt into the air as camera flashes go off in the crowd. The lights return to normal, Rogers hands the title belt to referee Doug Peterson, and the bell sounds)

Ding Ding Ding!!!

VJ: This thing is underway! Nightmare Jimmy Rogers defending the X-Treme Title against Kaos! What a match this should be, but ladies and gentlemen, I'm just shocked and appalled by J-Dogg and his actions backstage! How in the hell…he just forced himself on Deadly Candy! What kinda man is he, Dave?

DD: He's an asshole! And if he knows what's good for him, he'd better stay away from Alyssa, cuz I'll kick his ass myself!

VJ: Sure you will.

DD: Oh you're damn right I will! Very few people know this, but I'm the guy that trained Jackie Chan! Taught him everything he knows!

VJ: I bet! Kaos and Rogers lock up in the center of the ring…Kaos with a sideheadlock takeover…Nightmare counters into a head scissors…nip up by Kaos…right back into another side headlock! Kaos…this is supposed to be an X-Treme Title match, but Kaos is trying to keep this a slow-paced wrestling match, it looks like!

DD: That's cuz he's scared, Vince!

VJ: I doubt that. Nightmare trying to get back to his feet…elbow to the midsection…and another! Nightmare shoved Kaos into the ropes…SHOULDERBLOCK and down goes Kaos! Nightmare hits off the ropes now…Kaos back to his feet…JESUS!!! Nightmare runs right through him with a shoulder block!

DD: he damn near knocked him out of the ring, Vince!

VJ: Nightmare now…posing for the crowd. That's very uncharacteristic of him. He hits off the ropes once again…Kaos with a drop down…Nightmare coming off the other sid---OOOOH!!!! Kaos sends him flying over the top rope and to the floor! And Kaos is feeling it from this capacity crowd!!

DD: Yeah…well he's gonna be feeling it from Nightmare in a second. Actually, I hate both these guys! I hope they destroy each other!

VJ: Kaos up on the turnbuckles posing for the fans. Uh oh. Kaos…

DD: You'd better turn around, you idiot! You'd better turn around!

VJ: Nightmare is in the ring with a shovel! Kaos doesn't even see him…OH!!!!! RIGHT TO THE SPINE, AND KAOS GOES TUMBLING FROM THE TOP ROPE TO THE FLOOR! Damn it, he hit hard!

DD: Serves him right for being such a skankhole!

VJ: Kaos is writhing in pain on the outside, and here comes Rogers now! He's got Kaos by the hair…and measures him with a right hand!! Once more right to the forehead of Kaos! Nightmare Jimmy Rogers is in control…this doesn't look good!

DD: HAHA! Vince, get ready to flog the dog!!!

VJ: What?! Nightmare has Kaos up over his shoulder…RUNNING POWERSLAM ON THE STEEL RAMP!!! Doug Peterson down for the count…1…2…there's the kickout by Kaos! Hey Dave, whatever happened to Al Gore?

DD: I don't give a damn if he's in Columbia working as Juan Valdez' love slave! Shut up and call the damn match! Kaos is getting his ass kicked!

VJ: Nightmare has Kaos set up for something else…don't tell me he's going for another powerslam…NO! Kaos counters…right hand to the head! And another one sends Rogers reeling back up the entrance ramp! Kaos and Jimmy Rogers fighting towards the stage!!! Right hand to the midsection by Kaos…he's got Nightmare set up for something…BULLDOG ON THE STEEL!!!!! Bulldog on the steel! The leg is hooked…1…2…Nightmare got the shoulder up!

DD: How the hell did he kick outta that?!

VJ: That's just a testament to the heart and determination of Jimmy Rogers!

DD: No, that's a testament to steroids! No way he coulda kicked out after that!

VJ: Will you stop?! Kaos has Nightmare up again…right hand catches him on the side of the head! And again…OH! Thumb to the eyes by Rogers, and a boot to the midsection of Kaos! Irish whip by Nightmare…Kaos reverses…wait a minute…Kaos has Nightmare hook--OH MY GOODNESS, WHAT A MOVE!!!!!!! SIDE RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP OFF THE STAGE BY KAOS!!!!!! THAT'S A 10 FOOT DROP TO THE ARENA FLOOR!!!!!! DAMN IT, BOTH OF THESE MEN MUST BE DEAD!!!!

DD: Well, my wish came true! (Lights up a blunt and starts to smoke)

VJ: (Rolls his eyes) both Nightmare and Kaos are down on the arena floor. Doug Peterson up there, and he's putting the count down on both men. If these men aren't able to meet the 10 count, this thing will be stopped! He's up to 4…5…6…Kaos is moving, Dave! Kaos is moving! The referee…7…if Kaos can get back to his knees, the count will stop! He's up to 8…Kaos…Kaos…yes! Kaos crawling over to the body of Nightmare Jimmy Rogers now! The count has stopped…Kaos with a cover…1…2…NO!!!!!

DD: What?!?!

VJ: Nightmare got the shoulder up! What toughness on the part of both men!

DD: Well personally, I'm sick of seeing their faces on my monitor. Lemme bust a cap in em, Vince!

VJ: What the hell has gotten into you tonight?!

DD: (Puffs on his blunt and blows smoke in Johnson's face)

VJ: (Sighs) Kaos and Nightmare trying to get back to their feet…right hand by Nightmare connects…Kaos connects with one of his own! Another by Nightmare sends Kaos staggering back into the stage…and another…these men are headed backstage, it looks like! Nightmare Jimmy Rogers and Kaos are taking this fight back to the locker room! Nightmare has Kaos by the hair…OH!!!! Kaos with a low blow…Irish whip…OH!!!! Nightmare just sent crashing into that steel door!! Kaos has Rogers again…once again Rogers sent crashing into that door! Kaos is in control here…OH!!! Nightmare misses with a clothesline…Kaos catches him with a boot to the midsection…uh oh!

DD: You know what this is, Vince?!

VJ: I sure as hell do! It's the Ticking Time Bomb…OH MY!!!!!!! TICKING TIME BOMB ON THE CONCRETE FLOOR BACKSTAGE!!!! This match is over…1…2…3!!!!

Ding Ding Ding!!!

Announcer: Here is your winner, and NEW NFWA X-Treme Champion: Kaos!!!!!

VJ: Well Kaos has done it once again! Kaos is once again the NFWA X-Treme Champion!

DD: Well that was a good wait of 10 minute…

VJ: Wait a minute! That's Rick Bruiser again! Rick Bruiser is back there…OH!!!! HE JUST LEVELED KAOS WITH THAT CHAIR!!!! Bruiser…Bruiser is all over his former teammate Kaos! What in the hell is his problem, Dave?!?! Bruiser…much like he did to Magdra and Glacier earlier on! He's beating the hell outta Kaos with that steel chair! ofFicials are back there…

DD: Get him, Rick!!!

VJ: Rick Bruiser…that man has snapped, and he's got Kaos again! Bruiser has Kaos set up for something…somebody stop him! He's gone crazy! Bruiser has Kaos…no! Not that! No…OH MY GOD!!!!!! THE RIPPER ON THE CHAIR!!!!!!!! Bruiser just gave Kaos the Ripper on the steel chair! Damn it, Dave! Damn it!

(Bruiser motions for a belt around his waist [obviously the World Title] before being ushered off by officials and Discipline Committee members)

DD: Well! So much for the new X-Treme Champ!

VJ: Rick Bruiser…losing the World Title has driven Rick Bruiser over the edge! That man is a lunatic! A complete and utter lunatic!

(The camera cuts to another part of the locker room, where we see a wounded Tristram wandering the hallways)

Tristram: (to Extremist) Hey…have you seem my belt? The Universal Title?

Extremist: (Flips Tristram off)

Tristram: Fine! Screw you.

(Tristram continues his search as the camera fades to a commercial)


NFWA Rewind

Dead or Alive (10/28/01):

VJ: Stephanie Jenkins trying to pull Kammy off of Alyssa Sanders…and Alyssa's trying desperately to hold onto what's left of that outfit…wait a minute!!!!! Alyssa…she kicked Kammy right in the head with that spiked boot! Kammy is hurt, and watch Alyssa! COUGH DROP!!!!!! Cough drop on Kammy! This match is over!!!!! 1…2…3!!!!!

Ding Ding Ding!!!

Announcer: Here is your winner, and new NFWA Women's Champion: Deadly Candy Alyssa Sanders!!!!

DD: (Breathing heavily) Oh…oh Vince! This was…this was the greatest match…(pops another Viagra pill)

VJ: (Sighs) Deadly Candy is a 2 time Women's Champion! Our congrats go out to her…Dave, do you need a few minutes alone?

DD: I'm ok! I'm ok! (Wipes the sweat from his brow)

VJ: Good Lord, you need therapy! Alyssa Sanders in there with the Rocker…hey wait a minute! That's Diamond…

DD: Oh no! Alyssa… LOOK OUT!!!!!

VJ: Diamond…LOW BLOW ON ROCKER…CLOTHESLINE ON ALYSSA SANDERS!!!!! Diamond just knocked Alyssa out of her boots!

DD: She has no right to assault our new Champion like that, Vince! No right at all!

VJ: Diamond has Alyssa by the hair now! The Rocker…he got the hell beat out of him by Nightmare already, and now Diamond has Alyssa!

DD: Unhand her you witch! Unhand her!!!!

VJ: Diamond has Alyssa…just what the hell is she gonna do….OH MY GOD, SHE RIPPED HER TOP OFF!!!!! Diamond just ripped off…OH MY GOD!!!!!

(Alyssa covers up quickly before anyone can get a good look at anything. She rolls out of the ring and runs back to the locker room. "Black Diamond" plays over the PA system and Diamond raises Alyssa's top into the air and grabs the Women's Title belt)

DD: Get your hands off of that belt, hussy! That ain't yours!

VJ: Diamond has made an…my God! I can't believe what we've just seen!

(****Live Action**** "Black Diamond" is playing over the PA system as Diamond takes a seat at the commentary table next to Vince Johnson and Delaware Dave.)

VJ: Well ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to FNS, and we're being joined here by the former Women's Champion, Diamond. Welcome, Diamond.

Diamond: Hey Vince. Hey Dave. I brought you a present.

DD: Me?

Diamond: Yeah. I think you'll like it!

DD: Well lemme tell you something you little witch, just because you and Panther are friends all of a sudden doesn't mean…(Diamond hands him Alyssa's top from the PPV) OOOH!!!! OOOH…OH MY GOD, VINCE! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS???!?! DO YOU…OH MY GOD!!!

VJ: (Shakes his head)

Diamond: (laughs) I knew you'd like it.

Mixed Tag: T Money and Kammy Vs "Deadly Candy" Alyssa Sanders and the Rocker

("What Kammy wants, Kammy gets" starts up over the PA system and the crowd cheers. Pink spotlights shine on the entrance as Kammy walks out onto the stage and down the entrance ramp to ringside. He climbs up the ring stairs, steps into the ring and raises her arms into the air as the crowd cheers and whistles. The music dies down and the lights go out. Fire blasts up from under the ramp and "Who We Be" by DMX hits the PA system. The crowd boos loudly as T Money steps through the curtains with his TV and Light Heavyweight Title belts over his shoulder and the Toughman Title belt strapped around his waist and heads down the ramp to the ring. He hops upon the ring apron, climbs into the ring and walks over to Kammy as his music dies down. Suddenly, pyros begin to blast everywhere as "Points of Authority" by Linkin Park hits the P.A. as the crowd goes wild. The Rocker walks out with "Deadly Candy" Alyssa Sanders at his side. They look at one another for a quick second before rushing down the ramp to ringside. They slide into the ring and go right after Kammy and T Money as referee Stephanie Jenkins calls for the bell)

Ding Ding Ding!!!

VJ: Whoa!!! Rocker and Alyssa not wasting any time going after Kammy and T Money!!

DD: (Clutching Alyssa's top) Poor Alyssa. I bet she's been scarred for life after that idiot J-Dogg hit on her backstage!

Diamond: J-Dogg! Don't even get me started on that guy!

VJ: Well that's your ex-boyfriend. Alyssa hammering away on Kammy in the corner while T Money and Rocker trade blows in the center of the ring!

DD: No fair! T never got the chance to take off his belt! Let him take off his belts! OH!!!

VJ: OHH! A huge haymaker by The Rocker sends T Money flying out to the arena floor! And watch Kammy and Alyssa! Irish whip by Alyssa…Kammy reverses and sends Alyssa back into the buckle! Watch Kammy now...Kammy charges in…OOOOOOOOHHHH!!! BAAAAACK BODY DROP BY ALYSSA and Kammy goes up and over the top rope!! And right now, this crowd seems to be behind Alyssa and the Rocker!

Diamond: (scoffs) I don't see why! I mean, look at Alyssa. She's ugly! She's talentless, and she's a cheater! And Rocker…HA! Well, at Overkill, I get to show him exactly why I am the toughest woman you will ever meet!

DD: You'd better watch it Diamond! Alyssa's looking at you. She'll come over here and break your other arm!

VJ: Stop it! Kammy and T Money out here on the arena floor talking strategy…OH!!! ROCKER AND ALYSSA WITH A PAIR OF BASEBALL SLIDES!!! Kammy hit her head right on our table, and look at Rocker go to work on T Money! Right hands hammering him right in the forehead! Money tossed back into the ring, and here comes the Rocker! He hits off the ropes…ROCKER DROPPER!!!! T Mover just planted…1…2…T Money gets the shoulder up!

DD: I know you love the heart and determination of T Money! You love it!

VJ: Shut up, Dave! T Money trying to get his wits about him in there! Rocker has him by the hair…KNIFE EDGE CHOP!!! And another! We're seeing a lot of those lately! Irish whip by Rocker…T Money hits hard off the buckle…Rocker explodes out of the ropes with a bulldog!! Rocker for the cover…no, wait a minute! Alyssa is telling Rocker to tag her in? Alyssa wants a piece of t Money!

DD: Wait a minute, Alyssa! Wait. Vince, you know how much I like Alyssa…but that's the great T Money! Nobody beats t Money, Vince!

VJ: Well Alyssa wants to get the tag…and Rocker gives it to her!

Diamond: This is gonna be good!

VJ: Rocker tags in Alyssa, and Deadly Candy is going up! Deadly Candy going upstairs…

DD: hey wait a minute! What the hell is she…OOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!

VJ: OH MY!!!!! ALYSSA WENT FOR THE SWEET SENSATION AND T MONEY MOVED!!! T Money was nowhere to be found, and there's the tag to Kammy! And now Kammy is going upstairs! Kammy headed to the top rope…BIG SPLASH!!!! Perfectly executed by Kammy…1…2…thr..NO! Alyssa barely gets the shoulder up!!! What an interesting Tag match this is!

DD: Yeah, but Diamond, what the hell are you doing out here?

Diamond: Well it's a free country, isn't it? I'm not allowed to come out here and scout 2 of my opponents?

DD: No, you're not! Go away!

VJ: Dave, be nice. Diamond, since you are out here, you never answered this last week! Just what is your relationship with Panther.

Diamond: (Smiles/shrugs her shoulders)

VJ: What's that supposed to mean?

Diamond: Like I said last week, you're gonna have to talk to Panther about that!

VJ: Well right now, Kammy is all over Alyssa Sanders in there. She has Alyssa set up…northern lights suplex!!! 1…2…kickout by Sanders! Rocker anxiously wants in there! Kammy has her by the hair…hard slap to the chest of Alyssa! Shut up Dave!

DD: What?!

VJ: I know what you were thinking! Kammy with a boot right to the midsection! Irish whip…Kammy sends Alyssa right into the buckle once again! Kammy…Kammy showboating a bit for these fans!

Diamond: She'd better stay on Alyssa before she ends up getting her ass beat again! See!

VJ: OH! Kammy charged in again, and this time Alyssa got the boot right up into the face of Kammy! She's got her set up for something now…

DD: You know what I think it is, Vince? The Cough Drop!!!!

VJ: Oh..YES IT IS!!!! Alyssa just blasted Kammy with the Cough Drop! That's the same move that…oh no! That's J-Dogg and X-Pac!!!!

DD: What the hell?!

VJ: The GNL's J-Dogg and X-Pac on their way out here…what in the hell are they doing now?!

Diamond: They'd better not be headed over here!

VJ: J-Dogg and X-Pac headed out to the ring. Alyssa and Kammy both looking for tags…Kammy tags in t Money…Alyssa tags in the Rocker!!! And here we go again! T Money and The Rocker going right at one another again! Rights and lefts back and forth! Boot to the midsection by Rocker…and another one! Irish whip…Rocker misses with a clothesline..HARLEM DEATHLOCK..NO! Rocker counters into a belly to back suplex! There's the cover…1…2…kickout by T Money! And…J-Dogg and X-Pac are over here by us!

DD: Look, Vince! I'm not in the mood for this damn GNL foolishne (J-Dogg slaps Dave and takes his headset)

VJ: HEY!!! What the hell is wrong with you?!?!

J-Dogg: (Drapes the Universal Title belt over his shoulder) Hello, Diamond! Sweetie, honey bunch!

Diamond: Johnny, what do you want?

J-Dogg: Ohh, Diamond! Baby, you sound so angry! After all those months of passion that we shared, I'd think that you could talk to ol' J-Dogg a little nicer than that, don't ya think?

Diamond: Johnny, I don't know why you're out here, or what you want with me, but whatever happened between us is in the past…

J-Dogg: Diamond, what makes you think I'm out here for you? See…(Diamond starts to speak) shut up! See, it's stuff like that that made me dump your egotistical ass in the 1st place Diamond! You f*cking prima donna! Bitch, I've got more important things than you that I need to worry about, so wherever your boyfriend Panther is, you make sure he sees this?! Ok? (Tosses down the headset)

(J-Dogg shoves Diamond back into her chair and she slaps the hell out of him. Suddenly, X-Pac blasts Diamond with a spin kick, knocking her out cold)

VJ: HEY!!!! Damn it…what the hell is the matter with you 2!?!?! X-Pac just nailed Diamond with that kick…Diamond is down!!! Damn it!!! Back in the ring, Rocker and T Money still going at it! We apologize to them! J-Dogg and X-Pac are out here…GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER!!! J-Dogg…he just grabbed Deadly Candy off the ring apron!!! Leave her alone you son of a bitch! Leave her…referee Stephanie Jenkins is out here…she's trying to get these 2 idiots J-Dogg and X-Pac out of here, and now here comes Rocker!!!! Rocker over here trying to help out Alyssa Sanders…OH NO!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!! J-DOGG JUST HIT ROCKER WITH THE UNIVERSAL TITLE!!!!! J-DOGG JUST…ROCKER IS OUT!!!!! ROCKER CAUGHT THAT UNIVERSAL TITLE RIGHT ON THE JAW!!!! The ref was busy with X-Pac and didn't see the shot!!!! And look at these assholes…J-Dogg and X-Pac trying to escape like thieves in the night!!! T Money has Rocker now…HARLEM DEATHLOCK!!!!! T MONEY…HE HAS THE HARLEM DEATHLOCK LOCKED ON THE ROCKER!!!! Rocker is out like a light thanks to J-Dogg! Don't tell me…

(Suddenly the lights go out.)

VJ: What now?! Ladies and gentlemen, the GNL has just interfered in this match, and now we've lost our lights!

(The lights come back on, and T Money is still in the ring with Rocker)

DD: (Weakly) Vince…what the hell is going on?!

VJ: I have no clue what's going on! It's complete chaos out here! Diamond is down! Alyssa may be hurt out here on the floor! The Rocker is out cold, and T Money has broken the Harlem Deathlock. T Money…the last time we lost our lights during a T Money match, he was attack…

(The lights go out once again)

DD: Vince, I think I've got glaucoma!

VJ: We've lost our lights one more time! What in the world…is the GNL behind this?! Is…what's going on here?!

(The lights return, and T Money is looking around the arena)

VJ: And now the lights are back!

DD: Vince, you're doing this, aren't you?!


DD: NOO!!!

VJ: 1…2…3!!!!!!! Rocker has just pinned T Money!!!!

Ding Ding Ding!!!

Announcer: Here are your winners, the team of "Deadly Candy" Alyssa Sanders and the Rocker!!!!

DD: Vince, what the hell was that?!

VJ: I dunno! We need some help for Diamond out here! She hasn't moved since that kick from X-Pac! The Rocker and Deadly Candy pick up the win despite the outside interference from J-Dogg and X-Pac…oh my! Look at Rocker! He's mad! Rocker and Deadly Candy…they're walking back to the locker room with a purpose, and I can guarantee you that they're on their way to get a piece of J-Dogg's sorry ass!

DD: Hey, if they beat J-Dogg's ass, then more power to em! But more importantly than that…SOMEBODY JUST SCREWED T MONEY!

VJ: Oh please!

DD: Please my ass, Vince! Nobody screws T Money and gets away with it! Nobody!

VJ: T Money…he is pissed off in the ring…

(The lights go out one more time)

VJ: (Sighs) And we've lost our lights again!

DD: Vince…

VJ: I dunno. We must be having some technical difficulties or something!

DD: Or those idiots in the production truck got into my weed again, Vince! What's going on?!

(Suddenly, white strobe lights start flashing over the arena as the Panthertron lights up. The crowd goes crazy when Blaze's image appears on the screen)

VJ: Wait a minute, Dave! That's….that's Blaze!!!

Blaze:T-Money...I warned you,I would make another appearnce,Now my interruption DID cost you somewhut of the match,You shouldnt be worried about that!You should be worried about your ass!Watch your back T-Money,cause around every corner,Ill be watching you!!!

VJ: Blaze…what does he have against T Money, Dave?

DD: I dunno, but he's gonna have T Money's boot against his punk ass if he keeps running his mouth! The nerve of this idiot…


DD: What in the World! T!!! Look out, T!! Look out…NOOOOO!!!!

VJ: OH!!!!! BLAZE JUST LEVELED T MONEY WITH THAT 3/4 NECKBREAKER!!!! T Money is out like a light!!!!

DD: Oh my God!!! No!!!

VJ: Blaze has just taken out T Money, and we've got officials on their way to ringside…look at the sick smile on his face!!!

DD: You just wait til T Money wakes up, Vince! He's gonna be sorry! He's gonna be sorry!

(The camera cuts back to the parking lot where we see a white limo pulling into the arena. The back door opens up, and Krystal climbs out of the back, followed by the NEW NFWA World Champion, Johnny Havok)


VJ: Ladies and gentlemen! There he is!!! The new World Champion Johnny Havok is here! We'll hear from him a little later on…


VJ: I said we'll hea…




***During the Break***

(Officials are helping Diamond back to the locker room)

VJ: Welcome back to FNS, this is what went down during the commercial break. There you see Diamond being helped back to the locker room after being attacked by X-Pac…and look at this! A terrible…savage attack by that little witch Alyssa Sanders!!!

DD: What?! C'mon, Johnson! You can't tell me Diamond didn't have this coming!

VJ: Well you see it right here! Alyssa blasts Diamond right in the head with the Women's Title! The exact same spot where X-Pac caught her with that kick! And…this is disgusting! Alyssa pulls out a leather strap, and she starts whipping the hell outta Diamond! Diamond…she doesn't even know what's hitting her! And then Alyssa wraps that strap around her throat, and HANGS DIAMOND FROM THE STAGE!!!!! I can't believe…I'm speechless!

DD: Well if you're speechless then shut the hell up! That slut Diamond had no business ripping off Alyssa's top at the PPV! She violated our Women's Champion! She degraded the Women's division, she is a disgrace to our profession, and I'm happy that Alyssa finally stood up to that big bully Diamond!

VJ: You're horrible. And look at Diamond! When Alyssa dropped her, Diamond's head hit hard off that concrete floor…my God!!!

(The cameras cut back to the locker room where we see Nikki Cox, J-Dogg and X-Pac leaving with the Universal Title belt. They're approached by Kevin Taylor)

X-Pac: HAHA! Hey Dogg, look at this putz!

KT: Guys…where are you going?

J-Dogg: Hey, NFWA doesn't want the GNL in here. They've been trying to keep us out of NFWA shows since we started! The Rocker and Alyssa Sanders have been harassing us all night long, everybody in the NFWA locker room has been giving us the cold shoulder because they're jealous of me and my Universal Title belt! I mean…we can tell when we're not wanted! We'll just leave!

(J-Dogg turns to face the door, when he runs into someone. The camera pans out, revealing an angry Tristram)

J-Dogg: Hey pal! We were just looking for you! Get your stuff, we're getting outta this hellhole!

Tristram: Your Universal Title belt?

J-Dogg: Huh?

Tristram: They're jealous of your Universal Title? That's what you said!

J-Dogg: Wait, wait! I didn't mean it like that! See Tristram, when said "my Universal Title", I meant it like a family thing. Ya know…like what's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine too! Pure family unity, buddy! Let’s go…

Tristram: J-Dogg! Get this through your thick head! You're not the Universal champion! X-Pac's not the Universal Champion! We're not even the Universal Champion! I'M THE UNIVERSAL CHAMPION! Now give me my belt, NOW!!!

J-Dogg: oh! Oh…X-Pac, was he talking to me?

X-Pac: Oh yeah! He was talking to you!

J-Dogg: You…Tristram…did you just order me to give you this belt? GEEZ, Pac, ingrates coming outta the Ying yang tonight! Well lemme tell ya something Tristram, you may have beaten Rage! In the record books, you may be listed as the Universal Champion…but you wouldn't have done a damn thing if it wasn't for me, pal! It was my plan that won you that belt! It was me and X-Pac…

Tristram: J-Dogg!!! GIVE ME MY BELT…NOW!!! (Crowd pops in the background)

J-Dogg: Ok. X-Pac…he wants the belt! Should I give it to him?

X-Pac: Ya know what…I think you should!

J-Dogg: I agree…

(J-Dogg tries to hit Tristram with the Universal belt)



VJ: X-Pac from behind! X-Pac attacking Tristram from behind…TRISTRAM NAILS X-PAC RIGHT ON THE JAW!!! And again! And look at this, Dave! X-Pac and J-Dogg are escaping!!! X-Pac and J-Dogg are running from Tristram!!

DD: What a couple of bitches!!!

(Tristram chases them to the back door, where J-Dogg and X-Pac run out into the parking lot. They slam the door shut when suddenly…)

POP!! POP!! POP!!!

(We hear a car speed away in the background. Suddenly, the door opens up, and X-Pac runs inside with a look of fear on his face)

Tristram: You piece of…

X-Pac: (Scared) tristram, man! Tristram…get some help! J-Dogg's been shot man!! J-Dogg's been shot!!!!

Tristram: Huh…oh my God!

(Tristram and X-Pac run for help as we fade to commercial)


(The scene opens out in the parking lot where we see a group of people from both the NFWA and GNL crowded around an ambulance. We can recognize Rage, Ice Cube, Kammy, Nightmare, Kaos, the Natural Disasters, Tristram, X-Pac, the Rocker, "Deadly Candy" Alyssa Sanders, the Magdra, Nikki Cox, Kevin Taylor and a host of others)

VJ: Ladies and gentlemen…I…I don't know what to say!

DD: Well…

VJ: Just before the commercial break…GNL co-CEO "J-Dogg" Johnny Gunn was shot in the parking lot. We have no clue exactly what happened out there…

DD: Hey Vince, I know I say some mean things about J-Dogg and the GNL, but I don't condone this! I just wanna let everybody know that!

VJ: The locker room has emptied…and EMT's and police officers are out there…J-Dogg…obviously J-Dogg has upset a lot of people…but this is just going too far. We have no word on J-Dogg or what condition he's in. We're supposed to be having the Tag Team Title match, but for obvious reasons that match is on hold, and right now…all we're concerned about is the condition of J-Dogg. As much as I don't like him…Dave I just hope he's ok!

DD: Well you can be concerned about whether or not he's ok! What I wanna know is who was shot him?!

VJ: That's not important right now?

DD: The hell it ain't!

VJ: Please Dave…ladies and gentlemen, J-Dogg currently being loaded into the ambulance…I honestly don't know what to say.

DD: Where's Panther?

VJ: I…I don't know Dave. Folks, we're gonna try and get this situation sorted out…we apologize to all of you fans that were tuning in expecting to see the title match…we're gonna go to a commercial break.

(The doors of the ambulance slam shut, the sirens come on and the vehicle pulls out of the parking lot )


(The scene opens backstage where we see police and stunned superstars roaming the hallways. Diamond is sitting on a bench being checked on medical staff. Her right eye is swelled shut)

Doctor #1: (Holding up 3 fingers) How many fingers am I holding up?

Diamond: (Sniffles) 3!

Doctor #1: Ok. (Writes something down on a pad)

Doctor #2: This is gonna sting a little. (Puts some kinda ointment on her back where she was whipped by Alyssa Sanders)

Diamond: Hey…(sniffles) you guys mind if I make a quick phone call? It's kind of important.

Doctor #2: Well…

Doctor #1: Sure. Go ahead. Uh…just call us when you're ready.

Diamond: Ok.

(The doctors walk off, as Diamond pulls a cell phone out of her purse. She dials a number, and waits for a moment. Apparently there's no answer. She ends the call and puts the phone back into her purse)

Diamond: Damn it. Where is he?!

(The camera cuts out to ringside for the next match)

Tag Team Titles: Rick and Nick Bruiser (Champions) Vs The Riot Makerz

("SHIT CAN HAPPEN" blasts over the PA system and the crowd boos wildly as Rick and Nick Bruiser walk out onto the stage with the Tag Team Titles around their waists. Nick appears to be shocked from the incident with J-Dogg in the parking lot. Rick looks pissed off, and is talking to himself on his way down to the ring. They slide into the ring, hand the Tag Title belts over referee Jim Jonathan and the music dies down. The lights in the arena flash for a few seconds...Just then they stop...All of the sudden "It's The End Of The World As We Know It" by R.E.M. hits the PA...On the Panther-Tron is shows natural disasters such as earth quakes..Torrnados and typhoons...Just then everything stops...The music dies down and a pyro goes off at the entrance...When the smoke from the pyro clears you can see 2 figures..When the smoke clears the music starts up again and The Riot Makerz walk down the entrance ramp to ringside)

VJ: Well ladies and gentlemen…are hopes and prayers are with J-Dogg, but the show must go on.

DD: I still can't believe that happened, Vince.

VJ: If you're just joining us, ladies and gentlemen…GNL co-CEO "J-Dogg" Johnny Gunn was gunned down…

DD: (snickers)

VJ: It's not funny, Dave!

DD: I'm not laughing. But I do wanna know where the hell Panther is tonight. He's done some crazy ass stuff in the past, and--OOH!!!!

VJ: OH WAIT A MINUTE!!! THAT'S T MONEY!!!! T Money from underneath the stage, and he just clipped the knee of Rage!!! T Money attacking Rage on the ramp…and look at the Bruisers!! Rick and Nick Bruiser going to work on Ice Cube on the floor now!!! The Riot Makerz…the Riot Makerz are being assaulted before this match even begins!

DD: HAHA!! Well, Vince, you can't mourn forever! Are ya watching this, Blaze?! Huh?! You pissant!

VJ: The Bruiser has Ice Cube set up on the ramp…oh no! No! DOUBLE SUPLEX ON THE STEEL!!!! Ice Cube…


VJ: This isn't funny, Dave! T Money has a ladder out here now! T Money…Rage trying to get back to his feet…AND RAGE TAKES OUT HIS KNEE WITH THAT LADDER!!! Damn it!!! T Money…he's attacking Rage with that ladder! Rage…oh no, don't do that! T Money just trapped Rage's knee in that ladder! No…NO!!!!!!! Oh my God!! He just stamped down onto that ladder!!! AND AGAIN!!! Rage's knee is trapped inside!!! Damn it, somebody get him outta here!!!

(Officials rush out to ringside to get T Money away from ringside. Meanwhile, the Bruisers continue to work Ice Cube over as the screen fades to commercial)


(When the break ends, Rick Bruiser is in the ring going to work on Rage's knee, as a bloodied Ice Cube lays unconscious on the arena floor)

VJ: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to FNS! We've had a crazy night on our hands! Rage's knee has basically been destroyed by T Money before this match, not to mention the J-Dogg situation! Well…let's try to keep our minds on this match!

DD: I'm doing that! It's your kamikaze ass that's out here deviating from the program!


DD: Oh excuses! Excuses!

VJ: Rick Bruiser has Rage's leg…and he drives the elbow right into the knee!! And again!!! Bruiser has been on a rampage here tonight after losing the World Title at Dead or Alive, and he's taking it out on anybody he can here tonight! Rick has Rage's knee again…uh oh!!!

DD: Vince!!

VJ: Rick Bruiser setting up for what looks like the figure four…YES!!!! Figure four leglock on Rage!! Listen to Rage, Dave! Rage is writhing in pain!!!

DD: Vince…this could be it right here!

VJ: Listen to Rage, Dave! Rage is screaming…I've never heard Rage scream like this, Dave! Rage…the referee may hafta stop this thing!

DD: Yeah! How embarrassing will that be for Rage! He's been badmouthing Rick since he won the title! After tonight, there will be no doubt of Rick bruiser's skill! He's gonna destroy Rage right in the middle of the ring, he's gonna snap his leg like a twig, and that will be the end of the One Man Riot!!!!

VJ: I thought you liked Rage!

DD: I do. He's sh*t compared to Rick Bruiser and TEEEEEEEE MONEY!

VJ: Stop it!!! Rage is desperately trying to get to the ropes…he's almost here…NICK!!! NICK PUNCHED RAGE RIGHT IN THE FACE!! And that hold is still locked on!! Damn it, Dave! The Bruisers are gonna try to put Rage out permanently!

DD: Hey, all's fair in love and…titles!

VJ: Rage…the ref is asking him whether or not he taps! I don't think he has a choice! Just give in, Rage!!! You've got a great future ahead of you! Don't throw it away on 1 match!

DD: Shut up Vince! OHH!!

VJ: Oh!! Ice Cube in there with an elbow to the head of Bruiser!!

DD: Aww…c'mon!!!

VJ: The hold…finally broken thanks to the help of Ice Cube! Referee Jonathan trying to get Ice Cube out of their now…hey wait just a minute! Nick Bruiser's got 1 of the tag titles! Ref…turn around!

DD: Shut up, you damn snitch!

VJ: Nick Bruiser is headed to the top rope with a title belt…don't do that! Don’t…OH!!!!!! Rage got the boot up!!! The Title belt goes right back into the face of Nick Bruiser!!! Rage may not be out of this one yet! He may not….RICK BRUISER RIGHT BACK TO THE LEG!!!

DD: HAHA! I love this guy, Vince! If he beats Rage here, Rick Bruiser will be my new hero!

VJ: Well your new hero is the same man that tapped out at the hands of Johnny Havok!

DD: I already told you that was a FLUUUUUUKE!!!

VJ: Whatever! Bruiser has Rage set up now…atomic drop on the knee! Rage is getting taken apart in there, as Rick Bruiser drags him over to the ropes! Bruiser…the tag's made in to Nick! Rick has Rage's leg on that bottom rope…AND HE COME DOWN HARD ON THE KNEE! And again!!! And Nick is going up again!!! They're gonna snap Rage's knee, damn it!!! Nick Bruiser is on the top rope…don't do it…NO!!!!!! Flying elbow right onto the knee of Rage!!! Damn!!! This thing is over! He hooks the leg…1…2…Rage kicked out!! Geez. God only knows what kinda pain Rage is in right now!

DD: Well..HAHA! He's crying Vince! He's crying!

VJ: He is not! Nick with another tag in to Rick! Rage has had zero offense during this match! Rick and Nick has Rage now…OH!!

DD: HAHA! The old wishbone!

VJ: Rage…this might be the time to throw in the towel! Rick Bruiser has Rage once again…it looks like we're about to see…oh my…Sharpshooter! Rick Bruiser's going for the Sharpshooter! This is the same move he used against Havok at DOA…AND HE'S GOT IT LOCKED IN ON RAGE!!!

DD: HAHA! This is it, Vince! Rage's got not choice but to give up now!!!

VJ: The Sharpshooter is locker in tight! And Rage is screaming once again! Rage…watch Ice Cube! Ice Cube back in there…CLOTHESLINE breaks the hold! For the 2nd time in this match, Ice Cube has made the save for his partner!

DD: Face it, Cube! There's nothing…OH!

VJ: Oh my goodness! The ref was trying to get Ice Cube out of the ring, but Bruiser nailed him from behind! And we've got a situation between Cube and Bruiser now! Ice Cube and Bruiser going at one another referee Jonathan trying to clear this thing up…RAGE WITH A SCHOOLBOY!!

DD: NO!!!

VJ: 1…2….kickout by Bruiser!! Bruiser back to his feet, and he's all over him again! Rage almost pulled this thing out, Dave!

DD: Well..all he did was make Rick mad, Vince! He's gonna get it now! Watch!

VJ: Bruiser has Rage…oh my! He's going for the Ripper! Bruiser is gonna go for the Ripper on Rage…RAGE WITH A LOW BLOW!!!

DD: WHAT?! No!

VJ: Rage just scored with a low blow on Bruiser…AND A DDT!!! He just planted Bruiser right in the center of the ring!

DD: What kinda hero hits another man with a low blow!

VJ: Rage has got a lotta guts in there! You've gotta hand it to him, and now we've got a race for the tag!!! Ice Cube trying to get this crowd behind his partner! Bruiser trying to get back to his feet! Listen to this crowd, Dave!!!


VJ: Bruiser getting back to his feet…there's the tag to Nick…RAGE MAKES THE TAG TO ICE CUBE!!!

DD: OH NO!!!!

VJ: Ice Cube hits the ring..RIGHT HAND TO THE HEAD OF BRUISER!!! Rick back in there…Ice Cube with a BAAAAAAACK BODY DROP! Nick Bruiser back to his feet…ice Cube floors him with a clothesline! Rick Bruiser once again trying to get his wits about him…Ice Cube blasts him with a flying clothesline!! He hooks the leg..1..only a 1 count for Ice Cube! And Nick Bruiser attacks him from behind! Ice Cube is being double teamed once again by the Bruisers!

DD: See, Vince! I told ya, all they were doing is making Rick mad! And Ice Cube's fixing to pay right now!

VJ: Rick and Nick back Ice Cube into the buckle…AND ICE CUBE TRYING TO FIGHT HIS WAY OUT! He's fighting for himself, fighting for his partner Rage! Fighting with all…OH! Bruiser with a rake to the face of Ice Cube! Nick now…Irish whip…Ice Cube hits hard off the buckle! Nick Bruiser measuring him now…he charges in…NOBODY HOME!!!! Ice Cube dodges the attempted clothesline, but watch Rick…he misses with 1 of his own…ICE BREAKER!!!!!


VJ: It's over, ladies and gentlemen! It's over!! He hooks the leg…Nick Bruiser is distracting the official!!

DD: Good! Rick's not the legal man anyway…AHHH! Look out Nick!!!

VJ: RAGE DRIVES HIM TO THE CANVAS WITH A BULLDOG FROM THE TOP!!! Nick Bruiser's face just splated off the canvas…and now look at Rage!!!! Rage hammering away with right hands to the head of Bruiser!!! Go ahead, Rage!! Beat his ass!

DD: Hey, I'm begging you to be unbiased for once in your life!

VJ: The referee trying to get Rage out of the ring! 1 leg or 2, Rage and the Riot Makerz can still kick ass! And look at Ice Cube on the other side! Ice Cube mounting Rick!!!

DD: Damn it, no!!!

VJ: 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…9…10!!! 10 PUNCHES TO THE HEAD OF RICK BRUISER!!! The Riot Makerz are on a roll!!! And Rage has gone crazy! Rage is trying to kill Nick Bruiser on the other side of the ring! Trying to kill his tag team partner at Overkill!

DD: Referee, will you do something about this idiot?!

VJ: That's what he's trying to do! Jim Jonathan trying to forcefully remove Rage from the ring…OH NO!!! DID YOU SEE THAT, DAVE?!?! Rick Bruiser just blasted Ice Cube with brass knuckles!!! The referee was busy with Rage…Nick Bruiser with the cover!!!

DD: Oh my goodness! Vince, look!


Ding ding ding!!!

Announcer: Here are your winners, and still NFWA World Tag Team Champions: The Bruisers!!!!

DD: HAHAHA! What about that, Vince!! Fair and square, all by themselves, without any help from anybody, the Bruisers win!!!

VJ: The Bruisers win my ass! The Riot Makerz were screwed from the start of this damn match!!! This is…this is absolutely disgusting!

DD: Ahh you're just mad cuz you're heroes the Riot Makerz lost!

VJ: Well it's not over between the Riot Makerz and the Bruisers, be sure of that! And it's damn sure not over between Rage and T Money!!! I'm positive!!!!

(The camera cuts backstage, where we see Johnny Havok walking out to ringside with the World Title belt draped over his shoulder)

VJ: Well ladies and gentlemen, when we come back, we'll be joined by our new World Champion, Johnny Havok. Plus we'll try to get you some kinda word on the condition of J-Dogg. Don't go away!!!!


(When the break ends, we see Kevin Taylor standing in the ring with the mic)

VJ: Ladies and gentlemen…welcome back to FNS. A quick update on J-Dogg, we just got word that he's yet to regain consciousness after being gunned down earlier tonight by an unknown assailant. Um…thinks aren't looking good. All I have to say is for those of you with internet access…(Dave looks at Vince like he's an IDIOT) all of you with internet access, go to NFWA X-Tra, and hopefully we'll get an update on his condition as soon as we get it. Hopefully…I just hope…let's take you to Kevin Taylor.

KT: Ladies and gentlemen…please welcome the NEW NFWA World Champion!! JOHNNY HAVOK!!!!

(5…4…3…2…1…[BOOOOM] "We Right Here" by DMX plays over the PA system and the crowd cheers wildly as Johnny Havok appears on stage. Suddenly, he turns and walks towards the edge of the stage)

DD: What the hell..did he get lost or something?

VJ: Wait a minute! That's Nick Bruiser! Nick is still out here…RICK BRUISER FROM BEHIND, DAMN IT!!!!!! DAMN IT!!!! He just blasted Havok in the back of the head with that chair!!! My God!!!!

DD: HAHA! See, Vince! It's always nice to no that no good fluke goes unpunished! He really is my new hero now!

VJ: Johnny Havok trying to get back to his feet…Rick has that chair again! These men are dangerously close to the edge of that stage…no, Dave!! No…OHHHHHHH MYYYYY GOOOOOOD!!!!!!!

(Bruiser blasts Havok with the chair, knocking him off the stage and through a speaker below, sending electric sparks and flames flying into the air. "SHIT CAN HAPPEN" plays over the PA system once again)

DD: That was the greatest thing I've ever seen!

VJ: That was absolutely, positively disgusting! Rick Bruiser…you son of a bitch! Rick Bruiser has just destroyed the World Champion! DAMN YOU RICK!!! DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!!!

(Bruiser poses on stage with the chair as officials attempt to calm him. Backstage, Panther walks through the backdoor of the arena, and he's confronted by Diamond)

Panther: (Confused) Um…can somebody tell me why there's police tape and blood in the parking lot? Where the hell happe…(Diamond grabs him and hugs him) What?! Hey Diamond! What's going on?

Diamond: Where were you, Panther?!?!

Panther: F*cking airport security made me miss my plane…Diamond, what's wrong with you? (Looks around the locker room) What the hell happened tonight? You guys act like somebody died or something!

(Suddenly, 2 police officers approach Panther)

Cop: Excuse me, Mr. Panther?

Panther: Yeah, that's me.

Cop: Uh…we need for you to come down to the station. We have some questions we wanna ask you.

Panther: (Confused) What…what kinda questions? Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on?!

(The police officers pull out handcuffs and begin to cuff Panther. The screen fades to black.)


©2001 NFWA Productions, Inc