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National eWrestling Alliance


  • Message from the board's current web admin...basic site back up as per my backups from my computers. The history is NOT lost, but I won't be putting it back up until at least after Thesz.
  • Championship Calendar is updated.
  • The next NeWA Pay Per View is the annual Lou Thesz Tournament. See your regional federation front office for booking details.

The National eWrestling Alliance is part of a fantasy wrestling experience and does not represent the ideas and opinions of the real National Wrestling Alliance, its executives, its officers, or its members.

The NWA and NATIONAL WRESTLING ALLIANCE and any variations thereof are the property of PRO WRESTLING ORGANIZATION, LLC. All names and logos are used with permission. All rights reserved.

For more information on the real National Wrestling Alliance, visit their website at:
The National Wrestling Alliance

All materials contained in this site are the copyrighted property of the National eWrestling Alliance (NeWA) and its owner(s), except as noted otherwise.  All characters are property of their creators.  ©1997-present.

Web design by Brian Paolercio.  ©2002, All Rights Reserved
Scripts from Dynamic Drive