~The scene opens as we see a young boy walking out of a local dollar tree store wearing, what seems to be an old ICWF T-shirt that shows the once great wrestler, The Accelerator. Lurrr sitting on a bench outside the store immediately notices the young boy. Lurrr calls the young boy over and asks him where he got such an ugly shirt~

Young Boy: “Well I just bought it in this store. What’s it to you Mister?”

Lurrr: “Do you even know who this old fart is?”

Young Boy: “My dad tells me he used to be a great wrestler and now he owns one of the best wrestling company’s in the world. But I didn’t know who he was until my dad told me. I love wrestling and it was only a dollar and my dad said I could have it. I collect all kinds of wrestling shirts especially when I can get them at a buck a shirt.”

Lurrr: “Well son, if you knew anything about the wrestling industry, it’s that the shirts you find in the dollar store are usually shirts of those men who are washed up and can’t compete in the ring anymore. But for some reason, the man on that shirt you are wearing right now, booked a match against yours truly this Friday Night. And not only did he book a match against the X-Division Champion and arguably the best all-around talent that sits in the GCWA today, but he booked this match in a steel cage.”

Young Boy: “Look mister, I don’t know who you are and why you think I care about what you have done, but I just bought the shirt so leave me alone.”

~The boy walks away and Lurrr laughs and leave’s the kid alone. The scene shows Rick Mathis coming out of the dollar tree store with a bag full of stuff; he also seems to be wearing some goofy leprechaun hat. He seems way to excited with some of the purchases he has made~

Rick Mathis: “Dude check this out, I can’t believe they already have this out. Man this really makes me feel like I have began to make an impact on our sport.”

~Mathis pulls out a shirt that has him on it and on the bottom it has his name spelled across it. Lurrr begins to laugh knowing what he just said about The Accelerator’s shirt being at dollar stores and just shakes his head at the big man~

Rick Mathis: “What? What are you laughing at?”

Lurrr: “Don’t worry about it big man, I am glad to see that you found plenty of shit in the dollar store. But let’s talk about what’s going on this Friday. Can you believe the old man booked a match against me on Friday night? Has the guy already showed the beginning stages of some mental disease due to all the lumps on that dumb skull of his?”

Rick Mathis: “Yeah when I read the announcement I was thinking to myself how crazy he was, then when I saw he booked a steel cage match also, I asked myself whether or not someone needs to check and see if we need to admit him to a retirement community yet.”

Lurrr: “Let’s talk about how stupid this guy is. We have constantly taken out anybody and anyone since we formed the Roman Empire. I have made it my goal to severely make the Accelerator’s life a living hell and now he wants to be locked up in a cage with one of his best talent’s on the current GCWA roster. He really needs to take a step back and put aside his pride for one damn minute. I have made this be known since we started this thing, that I will not be liable for any of my actions and that will not change come Friday night. The old man needs to listen to his friends, family, and co-workers because once the referee locks up that steel cage there will be no turning back for the Accelerator.”

Rick Mathis: “Yeah he needs to face the facts that no matter what kind of glory days he had in the past that there comes a time that you just can’t cut it in the squared circle anymore. And I firmly believe that the old man still thinks he has some fight left in him but once he feels his head whip back from The Wake Up Call he will quickly find out that he can’t cut it.”

Lurrr: “Well the bottom-line is that he is trying to look like the savior. He must have some conscience because I think he almost feels like it is his fault that they GCWA roster has to deal with a force like The Roman Empire. He was the first one to push my buttons and then I brought it a new guy week after week. I have created the GCWA’s worst nightmare and come Friday night this nightmare is going to turn into a reality when I leave him in a pool of his own blood. I will take pleasure from this night, a night that will be remembered as the night that The Roman Empire takes out the boss.”

~Lurrr and Mathis walk along the sidewalk of the shopping center. The scene fades to black. With Lurrr seeming more and more confident as the weeks go by it almost seems like suicide for the boss to enter a steel cage with the leader of The Roman Empire. But like Lurrr has stated maybe the boss feels like he owes this roster some kind of salvation for the results of the Roman Empire, we will see what the results bring the boss on Friday night~

Lurrr's Stats
Record: 8-5
Current 2-Time GCWA X-Division Champion
OCW Hall of Famer
3 Time OCW World Heavyweight Champion
1 Time OCW Television Champion
1 Time OCW International Champion