Updated - 25/6/02!!!!!

News from the Flamepit

I'm going to be away for a while, but I'm going to re-open the old flamepit if I get a few applications while I'm gone. This is a fed where RP quality truly will rule over quantity, because to tell you the truth, I'm the kind of guy who, if an RP is too long, chances are I'll only really skim-read it, so this is the place for all of you out there who are sick of all those feds that say 'quality not quantity' and then the RP board is full of million-line-long RPs. If you're interested, fill in the application form and check back on around 10th August, being as that's about a week after I get back home.

Any problems, post them on the OOC board or e-mail me at wirthchris@aol.com
