This is the page about the oldest sibling in my family, Brianne Michelle Fitzroy. Why it doesn't say Jones anymore cause for all those who don't know, my sister's married to Walker Fitzroy. She got married in October 2001. And then had her baby on April 30th, 2002! It's a female and her name is Katherine Flynn Fitzroy! She's so cute you'd smile everytime you see her! Kat is almost 2 years old, she's growing so fast it's amazing. Bree's husband (WALKER) works at UPS and a furniture store, so pretty much everytime I see him he's like alwayz exhuasted. Walker's a HUGE St.Louis fan and my older brother is a HUGE Chicago fan. What am I supposed to do?!? *L* Ever since Bree met Walker, she has slowly become more and more of a Cardinals fan and now she really routes for them. They seem like a very happy couple and I wish the best for them!! LuV ya Bree!

UPDATE!! As of -2004-, Emilianna Dallas Fitzroy was born. She was born in January.

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