Paul Levesque and Stephanie McMahon: A Tribute

This page is a devotion to Paul Levesque and Stephanie McMahon. No, I`m not talking about the characters Triple H and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, I am talking about the real life couple! Yup, you read that right, it has been confirmed Paul and Steph are dating off screen. This is a dedication to the couple, and I need your help! Please E-mail and tell me what you think of this couple. Let me know if you believed the rumors and your reaction when you found out those rumors were in fact true! Express your feelings on the real life couple so that I could post it here!

Click Here for the latest on Paul and Stephanie!

Ashley Well honestly when I first started reading the rumors, which said people predicted they were dating because Steph had cried during his surgery, I wanted to believe it right away. But I did not. I think all McMahon-Helmsley fans have been waiting for them to go out in real life, so I did not want to get all happy about it, only to find out the rumors were false. It did not seem true, because the only facts they had were Stephanie was crying. I read what Chyna said on Wrestlescoop and jumped for joy, I was sooo happy, beyond words. Then when Jay (Writer of The Game`s Take) sent me the actual article in which Chyna explained a 'Love Triangle' going on with Paul-Steph-and herself I thought that was so amazing. The WWF`s King and Queen together on screen and off!!!! I love it!

Well when I first read the rumors, I was overjoyed. Even though I have a pathological hatred of rumor sites, and think they're full of crap most of the time. But this was good news. And not only was it good news, it was also something that I had been thinking was true for a long time. Once I read the rumor, I put up an analysis of Paul & Stephanie in my column The Game's Take. On the things that proved and disproved that they could be together off-screen. And if you read the article, you would have seen that the evidence overwhelmingly supported that they were together. And as you see now, it's true! It's been confirmed! And when I read the confirmation, I was ecstatic! Now the couple I have been a devoted fan of for nearly 2 years(and more to come) are together off-screen as well! Not only do they want to work together every week, on TV and backstage, but they also want to share their lives together! And I think it's great, these two lovebirds deserve eachother, because they were made for eachother!

Tori When I first heard that Paul and Stephanie were dating, I didn't believe it. I had wanted it for sooo long that I just waved it off as a rumor and went on with my life. It was always in the back of my head, though....I couldn't stop wondering if it was true. And then, when I saw that Chyna confirmed it, I was so happy that I almost cried. It's wonderful news, and I've wanted it for so long! Finally it is happening!

Melissa At first when i read the rumors, i thought that they were making it up because all the evidence that they had was Stephanie crying during Triple H's surgery which isnt exactly credible evidence, as much as i wanted to believe it I didnt want to, just to later be shot down saying it was wrong. So i waited until there was more confirmation, and low and behold Chyna confesses that they truly are a couple in real life. I think that that is great because they truly are the perfect couple!!

Iman I can't believe they're going out, when I first heard the rumours I hoped it would be true and when i heard Chyna's story I was so happy for them!

Anet when I first heard they were going out I didnt believe it since I thought they were just rumors but when I heard what Chyna said I started jumping of happiness. I think they are a great couple and they look very cute together I waited so long to see them together that I cant believe they are finally together. Paul and Steph were ment to be and they are sure thr most dominat and beautiful couple.

Keisha I am very happy that paul and Stephanie are together. I have to admit that I am not surprised. When I first saw Paul and Stephanie together on television I thought they would make a great couple off the air. But there were obstacles in the way which had to be removed before Paul and Stephanie could get together. And being as far away as I am in physical distance, the only way I was going to get Paul and Stephanie together was through Prayer and that's what I did every night, because I felt they belong together both on screen and off screen and if given the chance Paul and Stephanie could be very happy.Okay I am a Romantic, I wish them the very best and they are always in my Prayers. I  wish  them Happiness and  I hope everyone gives them their privacy and not  try to undermind their new and budding relationship. Congratulations Paul  and Stephanie I can't wait to hear the engagement announcement down the line in a year or two. I guess I should start Praying for that, but I'll give it time.Imagine a Little Paul oohh, until then let Paul and Stephanie enjoying Dating being boyfriend and girlfriend is Cool. I love you Paul and Stephanie all the Best Wishes and of course You Two Are That Damn Great  Together.

Monica For some reason, I always had this suspicion that the two of them either had, or would someday have an off-camera relationship. The chemistry that they have is just way to good! But, when I actually read Chyna's Star interview, I almost jumped for joy! Two of my favorite performers together for real. It's awesome! I just want to wish Paul and Stephanie the best in thier relationship and a very happy future together!

Jennifer I was so excited that they were together out of the spotlite I was so happy.   They were destined to be together.  You could almost tell the way they looked at each other that they were truly in love.  I wish they all of the best and lots of happy days.  Stephaine may be Paul's dream come true, but they made my dream come true.

Kait I think they make a prfect couple because they practiclly live with eachother on and off the road.  Why else would Steph be there for Paul's surgery? Even though they are a little wierd.

Posted by: Richelle Oh my god !!! I have always thought that there might be something going on between Triple H and Stephanie off-screen but of course there was no way of knowing....well until now that is. So anyway if it is true, i am so happy for Paul and Steph and i hope they are together forever cause they make such a great i love them as a couple on TV too. I wish Paul and Steph all the luck in the world with their relationship.

Posted by: Renee Ok, I have never been so happy to hear that they are an off-screen couple also, I was overjoyed!! Yes I feel bad for Chyna, but I just think that there is something perfect about Paula and Stephanie. They have something special, and I think that it is wonderful that they found it!!  I hope that they make it all the way, I just think that they would have the perfect marriage. I wish them all of the luck and happiness in the world!

Posted by: I am so happy.  I alway's knew there was something going on.  When they were on sunday night heat a few month's back, they seemed very cozy.  THen pau; made some comment and I knew something was going on.  After watching the surgery, and her crying I knew they were together.  I am so happy for them, and now their is an added incentive to get triple H back soon.  I can't wait to  see them on screen again.

Posted by: Jessica I'm so happy that Paul and Stephanie are an "Item". I think they have so much in common that it's unbelievable. No two people could be more together than those two. They have a bright future together in and out of the ring. The only problem is that they have received so much criticism because they're a couple that it could make things hard on their relationship. But if anybody could make it work it would be Paul and Stephanie.  They just have to remember it's not about what other people think it's about what they think about themselves. Well, what more can be said about the two love birds other than I wish them both the best and hope they have a long and happy future together.

Posted By: Mike I am so beyond glad that Stephanie and Paul are a real life item.  I've always thought they were and they seem to be totally destined to be together.  It was obvious during their matches and backstage shots that there was chemistry!  I hope the best for them and hope they remain together forever.  I can't wait till they get married! I hope they do.  My best wishes! I luv you guys!

Posted By: Brad I am so happy to hear that they were together in real life, they make such an awsome couple, i loved it during the McMahon-Helmsley Era, HHH was my fav wrestler, then when he and steph got together, it was awsome, and i kept on telling my sister that they are really married in real life, lol b/c that i what i would hope for, and they did a great job on acting like they were married too. steph is so hot and paul (hhh) is awsome. i would like to say i love this website too. great job, keep up the good work. i wish the best for steph and paul.

Posted By: I found out on & my first thought was, "Steph is soooooo lucky!!" I'm happy for them & I hope they have a good life.

Posted"> i was thrilled. they are my fav on screen couple and i was so happy to hear bout them being dad told me first. HHH AND STEPH FOREVER!!

Posted By: Debs I had absolutely no idea, to be honest. I know Triple H was dating Chyna, so the thought of Steph and Triple H dating never even crossed my mind. I never saw the interview with Chyna so when I heard from my friend Stacey I didn't believe her. But I saw it everywhere and when I found out for sure I was so happy. They make the absolute best couple, both onscreen and off screen. I'm so happy for them and they look so happy together. They're perfect for one another.