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High flyers to the extreme

Hi. This is my page dediated to the hard working tag team duo the Hardy boyz. Please bear with me as I am new with this HTML thing so if you find a link which ain't working or something which just ain't right please tell me and I will fix it as soon as possible.

Fan Fiction

Jeff Biography




4/6/01 (16:20 GMT)- Monday -Sorry, no updates at this moment but I will update as soon as exams are over, like on Thursday! Hooray!

19/5/01 (20:55 GMT) - Saturday Added some links. More fiction on its way.

27/4/01 (5pm GMT) - Friday. Hi sorry I haven't updated what with being sick and holidays etc. But now I'm back I've added 3 new stories and Jeff bio and plan to update more this weekend.

3/4/01-Tuesday. Hi added 2 new fan fictions and got all the links working. Please sign my guest book

send email to:Aerasay

get this gear!

This page was started on 27/2/01 by Sarah Henderson.

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