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This Roleplay is brought to you by Power Trip Roleplaying Industree...everything on this page is copyrighted by The Power Trip of FcW! If you have any problems with this Roleplay E-Mail Me Here!Thank you!

Record : 17-6-2 People Involved : The Janitor, Power Trip, Stephanie McMahon, Ryan Barkan and Zach Raq
Achievements : European Champion (1x) People Mentioned : Everybody who I want Lines : 160
[::]Key[::] Scene, The Janitor, Edge, Stone Cold, Commercials, Zach Raq, Ryan Barkan, Stacy Keibler, HHH

[::]Scene[::] The Power Trip limo pulls up in the American Airlines Arena for a House Show in Dallas. The limo parks in the covered parking lot. The chauffeur opens the front door where he is sitting. He walks casually and slowly to the back door to let the Power Trip members out. He opens the back door as Stephanie McMahon is thrown at him. He catches her and stands her up. The Janitor comes out next followed by Stone Cold, Edge, and HHH. They start to walk off and Stacy Keibler comes out of the limo last. She runs after them as they just ignore her. Stacy finally catches up to the rest of the group. They walk down the halls to the lockerroom. They get to their lockerroom and they all go in. They set their things down and start talking.

[::]HHH[::] Why did ya’ll come down to the ring last week anyways?

[::]Stone Cold[::] Probably like any other person, we didn’t want to see you singin and wrestlin in a dress.

[::]HHH[::] Oh, point taken.

[::]The Janitor[::] Hey ya’ll I gotta go down to the ring. I’m scheduled to do ringside announcing with Barkan and Raq.

[::]Edge[::] Alright, we’ll see ya in a little bit.

[::]Scene[::] The Janitor gets up off the couch and walks out the lockerroom door. He runs into Stacy Keibler in the halls while he is on his way down to ringside.

[::]Stacy Keibler[::] Wait! Where are you going? Why aren’t you staying in the lockerroom? You know their all gonna make fun of me and say I have a pudgy face.

[::]The Janitor[::] Well Stacy, I don’t know what to tell ya. Oh yea, you do have a pudgy face. And what RVD said was true. I would only give you 2 stars. Oh and good luck in your House Match

[::]Stacy Keibler[::] Thanks…….

[::]Scene[::] Stacy whips her hair around and walks to the Power Trip Lockerroom. The Janitor walks the other way down to the ring. The lights start to flicker, as the pyrotechnics start to explode down the ramp to the ring. Deer Dance-=-System of A Down-=-Toxicity Round, Round, circumvernting circuses lamenting in protest to visible police presence sponsered fear battalions of riot police with rubber bullet kisses baton courtesy service with a smile beyond the Staples Center you can see America with its tired poor avenging disgrace peaceful loving youth against the brutality of plastic existence pushing little children with their fully automatics they like to push the weak around pushing little children with their fully automatics they like to push the weak around round, round a rush of words pleading to disperse upon your naked walls alive a political call the fall guy accord we can’t afford to be neutral on a moving train beyond the Staples Center you can see America with its tired poor avenging disgrace peaceful loving youth against the brutality of plastic existence pushing little children with their fully automatics they like to push the weak around pushing little children with their fully automatics they like to push the weak around a deer dance invitation to peace war staring you in the face dressed in black with a helmet fierce trained and appropriate for the malcontents for the disproportioned malcontents the little boy smiled it’ll all be well the little boy smiled it’ll all be pushing little children with their fully automatics they like to push the weak around pushing little children with their fully automatics they like to push the weak around pushing little children with their fully automatics they like to push the weak around push the weak around push the weak around push the weak around they like to push the weak around. The Janitor walks out and walks casually down to ringside. He puts on a headset and gets ready for a house show between Stacy Keibler and Stephanie McMahon. Stacy’s Music blares over the speakers throughout the arena and she walks out and comes to the ring. Stephanie’s Music blares and she comes down accompanied by Maven who is keeping an eye on her. They both get in the ring.

[::]Zach Raq[::] Well, what a pleasure to see you down here Janitor…

[::]The Janitor[::] Oh don’t give me that shit Raq. I know you hate me.

[::]Ryan Barkan[::] Well I happen to see you as one of the best wrestlers in the history of the FcW.

[::]The Janitor[::] And you Barkan… You are just a big suck up. Probably to big of a wuss and afraid to get your ass kicked. Barkan, I know I’m one of the best wrestlers in FcW history. And I don’t complain about it and plead for a spot in the Hall Of Fame like my opponent that I’m facing with Edge on Monday Night. And if you don’t know who I’m talking about…then you really need help. Fresh, you like to change your name to whatever you call yourself, well you will get what you deserve on Monday.

[::]Ryan Barkan[::] Well, strong words for Fresh this Monday Night. I predict that the team of Edge and The Janitor will win.

[::]The Janitor[::] Did I say you could talk? Answer’s no. Ya know Barkan, you need some guts and not be a little wimp. Say what you believe who will win.

[::]Zach Raq[::] Well I think that Fresh and Cash are gonna win. Ha… Janitor and Edge, what a lousy team.

[::]The Janitor[::] And you Raq, you need common sense. If ya’ll were combined you would make a helluva good announcer.

[::]Scene[::] Stacy Keibler goes down for the pin on Stephanie McMahon and gets a 2 count.

[::]The Janitor[::] Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to make my presence known.

[::]Scene[::] The Janitor stands up and takes off his headset. He throws it at Ryan Barkan, and walks over to ringside. He joins Maven and starts to talk to him. After a couple minutes, Stephanie has made a retaliation and is beating up Stacy. The Janitor goes under the ring and grabs a trashcan. He rolls into the ring and the referee tries to stop him. The Janitor punches him and knocks him out. He then goes up behind Stephanie and cans her. He starts to knock on the trashcan around the whole thing. Stephanie keeps turning around, and tries to get it off. The Janitor takes a step back and Stacy kicks the trashcan, where Stephanie’s face is. The referee, who has regained consciousness, calls for the bell, and DQ’s Stacy. The Janitor calls for a microphone from Lillian Garcia. She tosses one up to him and The Janitor catches it.

[::]The Janitor[::] Now, this Monday Night, I am going up against Fresh and Cash… Or whatever ya’ll have changed your name to. Now you come down to our match against Fury on Homicide. Who in the hell do you think you are beating the shit out of me? It is cheap on how you did it too. You don’t confront me and duke it out… But you come up from behind. Like a wuss… A wimp. Now that is not what I would have seen from a pleading Hall of Famer. I will have revenge for Thursday night! If its not Monday night, it will be sometime else. I would watch your back if I were you. When you’re in your lockerroom you might want to look around before you get comfortable. I will get vengeance. Revenge is a bitch if you haven’t heard. I will take you through hell Monday… I will take you through hell in your mind… And I will take you through hell when I get my revenge. You want to kick me when I’m down? You and your special friend? You want to kick Edge when he is down? You and your special friend again? You want to surround Stone Cold and beat him down? You and your special friend once again? And finally, you want to lock the Power Trip in our own lockerroom? You and Cash? Or whatever he has changed his name to? You can probably see that I don’t care what your name is… What you look like… What your personality is like. I only care about kicking ass… And Winning. And that is what I will do on Monday Night. I will Win. I will ruin your big comeback. And If I don’t… It won’t be a big thing. Because that would mean I will have more to get vengeance for. If you have ever listened to my entrance theme… Deer Dance… You will know that I like to “Push The Weak Around”! And when I say I like to Push The Weak Around… I mean I like to beat the shit out of weak people like… Fresh… Cash… Jeff Jarrett… Psycho Boy… Fury… Christian… And Raptor. They are all too weak for me. They are too little of a challenge. It’s an easy win everytime. That’s why HHH and I demolished in the Survivor Series. That’s why Stone Cold, Edge, and I were beating the shit out of Fury before you came and interdered. That’s why I won at Double Jeopardy. That’s why I have retained my title for almost 3 months now. They have all been too weak. And that’s why Edge and I will come back and set a precedent for anyone who faces you two. The precedent will be for everyone to beat you two. Everyone to be undefeated when it comes to facing you. If a new wrestler comes in and their debut match is against you, they will win. That will be the precedent. But on to a wrestler who is more important to talk about. Jeff Jarrett… You can see what I can do to you. I showed you in your own lockerroom on Thursday. I’m sure you enjoyed that didn’t you? Watch your back Jeff Jarrett… I will come after you until King Of The Ring. You are too weak to beat me. Just like Fresh and Cash. Oh, and Fresh, Cash, and Jeff Jarrett… I will be… TAKING OUT THE TRASH!

[::]Scene[::] The Janitor grabs Stephanie and picks her up. He drops her across Mavens shoulders. Stephanie kicks and screams, as they all walk back to the Power Trip lockerroom. The cameraman walks down the halls with them. The Power Trip walk into their lockerroom, and join the rest of the Power Trip. They slam the door on the cameraman’s face. The scene fades to black.

Brought to you by The Power Trip Enterprises®