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"Funny quotes from not-necessarily-funny people."

Jomabelle Abilong
"Off topic."

Bryan Dixon
"Try and get one of the big breasted girls.  Chances are you won't end up with one when you're married."

Jason Dixon
"Bry's a putz."

Jackie Dixon
"There’s a rumour going around Aurora High that you held our family hostage, but I’m not sure if it’s true though."
Obviously not prepared to be quoted

Jeff Gauld
"You cease to amaze me."
"We’ll fight."
"I miss all the grocery guys....and guys like Kate."
"I hate my life."

Kyle Glavine
"Fuck off, love."
"Blackmail, blackmail, blackmail."

Simon Hoac
"Go Pop Will Eat Itself!"
"I am predicting that one day Britney Spears will star in a movie."
This said almost a year after the video release of Crossroads.

Ryan Hurdman
"He's he safe?!"
"Uh...uh Miss.  It's all a social issue.  It all comes back to the social aspect of things."

Joel Laplante
"I suppose."

Tammy McQueen
"I don't compliment anyone's anything."
"I don't know."

Elizabeth Parker
"I'll punch them in the throat."
"What the stink."
"I've never seen so many male penises in my life."

Gord Sharp
"Is it four o'clock yet?"
"Shape up or ship out."
"Give 'er hell and don't let up."

Darryl Smith
"Yes, but can they morph into dragons?"
"Your website is mine, except worse." 
His cherished website was overthrown by an army of fuzzy pink rabbits.

Mike Wallace
"Man, you’re slower than

Lindsey Winfield

Richard "Panicky" Yanaky
"I'm not P - - h - - anicking!"