
September 28, 2006

Oh My God!!!! to quote Joey Styles... ECWcalgary champion was STRIPPED of the title due to being out of country, and not one but TWO new champs were declared, The Phantom broke the announcement to the ECWcalgary press crew that the ECWcalgary title would be under 24/7 hardcore rule. Which means for 24 hours The championship is up for grabs as long as there are two people competing under ECWcalgary contract, and a referee must be present. Before The Phantom could complete his announcement, Mike Dambra, yea thats right Mike Dambra the man who has sent numerous henchmen after the Phantom over the last year, Mike Dambra attacked the Phantom with the Championship belt and got the pin to become the new ECWcalgary champion. As Dambra celebrated, a pissed off and stunned Phantom stood and delivered a powerbomb to the 40 year old onto a pair of marble tables, The Phantom staggered back, still reeling from the head shot Dambra delivered, then suddenly, The Player Cody Bullard in his first appearance in almost a year jumped on the scene, pinned Dambra and booted it out of the building, The Phantom was quite upset, however, he returned to the fallen 40 year old Dambra picked him up and as if it were a ritual execution, he superkicked the Comedian, knocking him unconcious, at press time, Dambra is being looked over by doctors and has a suspected cuncussion.

Bottom Line: The NEW ECWcalgary Champion: Cody "The Player" Bullard!!!!!!!! June 26, 2006 A NEW ECWcalgary CHAMPION... Thats right The Phantom has lost the title to Viscious, Viscious now the holder of the title for his first time was needless to say speechless... also yesterday on ECWsunday Fear defeated The Phantom in a match that lasted little more than 2 minutes... I'm thinking the Phantom under-estimated his opponents

June 23, 2006
ECWcalgary returns on Sunday June 25, 2006...
a HUGE MATCH HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED - The Phantom defends his ECWcalgary championship against Fear in his first match since 2002! This is HUGE folks.
Confirmed to be at the event so far is Viscious, Carnage, and Spike. Other possibilities are The Player Cody Bullard, Ice Cold Steve Snow, and the first ever woman's match participant Mandy Brotherton.

December 18, 2005 The Player was injured last week at ECWsunday, so he was unable to perform this weekend... so here's the card
Viscious vs Ice Cold Steve Snow
Ice Cold Steve Snow won the match with a stunner after 9 freezing minutes in the Calgary backyard, Ice Cold Steve Snow earned another title shot against the Phantom by defeating Viscious

Phantom knocked out Ice Cold before the match they were supposed to have so Phantom took it upon himself to declare today a day off, however Viscious had something to say about that, but to the shagrin of the Phantom he didn't do much to stop him, Phantom sucker punched Viscious and then beat the hell out of his knee. and then taunted Ice Cold by performing several of Ice Cold's signature moves. Phantom then superkicked Viscious down and counted him out... 1-2-3!

Viscious and Ice Cold are both expected to be out for a couple of weeks, and The Player is expected to be out at least one more week.

December 12, 2005
Yesterday ECWcalgary held an event, which showcased the return of Viscious, who was one of the men to sign a new deal with ECWcalgary on November 29th, the second man has yet to be named.

Over the past couple of months the Phantom has developed a new enemy, it seems, in one Mike Dambra, a touring comedian from New York, he has been showing interest in a backyard wrestling debut for some time and has actually initiated the conflict between he and Phantom, three weeks ago, Scott Dumas, better known as "The Skinny Weasel" who was stalking the Phantom for a number of weeks back in 2002, Scott Dumas sent a message to the Phantom in the form of an attack in a public washroom... the message was then stamped with the exclaimation of "Phantom! Mike Dambra says hi"
Then last week a Comedian by the name of Lachlan Patterson attacked the Phantom with his own world title belt at what was supposed to be Mike Dambra's press conference to let the world know he was challenging the Phantom to a match. Afterwards the Phantom screamed profanities and vowed to find Mike and put an end to this.

The Results from yesterdays event is as follows:

Cody "The Player" Bullard defeated Viscous
The Phantom successfully retained the ECWcalgary championship against Ice Cold Steve Snow

ECWcalgary Commissioner, James Cameron says "next week Viscious will have a chance at revenge against The Player, but in the form of a tag team match, the two men will now have one week to find a tag partner."

November 29, 2005

2 more ex-ECWcalgary talents have come to an agreement with ECWcalgary, we could see some familiar faces in the next week or two!

October 31, 2005

New ECWcalgary Champion

The Phantom finally had a clean match against the Player Cody Bullard and he has regained the ECWcalgary championship, but there's more! Ice Cold Steve Snow has returned to ECWcalgary and is now the #1 contender for the championship.

October 29, 2005

Tomorrow... October 30th 2005, The Phantom and The Player will go head to head for the last time! The match is signed. If The Player wins the Phantom must step down and retire from backyard wrestling. If The Phantom wins he gets the ECWcalgary championship for the 16th time. The match rules will be determined within the next 24 hours and we here at ECWcalgary will inform you, when it happens!

October 11, 2005

On October 9, 2005 The Player fought the Phantom in a rematch for the ECWcalgary championship, and it was a best 2 out of 3 falls match, The Player won the match however controversy was the flavor of the day. The first fall was a tables match, the Phantom letting his anger get the best of him as he was swinging punches like a bad boxer, the Player ducked one punch and put him thru the table with a rock bottom. The second fall went to the Phantom, this was a submission match, the Phantom dominated The Player during this part of the match up and got the victory using the sharpshooter. The third fall is where the controversy comes into play as fans grew angry with the ref and his slow counts for the Phantom and his fast counts for the Player, the third fall was hardcore rules... this one ended after the ref hit the Phantom in the head with a cookie sheet then pulled an unconscious Player ontop of the Phantom and made what is known to be the fastest 3 count ever to declare the champion still "The Player" Cody Bullard... an irate Phantom then got up and proceeded to beat on the ref and the Player, after he was done with the two cheaters the Phantom high fived his fans and left the ring.

Shortly after the match "The Referee" Brett Martin, was fired by commissioner James Cameron for his conduct during an ECWcalgary title match.

October 2, 2005

ECWcalgary's website is really getting off the ground now, please feel free to snoop around!

September 27, 2005

An injury update on the Phantom his collar bone is not broken, that is the good news, how ever, his shoulder was dislocated during the match, and there is some ligament damage in his shoulder, no word yet if he will miss ring time.

September 25, 2005

Today on ECWsunday, The Phantom defended the ECWcalgary title for the first time since September 2003, and today, The Phantom has lost the title, in a submission match against the "Player". That's right folks "The Player" Cody Bullard is the new ECWcalgary champion.

The Phantom suffered an injury to his left shoulder during a submission match against the Player and Cody Bullard took full advantage of it. The Player won the submission match after pillmanizing the Phantoms arm, making the Phantom tap out. We are not sure the extent of the injury to the Phantom but when we know, you'll know... however we have heard rumors of a broken collar bone.

September 8, 2005

Last sunday on ECWsunday, The Phantom was disqualified in his match against Cody "The Player" Bullard, apperently the Phantom was unaware that the stipulation of WWE rules, meant no hitting the Player in the head with a chair... after the match, the Phantom proceeded to beat the living piss out of the Player, doing what some would say to unnecassary and unspeakable actions, which included a power bomb into a pine tree, a powerbomb thru a table a con-chair-tow, anda DDT on FIVE stacked chairs! The Phantom has agreed to face the Player again, but who wouldnt after delivering a vicous beating such as the one delivered on Sunday.

September 1, 2005

Last Night there was an interview with "The Player" Cody Bullard where he announced that their will be a match between him and the Phantom once again this sunday (September 4), but during the interview the Phantom jumped Bullard and beat him and his bodygaurd up.
Can the Phantom defeat "The Player" this weekend without the use of weapons, we'll find out as they go head to head in a WWE rules match

August 27, 2005

Last night saw the return of "The Player" after 4 months of him being gone from Calgary and ECWcalgary we were quite surprised to see footage of him attacking the Phantom at his place of employment again... The Phantom has requested a rematch against "The Player" as soon as possible. We'll have more news for you on this as it develops.

July 1, 2005

ECWcalgary proudly announces that they will finally start making "The Best Of The Phantom" video and possibly a DVD release. We will give constant updates on what will be on the video when we have them!

April 17, 2005

The Phantom defeated Cody "The Player" Bullard in a Last Man Standing match, the match was bloody and brutal, it was an instant classic.

April 13, 2005
During the contract signing today The Player introduced two gorgeous valets Melissa and Kelsey.. first The Player came out to some entrance music that involved some girls moaning, he sat down and while the camera man kept focusing on the two ladies The Player signed the contract, then the Phantom came out, he was greeted on stage by the Player and the two locked eyes for the first time since this fued began, The Player then walked away allowing Phantom to sit, but just then, the Phantom tilted his head back and spewed blood, making the girls scream and the Player shudder, the Phantom sat down and put some of the blood down on the contract I guess signing it in blood seems appropriate, just then The Player said something that angered the Phantom and he stood up and tipped the table, then the lights went all funny, and then off, then the Phantom struck the Player and knocked him down and out, the lights came back on in time to see the Phantom write a "2" on the forehead of the Player... in blood!

April 8, 2005
uring an interview with The Player, the lights went out on him without warning, and then some footage of the Phantom was aired on the big screen at the yuk yuk's room in the blackfoot inn, then out of nowhere the lights came back on and the Phantom was spotted by the camera guy DDTing The Player onto the same chair that was used to demolish the Phantom. This fued keeps getting hotter and hotter.

April 6, 2005
Tonight something has happened that has never happened before, one of the ECWcalgary talents was attacked outside of storyline and outside of an ECWcalgary event. Cody Bullard a "friend" of Eric Gould aka the Phantom, has attacked The Phantom at his place of employment, which Mr. Bullard also works.

12:25am: ECWcalgary officials have reviewed a video tape of the actions which took place at the Blackfoot Inn late last night, The Phantom does not wish to press charges instead he has challenged Bullard to a match. more on this as it develops.

1:03am: The match is almost official, ECWcalgary commissioner has Okayed the plans, all Mr. Bullard needs to do is accept, and tomorrow, a representative from ECWcalgary will interview him at the Blackfoot Inn. More later tonight on the details of the match.

1:19am: There will be an official contract signing one week from tonight, the details of the match are as follows, April 17, 2005 "The Player" Cody Bullard vs "The Phantom" Eric Gould, it is a Best 2 out of 3 falls match, the first fall will be a one on one regular match, the second fall will be a submission match, and the third fall if need be will be a no holds barred match, the Phantom has the condition in the contract that if anyone interferes, there will be consequences. Even the referee will be someone who is not associated with ECWcalgary.

March 30, 2005 ECWcalgary is announcing the first match of 2005 as of now...

EAZY C, thats right Eazy C will be returning to the back yard and his first match back he has challenged the like of the Phantom
April 10, 2005
Eazy C vs The Phantom

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