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Dusty Rhodes

Bad News Brown

The Repo Man

The Guardian Angel

The Shockmaster

Steve McMichael

Koko B. Ware

The Zodiac


The Shark

Dink the Clown

The Juicer

Big Bully Busik

The Goon

The Patriots


The Sumpreme Vodoo Machine!

Papa Shango

If only the Goodfather could sensor his old gimmick, then we would all be thankful for that. Yes, The Goodfather, The Godfather, and Kama Mustaffa all have one thing in common. They were all previously Papa Shango. Yes, that meddling Papa. He was the amazing Voodoo Daddy. In fact, he was supposed to receive a title push, but unfortunately for both Papa Shango fans, that never happened. Papa was most known for his feud with the Ultimate Warrior in which he performed some of the worst voodoo seen by human eyes on the Ultimate one. He also interfered in what was dubbed "Hogan's Last Match" vs. Sid Justice. I think Hogan saw a Shango / Hogan feud coming and called up Ted Turner. Can't say I blame Hogan for doing that.

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