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Dusty Rhodes

Bad News Brown

The Zodiac

The Guardian Angel

The Shockmaster

Steve McMichael

Koko B. Ware


Papa Shango

The Shark

Dink the Clown

The Juicer

Big Bully Busik

The Goon

The Patriots


Riddle me this..Riddle me that...

The Repo Man

The man who got his biggest fame as half and at one time, one-third of the greatest tag team of their generation. Yes, Repo Man was Smash of the great Tag Team Demolition. Just a shame that after I've told you that, now you'll probably only remember him as the Repo Man. Repo Man, what can I say? He was the for-runner of catch-phrases with his "what's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine too!" Not much I can say about this gimmick, it's almost self-explanitory. He was funny to look at too. Reminded me of The Riddler with that little eye guard blindfold thing. This guy sucked.

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