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Dusty Rhodes

Bad News Brown

The Repo Man

The Guardian Angel

The Shockmaster

Steve McMichael

The Zodiac


Papa Shango

The Shark

Dink the Clown

The Juicer

Big Bully Busik

The Goon

The Patriots


Polly want a gimmick?

Koko B. Ware

Koko B. Ware, along with Junkyard Dog, "The Real Deal" Butch Reed, and S.D. Jones paved the way for African Americans in wrestling in the 80s. None of the four's gimmicks really survived in to the nineties except for one. The Bird Man, Koko B. Ware. Did you know that for Koko's "bird gimmick" to survive, he had to bring a bird out to the ring? Yes, he had a parrot..macaw...or sparrow. One of those three, can't tell the difference. Koko came out dancing like a bird, yes, flapping his arms up and down as if to signify, HEY! I'M A BIRD! I believe Koko B. Ware was the only man to have the first match in 7 Wrestlemanias. Of course that's just a joke, he opened 8, my bad. Koko did have the distinguished honor of being the first person ever pinned by The Undertaker..and unfortunately, Undertaker left the bird alone. *Shucks!*

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