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The Guardian Angel

You'll be serving hard time with Big Bubba...errr...

After Ray Traylor left WWF to join WCW after many of the WWF superstars had jumped ship, he could no longer use the Big Bossman gimmick. He went through some stages as Big Bubba and many other bad ones, in fact, too many to name. In fact, he even had a feud with John Tenta in which he shaved HALF of John's head. How cool or crappy is that? I'm leaning towards crappy. I'm actually feeling sorry for Ray Traylor as I'm writing this, for he is the only wrestler in WWF who gets absolutely no pops at all. Okay..I'm done feeling bad now. You suck Angel. Nothing like a "Guardian Angel" gimmick. His job was to save the souls of those wrestling before him. Needless to say, no one gave a crap and in the end, he ultimately snapped.


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