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Dusty Rhodes

Bad News Brown

The Repo Man

The Guardian Angel

The Shockmaster

Steve McMichael

Koko B. Ware

The Zodiac

Papa Shango

The Shark


The Juicer

Big Bully Busik

The Goon

The Patriots


I will call him...MiniDoink...

Dink the Clown

When Doink the Clown was a bad clown, everyone loved to hate him, and it was one of the greatest gimmicks in history. Then, Vince McMahon got a great idea, let's turn Doink in to a face! When Doink turned face, he didn't get the reaction that Vince wanted him to do. So, what does Doink need to get over with the fans? How about a midget Doink! Yes, that's the ticket, a midget Doink! Needless to say that, if big Doink couldn't get over, how can Big Doink + Little Doink get over? They can't, so in the end, the Doink and Dink combo did not get over. Ultimately, Dink standing by Doink's side caused Doink to last 42 seconds in the 1992 Royal Rumble. Way to go Dink!

Lookie there, not even 3 Doinks could beat that.

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